Ice Spear

Noone2 wrote:
How does LMP and GMP support gem affects the crit chances for both forms of the spear? Also, how to calculate the second form's crit chance.

LMP and GMP don't change the crit chance. Each projectile still has the same chance to critically hit as if it wasn't connected to LMP or GMP.

Ice Spear's base chance to crit (listed right on the gem) is 7%. Without any other kind of critical strike chance bonus from passives or gear, it would be .07 * (1.00 + 6.00) = .49 = 49%, because increased critical strike chance for any skill is determined by the base amount (or the weapon's critical chance in the case of attacks), and it already has a 7% chance to crit (.07 * 1.00) that is increased by 600% (.07 * 6.00) during its second form.
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Played this skill with a crit-based shadow. Is there any situation in which you wouldnt pair this skill with Increased Critical Damage support? I cant imagine one.
With the latest patch I cannot frozen any monster anymore by this skill.
rebirther wrote:
With the latest patch I cannot frozen any monster anymore by this skill.
Freezing is working fine for us.
Does that skill have a slight blast raduis on 2nd form hit, or it is just me?
Sorry for bad english grammar. I'm not a native english speaker. Feel free to correct me.
Current characters:
Nyanka - Lvl 57 Hex/IceCrit witch - wiped after CB
Nyanka - Lvl 40 IceCrit witch.
Noone2 wrote:
On my character sheet the spell crit chance is written as 17.9%. How much is it in second phase and could you please show me steps how to calculate that?

Edit: the problem is that i don't know how the second's form crit chance is calculated. If it was simple 17.9%*6 then it wouldn't be a problem but it doesn't seem that way.

Edit2: ok now the first form crit chance is around 21%.

Three month old post without an answer, and I'd also like to know since it's a little unclear on the skill description.

Is it +600% critical chance, or 600%* critical chance, and does it get applied to the final critical chance of the first form of Ice Spear? Also, is there a cap on the critical rate if it's not 100%?

Explained: My Ice Spear currently has 15.9% critical chance. Does that make the critical chance of the second form of Ice Spear equal to 95.4%? I know that based on experience it isn't +600% because if that were the case, my critical rate would end up being 111.3% and I'm not getting a critical strike with each hit of the second form, though it is fairly high.
Zoen wrote:
Noone2 wrote:
On my character sheet the spell crit chance is written as 17.9%. How much is it in second phase and could you please show me steps how to calculate that?

Edit: the problem is that i don't know how the second's form crit chance is calculated. If it was simple 17.9%*6 then it wouldn't be a problem but it doesn't seem that way.

Edit2: ok now the first form crit chance is around 21%.

Three month old post without an answer, and I'd also like to know since it's a little unclear on the skill description.

Is it +600% critical chance, or 600%* critical chance, and does it get applied to the final critical chance of the first form of Ice Spear? Also, is there a cap on the critical rate if it's not 100%?

Explained: My Ice Spear currently has 15.9% critical chance. Does that make the critical chance of the second form of Ice Spear equal to 95.4%? I know that based on experience it isn't +600% because if that were the case, my critical rate would end up being 111.3% and I'm not getting a critical strike with each hit of the second form, though it is fairly high.

it is +600% chance to crit. crat rate cap is 95%. you can have unlimited boosts to crit chance. if your boosts to crit rate bump you over 95%, it'll be locked at 95%.
soul4hdwn wrote:
it is +600% chance to crit. crat rate cap is 95%. you can have unlimited boosts to crit chance. if your boosts to crit rate bump you over 95%, it'll be locked at 95%.

If this is the case, here's another question.

If I use Critical Weakness to increase the chances of enemies taking critical hits by 5%, will that make the critical rate 100%, or will it still be capped at 95%?
Zoen wrote:
soul4hdwn wrote:
it is +600% chance to crit. crat rate cap is 95%. you can have unlimited boosts to crit chance. if your boosts to crit rate bump you over 95%, it'll be locked at 95%.

If this is the case, here's another question.

If I use Critical Weakness to increase the chances of enemies taking critical hits by 5%, will that make the critical rate 100%, or will it still be capped at 95%?

still capped. note about crit weakness, that the increases that curse is doing is additive instead of like the passives. additionally thats just the base increase XD. correct me if i'm wrong devs about the additive for the curse vs multiplicative of every other crit boost....
The 600% Crit Chance on this Skill is a bit overpowered imo.

Each Witch build with Ice Spear is viable as monsters can't move.

Combined with +Cast Speed and +LMP or GMP ... monsters/players (in Cot League) won't reach the player with this skill (except with Leap Slam but you can't froze Leapers too in air or Flicker Strike maybe).

I saw many builds with Ice Spear Totem, Ice Spear on a Ranger/Shadow ...

Maybe 600% is too much, what about 200% or something like this ? Because we will see many clones Ice Spear Builds :x

(Like the last HC Race with Top 10 was Ice Spear Witches)

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