Explosive Arrow
Some mechanic questions....
-How does crit actually work with this? I'm assuming crit on the attack makes your initial bow damage do more while there's spell crit on the actual explosion? Is that correct to assuming that there are two separate mechanics (an attack and a spell) and two possible instances of crit (meaning you can crit one without the other)? -Does temporal chains make the fuse last longer? -How does added damage affect the fuses? Is it per fuse or once on the explosion? Does it also affect the initial hit? -How does concentrated area of effect support work on this? Is it your final radius cut by 50% or is it each fuse adds less? What about increased area of effect support? Are supports usually calculated at the end (like added weapon elem damage)? -And this is more about burning, but just to clarify - if I use this and Multi-proj and let's say 5 instances all crit (each get calculated separately?), I'm assuming there's only one non-stacking burn instance on each mob correct? -The crit flask....how does it work with this? Would you need to use it right before the fuse wears off? Any help here would be great - thanks! Last edited by sanddemon#6161 on Feb 22, 2012, 2:04:10 PM
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"There is no spell whatsoever involved in this skill. It is not affected in any way by any spell-specific bonuses. There is an attack (the arrow), and there is secondary damage (the explosion). The explosion is not spell damage or weapon damage, and is not affected by increases specific to either. Never mind, turns out it actually rerolls the crit roll for the explosion. Missed that before. "Yes. "All the fuses make a single explosion, which is affected once by any relevant added damage "The fuses add to the base area, which is then increased/reduced by any relevant % modifiers. "No, how a stat affects a calculation has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with whether it's a support and everything to do with what the actual stat in question is. "The entire attack uses the same one crit roll. "If you use multiple projectiles, there will be multiple explosions (at only very slightly different times due to differences in the distance the arrows travel to each target). If they all crit, each will inflict burning separately. Multiple instances of burning on the same target do not stack, but are not ignored either - extra instances of burning will stay disabled until the initial one runs out then burn for whatever time they have left. In this case, you will in practice get very little extra burn time from this because they're all put on so close together, and so run out at very close to the same time. "I believe that is the case for this skill. Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Feb 22, 2012, 6:26:10 PM
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Last question for awhile I promise :)
You said: "The skill makes a single crit roll, which is used by both the attack and the explosion, but because the explosion is not weapon damage and not affected by weapon-specific modifiers to crit chance, it's possible that the roll is enough to crit with the weapon crit chance but not the explosion, and vis versa." So because of how the ability "stacks", where you hit someone and add charges, is it the first attack that is the crit roll for the explosion or the last? Here's the example: 1. You attack, roll and get no crit, attack hits the mob, and place a charge. 2. You attack, roll and land a crit, attack hits the mob, you place another charge. 3. Fuse duration ends and explosion happens. Is it roll #2 or the roll #1 that is relevant to the explosion? I'm doubting it's roll #2 from what you stated because it seems the 2nd attack just adds fuse charges and nothing else. So then if it is #1 wouldn't you want to use the flask before firing the first shot to guarantee BOTH crit or does turning on the flask right before the explosion change all "returns" at that time? In your suggestion of using it right before the explosion, it would mean that the flask returns to any caluclation "it crit" but then returns the original value later if asked again (like when the explosion goes off). So if I used a flask, crit attack a mob even though I failed the roll, flask ends, explosion happens I might not crit. Sorry if this is overkill, just trying to build around explosive arrow and love specifics :) Have to try and break it all right? I'm a programmer myself so just trying to understand what's going on. Thanks again for the feedback! (And hey, what's a guy gotta do to get into Alpha...) Last edited by sanddemon#6161 on Feb 22, 2012, 6:14:16 PM
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"Turns out I was wrong, the explosion does in fact make a another crit roll, after the initial hit has been calculated. "There is a crit roll, and a crit chance. If, at the point the damage is calculated, the crit chance is greater than the roll, then it's a crit. The flask overrides the chance to 100%, meaning it's always grater than the roll. But only while the flask is in effect. It has no effect on the roll. The roll stays the same from when it was made. Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Feb 22, 2012, 6:29:12 PM
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" After reading this I took the "Catalyze" passive skill in the templar area (40% increased Elemental Damage with Weapons). This passive does not increase the damage of explosive arrow at all. Did I understand it wrong ? |
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"The explosion is not weapon damage. Increases to elemental damage on weapons do work with explosive arrow, but only on the initial hit with the weapon, not the explosion. | |
I don't think the actual explosive arrow attack does any sort of fire damage anymore (it used to do "+% of physical damage added as fire damage" for quality versions, as I recall, but was changed to chance to ignite). So I'm guessing weapon elemental damage isn't really useful on this anymore unless you add your own elemental damage?
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"Oh, if that's changed, then yeah, you'd need to add elemental damage from some other source. | |
Is there a max amount of fuse charges? I know graphically it does but can't tell if beyond that the damage doesn't increase.
" So the only part that affects the explosion is direct fire passives and elemental damage passives? Nothing to do with weapons (so this was wrong?) Hmm looks like I kinda have to go AoF then now... Last edited by sanddemon#6161 on Feb 24, 2012, 1:18:36 PM
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Five was the maximum charge amount last time I used the skill. Successful attacks past 5 charges won't apply another charge but will reset the duration timer.
Urist McDwarfy has been happy lately. He admired an exceptional ARPG recently. He took joy in slaughter lately. He has been attacked by the dead recently.
Check out the Path of Exile wiki: http://en.pathofexilewiki.com |
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