Explosive Arrow
Thank you for your response Mark.
So that means that the initial hit's crit chance and the explosion's crit chance are completely independent. I wonder - is it then even possible to tell whether or not the explosion will deal critical damage? Up until now I was assuming that an initial critical hit with the first fuse would have the whole stack explode with critical damage. But in the light of your clarification that assumption can't be correct. So I would now conclude that it is decided upon exploding whether or not the fuse stack does crit - which would make a crit EA build somewhat viable. (I checked the last 10 pages and there only was a question asking about the same thing - no answer.) Crit happens.
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I notice that when Temporal Chain is used on monsters, Explosive Arrows on those mob will take longer to explode. Is this intended?
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Yes. All timers on the target expire slower.
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"The values of critical strike chance for each are largely independent (both are affected by generic crit increases). The skill is still a single skill use and thus has a single crit roll applied to both those chances. | |
Public Service Announcement. I'm sure it's been covered in this thread somewhere! But for people new to this skill... If you play duo with someone, don't both level up to 40 with fire totem, eagerly buy two 5-linked Quill Rains with all the currency you have, then swap to Explosive Arrow smiling with glee that the world will soon burn in explosive hell. You will soon discover that after a couple minutes of trying to kill a Rare (and giving up!) that your friend's Explosive Arrow resets your charge timer, effectively making it impossible to stack and release your charges in any meaningful manner. Ace. They don't put this sort of information on the box. Cheers. |
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" Oh the fun we had at boss mobs. And the trolling. :D But yeah, it heavily needs the static strike treatment or some kind of 6th arrow explosion trigger. Maybe let it consume charges. |
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it might have been posted before but shouldnt the fire damage nodes be affecting explosion damage because It is written fire damage in description. I'd like explanations there is someone can
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The description shows Base Damage. Generic Fire Damage bonuses do apply.
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ok thanks for the tip i was wondering since i took fire damage nodes and the tooltip damage of the Arrow was still the same fire damage a shown in the skill description. not sure if thats a bug or something
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So about that ice wall/EA interaction... the proper word to describe it would be 'erratic' at best.
From what Ive noticed, each wall cast seems to behave differently: -sometimes all projectiles pass through it -sometimes 1 or 2 stick to the wall -sometimes 3 or even 4 projectiles stick -sometimes the arrows that stick actually explode -but sometimes they seem to disappear The projectiles that stick seem to stack, similar to those stacked on monsters - IMO this behaviour should be modified so that projectiles act as if they hit an actual wall - those do NOT stack. Plus, arrows randomly piercing or sticking to the wall should be adressed - IMO they should interract with frost wall like they do with normal walls or world objects, aka always stick and not stack. |
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