
A quick question about fireball - sometimes when I shoot it monsters seem to not take any damage. I can either shoot at point blank range and hear the explosion but the monster next to me took 0 damage, after that I shoot few more time and same thing happens and only after I move he start taking damage from new shots.

Same things happen (tho a lot less) if they are at range - I hear the explosions but monster seemed unaffected by any damage (dont think he's immune either as next shots deal damage normaly)

Or sometimes monsters dont get hit by the fireball but are in the near vicinity of fireball passing them, they take damage and lit on fire while the projectile travels further and then explodes.

Is it just lag or what's happening?
"I fear no evil, for I am fear incarnate!"

"Many claim they wish to destroy their enemies. If this were true, most would be compelled to destroy themselves."
Last edited by wizard_6#7779 on Jul 27, 2012, 2:50:02 AM
i have a question.

I use Fireball right now and this is a Area Damage Spell?

Then why does "Increase Area Damage" not increase my Fireball DPS?

I skilled +12% Area Damage and:

Firestorm damage gets up

Fireball was still the same.

Same for the concentrate effect support gem.

The mana cost gets higher when i link it but the dps are still the same...

Is this a bug?
IGN: kReiZy
Last edited by sYkoDe4d#0481 on Jul 29, 2012, 4:11:28 PM
sYkoDe4d wrote:
i have a question.

I use Fireball right now and this is a Area Damage Spell?

Then why does "Increase Area Damage" not increase my Fireball DPS?

I skilled +12% Area Damage and:

Firestorm damage gets up

Fireball was still the same.

Same for the concentrate effect support gem.

The mana cost gets higher when i link it but the dps are still the same...

Is this a bug?

I had simmilar question and Mark_GGG explained it quite well here:

Mark_GGG wrote:
wizard_6 wrote:
TheRabbit303 wrote:
The splash damage on fireball is the damage listed. So any increases to area damage will increase the damage on fireball. (This is why so many people throw concentrated effect on it)

I've tried adding concentrated effect on to fireball but didnt notice any damage change on my skill tab, nor when shooting fireballs, even tho supposedly skill is affected by it.
This is due to a limitation of the stats system in displaying this.
Because the fireball isn't always area damage (if it pierces something, there's no area of effect, it just hits that one thing), it can't have the area damage stat built in. Instead that stat is added when it explodes, thus making the area damage increases apply.
But because when looking at the skill you're seeing the damage calculated on the base fireball stats, it's not yet flagged as area damage so you won't see it apply.
"I fear no evil, for I am fear incarnate!"

"Many claim they wish to destroy their enemies. If this were true, most would be compelled to destroy themselves."
oh super Info... Thanks :)

looks like it would work and i have learned a other new thing, Don´t use Pierce on Fireball.
Pierce = no explosion :O
IGN: kReiZy
This spell seems underwhelming. The damage is not the best, and the AoE on the default spell is not big enough to splash two enemies standing together most of the time.

I like that this spell has area damage, but it is unclear to me exactly how much of the damage that is, and what my passive skills would give overall.

I do not like the projectile speed at all. From early levels on to the end-game maps, it is quite difficult to use this skill as it is way too slow.

The burning mechanic is pretty good, you can set the enemies on fire, and then do some other stuff while they burn, but the DPS increase is negligible, especially if the caster has gotten casting speed increases.
GGG, is there a chance you will even give us a real fireball spells and rename this one into firebolt?

By real fireball spell I mean one that has higher base damage, is slower and has much bigger basic AoE. It also looks like a big ball of fire when it hits. I imagine something like rain of arrows, you fire it into the the air and it arcs to the area you shot it at and does a big boom there with sideffects like knockback or chance to burn.

wizard_6 wrote:
A quick question about fireball - sometimes when I shoot it monsters seem to not take any damage. I can either shoot at point blank range and hear the explosion but the monster next to me took 0 damage, after that I shoot few more time and same thing happens and only after I move he start taking damage from new shots.

Same things happen (tho a lot less) if they are at range - I hear the explosions but monster seemed unaffected by any damage (dont think he's immune either as next shots deal damage normaly)

Or sometimes monsters dont get hit by the fireball but are in the near vicinity of fireball passing them, they take damage and lit on fire while the projectile travels further and then explodes.

Is it just lag or what's happening?
That's the game desyncing.
So I got tired of complaining about small AoE fireball and decided to Double it!!
I started a witch and took all AoE passives there and moved to templar and took all AoE passives there and then attached Increased Area support to fireball.

What I got was not double. Maybe in numbers but still it happens AoE doesn't hit opponent standing next to the current one, especially if the initial target is larger.

Mark or Rory, can you fix this somehow for the future?! So at least us who try this get something out of it?!
Like increase base AoE of fireball so AoE passives have more effect OR get AoE center to be the edges of enemies, not their center. Spiders and Necros are usually the ones that stop this Fireball of mine from doing much. If I hit a small dude with necro near I get both of them, but if I hit the Necro with smaller dude near I get only necro or only spider. This is most evident when the nearby targets are diagonally from the one being hit by the fireball.

Do I really need to go cookie cutter LMP and Concentrate with fireball like every other Fire user :(

If you want to test it this character is called Vatrica on default league.

Last edited by Torin#1843 on Aug 14, 2012, 7:08:40 AM
Torin wrote:
I really need to go cookie cutter LMP and Concentrate with fireball like every other Fire user :(
LMP? Heresy. GMP it must be.
I confirmed that I am still in HC league. Then I died.
we need a better fireball skill :P

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