Explosive Arrow
I was wondering if this attack was designed with the intention of being a solo build only. The reason why I ask is because projectile weakness and temporal chains are tremendous disadvantages to the build. Obviously having your arrow pierce a target and not leaving the detonation is really bad, as is increasing the time that it takes for arrow to detonate. Given that some of these curses are desired in groups, I was wondering if it was part of the design of the attack to be a solo attack or something that would at the very least, be penalized or inconvenient to be used in a 6 man group.
Additionally, if one tries to use elemental equilibrium in a group with this attack, auras will break this attack and everyone else in the party. Just wondering. Thanks. Last edited by Zindax#3620 on Aug 31, 2013, 10:59:20 AM
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Projectile weakness is rarely used in party's from my experience.
Elemental weakness is overall the most usefull curse, because most builds benefit from it. A close second is critical weakness probably, because of spork, totally useless for most EA builds ofc. You benefit a lot from shock stacks tho. Vulnerability is still pretty good increasing damage over time effects. Enfeeble beats temp chains in almost every fight anyway. Only on vaal temp chains is really usefull. I just got the dual curse passives. My two curses beat every single curse anyway, so I just overcurse projectile weakness, nobody get's mad. You have time to curse in your 1 second window anyway. When I see crit weakness on a mob, I just add elemental weakness. Elemental equilibrium is indeed bad for party play, but not essential to the EA build either. You can get the same or better results with dual curse (Flamabillity+Ele weakness /enfeeble) " You could still cap the maximum fuses at 5. So a fuse would detonate after one second, no matter what, but counting how many fuses got added when it goes off. That would make Quill rain even more mandatory than it is now tho. Another idea: Every fuse after the first could reduce the remaining fuse timer as well. That would make the skill as spammy as every other tho, not what I would like to see. Maybe with the base fuse time set to 2 seconds and every added fuse reducing it by 0.2 seconds. This would give more control, you could either spam through to detonate as fast as possible, or stop after 5 fuses and move, waiting one second as you do now. IGN: Iski Last edited by Balguez#2498 on Aug 31, 2013, 7:27:43 PM
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" There are some useful points to your post for the novice player; however, on the whole here I would say that you are proliferating quite a few misconceptions throughout the community with this post. Also, your post takes the place of a developer post, which is somewhat important here. To give you credit here, you did name the popular curses. Elemental weakness, crit weakness, enfeeble, and vulnerability are probably in the top 6, though I do disagree with the order you post them in. I would say that enfeeble benefits everyone, and elemental weakness, crit weakness and vulnerability follow with probably ele weakness being the most popular. Endgame map play is sort of a different animal from what you realize. There are support builds which are 5 curse builds that also provide EE, such as dual shockwave totem. Many people like temporal chains and projectile weakness. Temporal chains is useful to characters that do not have high evasion like a marauder and gain additional defense from it. Projectile weakness is desired among many archers and also any projectile spell caster. You sort of deflect that in your post, which kills this attack. Also, I would tell you that, like most people, you overlook the value of elemental equilibrium in group play. While any player that uses attacks or physical damage is not ideal for bringing EE to a party, a dual totem player using say arc, ice spear, and say any type of trap is good for bringing EE because players can benefit from the buff without sacrificing auras. The fact that you don't acknowledge this is somewhat problematic as well (my brother is the same way). It shows that some people in the community are not willing to turn off auras, even on EE maps. There are players that would say, well auras can increase my dps by 25% (on a zero resist mob) so I will bring all 3 and completely neglect that they nerf their own dps by increasing the resistance of the mobs by 75% and anyone else that does a single elemental damage attack. You also just assume that I don't know to use curses. I tri-curse using enfeeble, ele weakness, and flammability in solo play. In addition, I also bring elemental equilibrium. Keep in mind that a mob that has 50% resistance will have 75% resistance if you don't use elemental equilibrium properly as a group. Instead of the mobs having a 0% resistance, they can have 75% meaning that fire, lightning, and cold damage is 1/4 of what it would be, and burning damage, which is a cornerstone of this build is 1/16th of the damage. So really, don't dismiss these problems or proliferate these misconceptions. They are real problems in end-game team map play. Temporal chains, projectile weakness, and EE all can break this attack in ways that it won't break other attacks in the game. So going back to the initial developer question, was this build designed to be a solo build? Last edited by Zindax#3620 on Sep 1, 2013, 2:23:53 PM
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I'm reasonably certain that dealing all three elemental damage types will just null the ability, and not result in +75% all resists.
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C ___ Isn't a "no" better than an ignore? |
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Zindax, I wasn't attacking you or something, just presenting my view on the issue at hand.
I didn't get the part about I take the place of a developers post. Even if you wait for a dev's response, everyone can present his opinion, no? But seriously, of course explosive arrow wasn't designed to be used only in solo play. No skill in this game is. It's a multiplayer game after all. Believe me, I know the current endgame. Inside out. From my experience, no player ever had a problem with not cursing projectile weakness, after I explained why (because it kills explosive arrow) and that I can compensate it with different curses. And huge dps.. A build that entirely relies on a curse to work, in group play, is not end game capable in my eyes. Temporal chains is a bit of a different matter. As I said, it's really only usefull in very hard situations. Very bad combination of mobs and map mods for example. If the group decides temp chains is needed in a certain situation, players using explosive arrow need to act, and play, accordingly. This only ever came up on dual maze vaal tho. Most of the time offensive curses are prefered, because mobs die quicker, which means faster progression. This is softcore tho, but when I watch hardcore streams, there is no difference. To the elemental equilibrium topic: Even if you use your skills providing elemental equilibrium right; I guess it's split or lightning arrow with cold and lightning damage, so you can reduce the enemy's fire resistance, you still reduce the damage of any cold or lightning caster. If you only use explosive arrow, reducing light and cold resist, you reduce your own burn damage, and make life way harder for any fire based build. It's just impossible to use elemental equilibrium in random groups of people to full effect. You would need to build a party a certain way, so anyone benefits from it. Not to mention that anger breaks your equilibrium. Watching the auras you have at any certain moment is impossible in a fast paced game like this. Your point with EE on maps stands, that's bad for us if people only use fire damage of course. And every other burn based build. That's rarely the case. Explosive arrow is a unique skill, which brings unique drawbacks with it. I'm fine with that. If you could pierce with explosive arrow, it would push it way over the top. Probably allowing chain at the same time. At that moment it's just like any other bow skill. IGN: Iski
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" Correct. In fact, the Resistance bonus does not even go to +50%, nor does the penalty go below 50%. EE performs one check per Elemental resistance type: If hit deals Fire Damage = True THEN +25% Fire Res ELSE -50% Fire Res With one clause: If all three end up with a True, it simply does nothing (s). Fire Damage has no effect on Cold and Lightning Resistances, so it cannot reach above +25% nor below -50%. EDIT: Whoops. Indeed, I got mixed up with the old EE (and, I presume, read that link as 'no additional resistances' because I was expecting to read that: Brains!). :< Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Sep 2, 2013, 8:46:46 PM
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"This is not true. The old version of EE, a long time ago, used to check each element separately, and needed to do nothing on all three. It was changed quite some time ago to the current version, which is much more straightforward - each element present in the hit gets +25% resists, each element not present gets -50% resists. If all are present, then all get the +25% resistances. The post you linked says this as well. Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Sep 2, 2013, 7:37:32 PM
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The more you know. Thanks.
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C ___ Isn't a "no" better than an ignore? |
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skill tooltip uses the bow crit chance as the displayed crit chance for the attack yet the skill itself says 6% chance to crit.
1 does the explosion crit? 2 what passives work with the explosion crit chance? non weapon specific? 3 if so why does it not correctly display the secondary explosion crit chance? official answer pls [quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote] "Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival." .\1.2/ ..\3/ [img]http://ertaislament.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/pentavus.jpg[/img] Last edited by leighferon#0786 on Sep 5, 2013, 6:49:40 PM
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I think this skill would be a lot better if there was no charge delay after 5 stacks have been put up. It would make it a lot better in groups where things die by time the delay goes off.
IGN - Zyae
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