Explosive Arrow
So this things arr increase the damage of the explosion:
-increased Fire Damage -Increased Elemental Damage -increased Area Damage What is with spell damage? Does it work to? edit: and what is with "Increase Spell Crititcal chance/damage"? IGN: kReiZy Last edited by sYkoDe4d#0481 on Aug 9, 2012, 9:16:48 AM
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explosive arrow only scales with non-weapon elemental damage. it does not scale off spell damage (as it is a bow skill) and it does not scale with weapon damage. it is very hard to itemize for. however, i think a witch using EE would be very strong when utilizing elemental equilibrium:
if you give your attacks any amount of +cold and +lightning damage, your explosive arrows hit for 50% more damage due to the 1 second delay. this means that you can spam only the explosive arrow ability and clear mob groups like crazy. |
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" Ya I think it would be fair to just explode on the 6th application of the charge, or on the other hand that might be OP with that new super fast attack speed bow. Who knows. |
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Currently running it with Concentrated Effect with seemingly quite powerful results. I would respec though, as the Arrow Dodging/atk speed path sounded good in theory but now I'd much rather have gone for more elemental damage, AoE radius and the catalyze grid for a strong single target attack on the left side instead.
Hadn't thought of utilizing EE with this though, that's an interesting idea. IGN : Jovial
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Great info on this page. Im leveling a Sniper Shadow with an Ele Dmg foundation & EE as the primary attack. I really like the suggested method of Elemental Equilibrium setting Explosive Arrow off.
I figure these items would be ideal for EA. Unavailable Unavailable Zhaal_____...............................................__Riez
_______74 Shadow__........__Duelist 71______ Zhrain____ _______69 Shadow__ Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
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Do support gems like Increased Critical Strikes and Chance to Ignite affect the explosion or just the initial hit? Since Mark said Mana Leech affects both, I assume these other gems affect both, but I'd like to hear a confirmation.
Also, does Concentrated Effect increase the damage on the initial target or just on the surrounding enemies? Last edited by desophos#0916 on Aug 20, 2012, 7:05:26 AM
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currently I am playing a lvl 58 Shadow using exploding arrow+lesser multiple projectiles as main attack. My build: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAQYANrhKMGPyeo-EWnUaob0q2MOyDYL7PiOoaNoZVLQeZ3vErOZMtkYLkN6__agqEXRmgUBUDqCr1m_gwRcgljqmtA3wYAWMKoh29yMguRvTuL9PQ1l9yDkwAam_B2JNM76rdwAWCeTogyPHH2EfP55fTb0hu1b9mG3TzcpmY0lHOJz1ObqPIXnaeuL2Bz2QaVMlMuq57JYcZWrAv8vIZhKo7kJM1rzZCR3Zoap8BKEImb-5Y47FAYFuiiftGhfYmbfs2zMiuH6aZNMYum2EvIG45ldgxb020hzqfIbKGTbrxVRiEhoWVchswMYhEwL4kxucZaSHCbHb0_bDBzLn_HO6ws3aqMacIzys I bought Quill Rain today and now I have more than 5.5 attacks per second (using faster attacks gem) or 4.4 attacks/s (without faster attacks but pierce). This does really good dmg against groups but it costs soo much mana even with reduced mana cost gem^^ So the key to a good exploding arrow build is %fire/elemental dmg, IAS and a lot of mana/regeneration/reduced manacosts to cover the high attackspeed and some AoE radius/dmg.. The skill isnt really good against single target and there isnt a really good single target bow skill that works well with exploding arrow because everything depends on phys dmg or isnt a pure fire skill. (I use frenzy to boost my attackspeed but this doesnt do dmg) Playing in a group exploding arrow is almost useless in a lot of situations... My Team mostly killed monsters faster than my fuses can explode. But perhaps this changed with my new bow (didnt play multiplayer with quill rain yet). Last edited by azraelb#0313 on Aug 21, 2012, 4:09:40 PM
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I think you should have a special effect occur when you get 3 consecutive charges and lower the charge maximum from 5 to 3. I think it would make it very unique, like a "combo" attack where 3 hits results in a super explosion or something? :)
Besides that, there isn't any point in stacking charges otherwise. Last edited by laian#4700 on Aug 23, 2012, 8:29:21 PM
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" Sry, but I totally dont agree with that. I do 5.5 attack/s with "Quill Rain" atm and could easily reach more than 6 attacks/s with endgame gear. This means I would reach the cap every 0.5 seconds and then I would have to stop shooting 1 sec waiting for the fuses to explode. This means a huge DPS loss! I think even 5 max. charges is very low and punishes high attack speed builds. Stacking a lot of fuses is very helpful. E.g. to avoid high regeneration rate from bosses by one-shotting them with a high stack... But to analyze the "Max. Charge" problem it would be helpfull to know why the developer implemented a cap at all. I could imagine 4 possible reasons: - to deal with performance problems (more fuses = more calculations, but dont think that causes a hughe perf. loss) - graphical design (u wont be able to see a monster with a lot of fuses stacked anymore^^ - I think making them invisible after x charges would be better) - to cap the AoE radius bonus (perhaps only cap the bonus but allow more fuses would be better?) - to cap the DPS (exspecially) for high attack speed builds (But why createing an high attack speed unique bow for non physical bow builds and then cap it indirectly only for the one non physical bow skill?) Last but not least, if GGG wants that cap, I think the charges should explode at least 1 sec after reaching the cap. Otherwise the player is punished twice: First by the cap itself and second by not stopping to shoot in time Greetings, Az PS: A singletarget non physical (e.g. fire or only based on attack-speed chaos-dmg) bow-skill would be nice to complete a exploding arrow build... Last edited by azraelb#0313 on Aug 24, 2012, 1:15:12 PM
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" That's some nice item for that build ! I'm currently going for a witch with EE/explosive arrow. Just trade that bow and had some lucky roll with some Jeweler's Orb. I'll add some cold or lightning dmg to boost the fire dmg with EE. Unavailable I'm also going for Minion and MI as i play solo ( fire damage also even if for now it's boosted by fire dmg node but it'll be fixed ). It's insane ! I'm planing to go for that build, also it may change : I'm currently in the 2nd run Act 1, it's pretty easy i have to say. :D Also, try to activate a Diamond flask once you have planted all your fuse, you'll have a good laugh ! Edit : Also i have a question, not really related to EA but still in relation to that specific build. Does Elemental Weakness works as a curse or not ? Or in other words, does the enemies that are resistant to curse will be affected by EE ? Edit bis : Yes ! Last edited by super_maZon#1997 on Aug 29, 2012, 4:14:12 AM
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