
firestorm is not my main skill but it deals perfectly with my weakness.

i run 2 firetraps, 1 additional fire-beartrap and detonate dead.

whenever I run out of traps or corpses, or i get rushed by fast enemies, i cast a firestorm with blind on myself. blind keeps me safe and the storm kills fast. first enemy falling down equals a dead group around me.

fireball just doesnt hit fast and often enough to trigger the blind so firestorm is just perfect for my built!

Does the multiple crits from a firestorm count as seperate crits for a recharge on crit potion? It's pretty easy to get 10 fireballs, that'd be 10* charges if they all hit. Seems like an effective way to recharge your pots if you are already running a crit build for something else.

Last edited by Retanaru on Jun 12, 2013, 6:12:53 PM
first, it is 1 charge on crit, the flasks that grant 3 are when you TAKE a crit not give one.

next, each bolt is a critical hit, an entire spell makes a crit roll and compares against the foe(s) struck. if there are multiple hits like spark or firestorm, each hit is a potential, and most likely all are, critical hits.
Like others I've talked to, I can't seem to make this skill feel worth it. I just end up going back to fireball. The cast time is painful, and the damage meh. As a proc skill, like the guy above who used blind, it has some potential, but I can't find anything really compelling to proc with it.

Also totems are really awful at aiming with it which was to be expected.
Hey guys, I have been thinking of using this skill together with power charge on crit to get my power charges going. Is this idea worth considering? It wont be my main AoE skill, I just wont it there to hit, crit, give me charges. If it does damage, great, but my EK will take care of it.

Does it sound like a plan?
The Power Charge support gem is boolean check, done per activation; you either get a Power Charge, or you don't. Firestorm is a fairly slow-casting Spell with an average Crit Chance, so it's not ideal. It'd work really well with Voll's though.
This spell works great with e decoy totem to group the badies together and away form you.
One question: Does the separate casts of firestorm stack? So say that I get duration up to 2s and my cast speed to 2aps then I should be able to stack 4 storms ontop of each other at any moment. Then this skill should have some serious DoT potential!
Last edited by Bjarmfark on Jul 14, 2013, 7:17:05 PM
Bjarmfark wrote:
One question: Does the separate casts of firestorm stack? So say that I get duration up to 2s and my cast speed to 2aps then I should be able to stack 4 storms ontop of each other at any moment. Then this skill should have some serious DoT potential!
first, it is NOT DoT.
second, yes they stack. each cast is unique to itself and all 4 (and whatever) work on thier own.
soul4hdwn wrote:
first, it is NOT DoT.

Perhaps not defined by the game as a DoT effect but it is unevitable a DoT since the definition is that you cast the spell and it will on its own do damage over a specific area over a given time (damage over time). So yes, it is and should be regarded as a DoT. I think that the effect over area is key for the definition.
Last edited by Bjarmfark on Jul 15, 2013, 9:48:46 AM

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