Explosive Arrow
Flat adds to Base. Works that way for ES, Life, Mana, Damage, Evasion etc., so I can't imagine EA being any different.
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Is there any future buff to this skill? I mean with other skills with the right weapon they could outright do straight damage and even better damage than this. ie FP LS LA etc, with this we have to do 5 shots and wait for 1sec to explode to deal same damage as the other skills, I hope they do something about this like the suggested explosion upon 5 stacks or other buffs(high risk high reward kind of thing)
IGN: flaxburn
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" I'm not sure you've read the skill damage properly. It does about 2.5more damage than freezing pulse at point blank range, per charge. Even if you account for GMP increasing the value of FP, Conc effect is a much larger buff. Then you have to remember EA is mostly used with Quill Rain, which naturally gives EA without any other buff 3.1attacks per second(or 0.32s cast time if you prefer). EA will outdamage FP by a large margin, the advantage of FP is applying the damage right away and freezing vs burning kind of stuff, but against mobs that don't die instantly(like bosses, rares in higher maps and such), EA will outdmg FP. Others are attacks so they're hard to compare and very dependant on build, however EA will outdamage pretty much anything in the game assuming mobs don't die before the detonation, which is an issue in high dmg groups and/or lower lvl maps. LS doesn't even come close to LA and FP regardless. |
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" Do you understand the concept of DPS? EA is not out damaging any self respecting freezepulse or LA. ign = ultrahiangle
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I was about to counter, but a lv20 FP with lv 19 gmp beats a lv 20 EA with quill rain. A lv 1 gmp would make FP the stronger until... 10.5 seconds later, dps wise.
Basically: FP = 2437+933x and EA = 1251x That first number in fp is accumulative dps till the first full explosion of ea, no boosts for either. Point of intersection is 7.64 and takes EA roughly 2.61 seconds for one full explosion. which makes fp can get 4 casts within 1 ea burst, or 2425 vs 3270 not counting the bow's damage itself which is negligible for quilrain. a lv 19 gmp makes the numbers virtually equal, 3274 vs 3270. |
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" I'm not sure I'm understanding your math here. EA with 5charges will hit after 2.61seconds for an average of 3270damage(654dmg per explosion *5) In the same time you get 4casts of FP, for an average damage of 242.5 If you have GMP at lvl 20 that's ((242.5*1.38)*5)/2=836damage. Times 4 3346dmg. So that's about what you wrote, but I don't get the part about taking 10.5secs for it to happen. It happens as soon as EA explodes, which is 2.61sec later. FP leads before that obviously then EA catches up. When it explodes, FP is slightly better, even though it's supported by a lvl 20 support. As a reminder, conc effect is +70%dmg, which is way more than the difference between the 2. Also the damage of the bow while negligible on its own, is an attack and as such benefits from wrath and anger as well as other gear pieces, which would total an easy 150dmg per shot. Only proves my point when one of the strongest spell used at melee range for maximum damage coupled with one of the strongest support to increase damage assuming you can shotgun(which FP always does) only does 75 more damage over 2.61secs(or 28.7DPS) than a long range spell with no supports. Comparing LA is futile and a pointless argument, LA is an attack, it's entirely dependant on your weapon plus LA damage itself is entirely dependant on the situation, it's crap when there's few targets or targets are very spaced and it's broken when targets are packed in large numbers. And then throw shock calculations in there and it becomes even more pointless to try to compare it to anything. Yes LA will outdps EA in many cases, and EA will outdps LA in many other cases. |
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i was trying to be neutral and flopped. anyways. the 10.5 seconds is putting the two equasions into a graph, they intersect at time 7.6## and i added the startup time which was 2.61
yes i gotten 606.25 *1.36 (lv 19 gmp) then times that by 4 casts to get oh... oops 3298 oh well. and yes that's precisely the true point, this was all with minimal/necessary boosts. everything else like attack speed and cast speed or actual damage boosts or the lol con effect... yeah ea is worth its cost. |
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Anyone know mechanics behind cloak of flames damage conversion? Is fire damage taken is affected by fire resist? Since armor damage reduction is proportional to the damage of the hit, cloak of flames looks like great armor for EA. My 1.6k armor chest adds 10% damage reduction. Cloak of flames with 80% fire resist would reduce physical damage taken by 16% and wouldn't be penalized by high damage hits.
As long as you can handle the resists, it seems like great armor to use until Kaom's or a very good glorious plate. Obviously your effective life is lower vs elemental and chaos damage, but shield charge and leap come closer to killing me than anything else. 10% ignite chance and ~40% burn duration of course have great synergy with EA. If the mechanics work the way I assume they do, it's a pretty nice chest. I'd probably keep a chaos resist life chest in my stash for high level map chaos bosses. I decided to drop fire pen in favor of the AoE + CE combo. Very pleased with the results, I overvalued fire pen gem way too much. The occasional curse immune high res combo sucks but everything else dies much faster making it well worth it. Up to ~22k dps (48k explosion) now vs 5 targets, plus 5k burn dps once I finish maxing quality on EA. |
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Yes, Fire damage taken is reduced by Fire Resists, regardless of how it became Fire damage :)
(also, comparing the most overpowered Spell to an Attack skill; that's new) Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Mar 2, 2013, 1:48:18 PM
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well the "attack" part barely counts as an attack. additionally its an attack, that doesn't base itself by weapon damage, at least for the important part. however i suppose it IS silly due to viper strike being almost the same in "after the fact" mechanics.
*jumps out a window* |
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