Shinsoo wrote:
Making explosive arrow explode at 5 charges or making it a function of attack speed would be overpowered. It would also make it like every other skill; stand still and kill stuff.
The beauty of the skill is that if you get to 5 charges with a proper build, you are rewarded with killing pretty much everything on your screen. The drawback is staying alive for that period. That 1 second creates an entire dynamic different from the endless spam of other skills. But only if you properly utilize that one second.
Things you can do in 1 second of downtime: flammability (hint: you should be doing this every time they aren't cursed and shouldn't be cursing before shooting EA), refresh decoy totem, re-position, loot, kill the pack that's in a different direction, use your switch bow to kill a rare with elemental hit, etc.
Speaking of decoy totem, if anything has any sort of kill potential on you, you should be using it. Not only does it buy time for the explosion thus partially nullifying the defensive drawback of explosive arrow, it groups enemies for increased damage.
These two aspects of the skill essentially punish you for increased duration passives and attack speed.
Attack speed does not punish you. Quill rain is the best bow for this skill for a reason (1 other bow might be as good). The difference between 3 aps and 5 aps is immense. Yes the charge timer can devalue attack speed. But depending on how you utilize the duration of the charge timer or 5 stacks will kill everything anyway, it may not devalue it at all. In every scenario though, it increases dps.
-A player who uses EA on 70 maps.
Have you ever played explosive arrow in party play? The way explosive arrow works right now makes it completely non-viable in any kind of group play. By the time you can get 5 cahrges off, you have to wait another second for it to actually explode, by wich point everything on the screen has been AOE'd down anyway, let alone the fact it doesn't go off on mobs that die frozen, wich negates your ability to play with a good portion of people. You literally could not play with a cold witch.
-A player who used EA on 70 maps.
Last edited by FoolyCoolant#4315 on Feb 14, 2013, 6:16:28 PM
Posted byFoolyCoolant#4315on Feb 14, 2013, 6:16:03 PM
FoolyCoolant wrote:
Shinsoo wrote:
Making explosive arrow explode at 5 charges or making it a function of attack speed would be overpowered. It would also make it like every other skill; stand still and kill stuff.
The beauty of the skill is that if you get to 5 charges with a proper build, you are rewarded with killing pretty much everything on your screen. The drawback is staying alive for that period. That 1 second creates an entire dynamic different from the endless spam of other skills. But only if you properly utilize that one second.
Things you can do in 1 second of downtime: flammability (hint: you should be doing this every time they aren't cursed and shouldn't be cursing before shooting EA), refresh decoy totem, re-position, loot, kill the pack that's in a different direction, use your switch bow to kill a rare with elemental hit, etc.
Speaking of decoy totem, if anything has any sort of kill potential on you, you should be using it. Not only does it buy time for the explosion thus partially nullifying the defensive drawback of explosive arrow, it groups enemies for increased damage.
These two aspects of the skill essentially punish you for increased duration passives and attack speed.
Attack speed does not punish you. Quill rain is the best bow for this skill for a reason (1 other bow might be as good). The difference between 3 aps and 5 aps is immense. Yes the charge timer can devalue attack speed. But depending on how you utilize the duration of the charge timer or 5 stacks will kill everything anyway, it may not devalue it at all. In every scenario though, it increases dps.
-A player who uses EA on 70 maps.
Have you ever played explosive arrow in party play? The way explosive arrow works right now makes it completely non-viable in any kind of group play. By the time you can get 5 cahrges off, you have to wait another second for it to actually explode, by wich point everything on the screen has been AOE'd down anyway, let alone the fact it doesn't go off on mobs that die frozen, wich negates your ability to play with a good portion of people. You literally could not play with a cold witch.
-A player who used EA on 70 maps.
Yes, I have used it in a party and it works fine. It takes less than 1 second to apply 5 charges and 1 second for them to explode. Many builds can't even kill things a full screen away, there's no way you can't get 5 charge explosions under those circumstances. Even when mobs with charges die the effect creates a very nice chain reaction cleanup since the charge timer is no longer lowering dps, though it is overkilling many mobs.
The frozen thing is bad, but I still haven't had many real issues with it. This is really a problem with freezing in general and not with explosive arrow. It also causes issues with other skills like detonate dead and summoner skills. I agree that needs to be changed but a cold witch can't kill mobs a full screen away in under 2 seconds unless you're doing easy content or maybe if you're just duoing with a cold witch. This problem is also not as bad when doing indoor maps.
Posted byShinsoo#1249on Feb 14, 2013, 7:09:32 PM
Anyone who says that EA should be exploded on 5th hit or w/e just don't get the idea of this skill. Moreover, they don't understand what's the most efficient way to use it. It's all about the positioning: if you manage to get nearby some walls, then you own pretty much everything with 3 (in my case) fuses dealing incredible damage every 0.16 second. Otherwise game is turning into kiting which is really fun too. The only thing I would like to be able to do is to decrease my accuracy somehow in order to land fuses on land intentionally, though it's not really needed.
Posted byMizhail#2169on Feb 17, 2013, 7:30:30 AM
I have one question too... If i put added cold dmg support gem to explosive arrow and also cold to fire support gem, does it affect explosion dmg or just arrow dmg? And then if ill take increased cold dmg passives, it will increase cold dmg which is converted to fire dmg... if so then all increased cold dmg % passives and gear properties increases my explosion dmg of EA as well as increased fire dmg% passives?
Am I right or not?
Hope you got my point :D
Posted byXxDiabloxX#5191on Feb 17, 2013, 4:14:47 PM
Few questions about arrow mechanics and their effects on burn damage.
* Stacking 5 stacks, does the burn damage of 1/3rd get calculated of the combined damage that is dealt at the 5 stack total or does each stack deal its fire damage seperatly.
* Assuming you'd use elemental proliferation to spread the burn from one exposion, how does the burn aspect interact with elemental equilibrium.
* An added question regarding proliferation and equilibrium is, what happends when you try to negate this effect with a skill like lightning arrow. Does the burn duration reapply equilibrium on each tick?
Posted bynoth1n#3781on Feb 18, 2013, 7:14:31 AM
XxDiabloxX wrote:
I have one question too... If i put added cold dmg support gem to explosive arrow and also cold to fire support gem, does it affect explosion dmg or just arrow dmg? And then if ill take increased cold dmg passives, it will increase cold dmg which is converted to fire dmg... if so then all increased cold dmg % passives and gear properties increases my explosion dmg of EA as well as increased fire dmg% passives?
Am I right or not?
Hope you got my point :D
Added damage affects both. Cold to Fire would add fire damage to the explosion, and yes cold % nodes would affect your added cold. It'll be a very minor number however, and for 2 supports, you can do a lot better by using other stuff.
Posted byPyrosEien#5602on Feb 18, 2013, 8:30:25 AM
noth1n wrote:
Few questions about arrow mechanics and their effects on burn damage.
* Stacking 5 stacks, does the burn damage of 1/3rd get calculated of the combined damage that is dealt at the 5 stack total or does each stack deal its fire damage seperatly.
* Assuming you'd use elemental proliferation to spread the burn from one exposion, how does the burn aspect interact with elemental equilibrium.
* An added question regarding proliferation and equilibrium is, what happends when you try to negate this effect with a skill like lightning arrow. Does the burn duration reapply equilibrium on each tick?
The burn is based on the complete explosion. 5charges still count as a single hit when they explode, as such the burn does 133% of the 5charges total, and not 133% of each charge(and since burning doesn't stack it'd only do 133% of one charge).
Burn doesn't proc EE, it's not a hit, it's a degen. On your LA question, similar answer, burn doesn't apply EE so using LA will reduce the resists of everything and they'll burn faster. Do note however that the initial explosion will apply EE and increase fire resist, so you do want to reduce their resist for the burn to do most damage. With that said, everything dies regardless in my experience since the burn is so strong, even at 2-3charges.
Posted byPyrosEien#5602on Feb 18, 2013, 8:33:01 AM
PyrosEien wrote:
XxDiabloxX wrote:
I have one question too... If i put added cold dmg support gem to explosive arrow and also cold to fire support gem, does it affect explosion dmg or just arrow dmg? And then if ill take increased cold dmg passives, it will increase cold dmg which is converted to fire dmg... if so then all increased cold dmg % passives and gear properties increases my explosion dmg of EA as well as increased fire dmg% passives?
Am I right or not?
Hope you got my point :D
Added damage affects both. Cold to Fire would add fire damage to the explosion, and yes cold % nodes would affect your added cold. It'll be a very minor number however, and for 2 supports, you can do a lot better by using other stuff.
So what are these supports that help more? Any advice to improve my EA dmg?
Posted byXxDiabloxX#5191on Feb 18, 2013, 8:43:49 AM
I have a major gripe with the way this skill is represented graphically. I love the way it was before: you could see charges around the monsters. But now, it's a complete horrible mess. There's that firecracker sticking out of them, and sometimes it bugs-out and remains stuck on the bodies forever.
Is anything planned for fixing / changing this? Do you guys agree that this is a problem with this skill? That it was way better before when you could see those tiny orange orbs around the monsters you hit?
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Posted byKyliathy#1084on Feb 19, 2013, 6:06:18 AM
Spacke wrote:
Just to be on the safe side, does the "Fire Penetration" gem work for the explosion?
Someone else answered no, but it wasn't very clear. Can I get a clarification? Thanks.
Also what support gems do you think go best with quality EA?
EA > LMP > LoH > Concentrated Effect > Chance to Ignite/Fire Penetration/Increased AOE/Elemental Proliferation?
GMT -7:00 PST Last edited by nosl1w#1758 on Feb 20, 2013, 3:52:27 PM
Posted bynosl1w#1758on Feb 20, 2013, 3:50:21 PM