Enduring Cry

Mark_GGG wrote:
Monsters have a single aggro target.
What this means varies from monster to monster depending on how their AI is scripted - certain actions can still be performed against an enemy other than the target, but most monster actions can only be performed targeting the monster's current aggro target.

Taunting sets you as the monster's aggro target. There's no concept of duration on that, it just replaces whatever the monster's aggro target currently is with you. After that point either the monster's aggro target will be you, or something will occur which changes the monster's aggro target again.

Aggro target can change when the monster is hit - every hit gives a small change the monster will change aggro target to the attacker. If a monster has no target it will target the first enemy it sees (and trigger other monsters to do the same), and if a monster can't path to it's aggro target it will lose it, going to the state of having no target.

What is the point of taunting then if you are going to lose the agroo immediately. Its not intuitive for the player, let alone others that depends on the player to tank. Right now, decoy totems keeps agroo better than a player due to its spammability. Its sad because you are limiting the possibility and viability of tanky and high agroo builds.

State of things : melee never survives end game esp HC. Endurance cry has become an annoyance, but something mandatory for melee class. So improve it for melee class then, in a way that does not render it abusable to ranged class.

Buff it, let the taunt last longer, in exchange you are targeted by mobs longer, hence you have a higher chance of dying if you arent careful. A fair tradeoff. A ranged cant abuse this, because making himself a target would mean death. Currently ranged can cast endurance cry for the charges, but doesnt face the repercussion of agroo because simply this skill doesnt maintain agroo for long enough. example.. kripp.. I thought you guys always nerf the skills he uses.
1. Reduce 5% to 2%, and give 1% chance to block to each ENDURANCE CHARGES
2. Increase the cooldown of ENDURING CRY TO 15 seconds.
3. Make ENDURANCE CHARGES last 30 seconds, up to 1 minute with 2 passivas.
4. Give ENDURANCE CHARGES by the number of enemies taunted (Max 3-6).
5. Make ENDURING CRY possible to cast while walking/attacking, he just SCREAM - Why stop to do this?? Stop all the time broke the experience.
"My life recover per second is your total HP"

Bunok - The Marauder
Tiagoschramm... Why would you repeat your post again? Your ideas are awful.

1 - Is stupid, near retarded. You are asking to make a change so the skill only benefits people using a shield.... Is like asking for Frenzy Charges to only give 1% IAS and 2% Projectile damage... Not only are you nerfing it, but you are breaking it to stop what this game is about: lots of possibilities.

2 - Yeah, so if you get stunned while using it you are even more fucked that nowadays...

3 - They won't make such a radical change. I can see them increasing the duration by 50%, maaaaybe even 100%, but you are asking for a +200% buff there out of nowhere... Won't happen. But I also think the duration should be increased, or at least the extra duration given by the 2 nodes, so they look like a nice option. Right now I got one because is on my path to the Endurance Charge, and I don't have the other.

4 - You don't even know thats how Enduring Cry works? I can get 7 charges on a single use if there are enough enemies. However it was nerfed at higher levels (by 40% at Lv20).
Now you end with 1 Charge every 4 Enemies at Lv19, and able to get 2 Charges with 4 Enemies (7 Charges with 27) at Lv20.
They could maybe buff it a little (specially on low levels), but the main problem of building Endurance Charges vs one single boss would remain.

5 - This is the only one I agree; they could reduce (or even remove) the Casting Time of Enduring Cry. However I would prefer a Cooldown Reduction (or even removal), so you can spam it for tanking if you really want to do so, while allowing you to cast it 6 times (paying 6 times the price, so I don't see the problem here) to fast-build the Charges when facing a low number of enemies... However, it used to have No Cooldown and it was added; not sure if it was abusable somehow... But if it was because of the Taunt, a good option would be to remove the Taunt from it... for what it does...

My main problem with this skill is the fact that I'm using 2 Enduring Cry gems instead of 1 to help me build the charges... Its nice that you can do so; but the fact that I feel like I need to makes me feel there is something definetively broken with the skill.
I also would appreciate more damage reduction from my Armor, instead of so much from the Endurance Charges... I play Hardcore (Lv77 right now) and knowing that I get around double the damage for not playing with my charges up is retarded... All because the Armor Formula being so broken for big hits; making my current 35% reduction from Endurance Charges feel like a 50%.
Last edited by Kaemonarch#7216 on Mar 17, 2013, 3:38:32 AM
Here's hoping one of the rumored melee support gems coming next week will be an "enduring cry on melee hit" support!
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
Is there some other way to improve the duration of the chrages??
I already got the endurance charge pasives, but i don´t know if Inner force improves them too. I tried the duration gem. But it doesn´t affect the charges.


Edit: Sorry guys, Bactracked a little in the post and the answer was there... and it was NO.
See ya
Last edited by DaCaptain#1594 on Mar 23, 2013, 11:26:18 AM
DaCaptain wrote:
Is there some other way to improve the duration of the chrages??
I already got the endurance charge pasives, but i don´t know if Inner force improves them too. I tried the duration gem. But it doesn´t affect the charges.


Edit: Sorry guys, Bactracked a little in the post and the answer was there... and it was NO.
See ya
there are two nodes on passive tree to increase duration of charges for endurance charges...
The taunt is non existant. If this was meant as a tanking skill it's a failure since i can't get the mobs focus me when i'm directly in their face. If this was meant as a skill that gives you a benefit 5% phys and all res but gives you a penalty of mobs focusing you is a failure because they don't focus you.

Only have the base 3 endurance charges and i feel like i should get all of them from the passive tree sooner or later (level 79).

The skill is good when there's lots of mobs but sucks for tanking bosses. Only have one gem so it takes me 12 seconds to get 3 stacks. Can't yet imagine the pain of doing that when having more charges.

The skill will never be instant cast because of engine limitations. Nothing can be instant cast and i don't know if they overcame the limitation of casting/doing an action while moving. I think they haven't so it won't be on move ability for quite some time. The best they can do is reduce the cast time.

The duration could be improved by atleast 5 second since it's just so mandatory and there is no quicker way to generate charges than to cast enduring cry making it really not that much fun to use. Why can't we generate charges with ease like power charges and frenzy charges do?
i mean sure for solo play warlords mark is nice if you have the damage to refresh the charges but in party where you might not get killing blows to refresh your charges that is really not an option.

I do believe that the devs have a problem of making this skill work because of immortall call. Making people gain charges easier/quicker will just mean that everyone can forget about armour and be immune to physical damage.

Nerfing the duration on immortal call will just make that skill more cumbersome to use.

If immortal call is not the problem then i don't know what they're waiting for to fix enduring cry.

One last thing, losing all the charges at once sucks. If you keep enduring cry in it's current form for the forseable future then atleast make it so we lose 1 charge when the duration ends and the remaining charges start the coundown at max duration. (still not a fix for immortal call)

IGN: FoughtBledAndWeptForGod, WoE_HitoZ

stream: http://www.twitch.tv/hitokirizoro
Make it so that every 10 seconds it removes only 1 charge instead of all.

It's too god damn short!!
ign: Lavona, Lavon
Not sure if this works, so I'd figured i would ask here.

If I have Conduit, would the endurance charges be passed if enduring cry was:
1) a trap?
2) a remote mine?
3) a totem?

...or would none of these work at all? If if doesn't work, an explanation would be nice!
In terms of power, the skill is great with its easy taunt and incredible mitigation.

However, it's really not fun to use due to the following:

1. Boredom:

The skill itself has no impact. You cast it and nothing really happens to the mobs, nothing really happens to you (because you're recasting it just to keep charges up). That is unless you want to actually taunt the mobs, which is rare.

2. Annoyance:

The skill has to be recast every 8-10 seconds or so.

So if all you want is mitigation, the skill is annoying+boring but a must-have.
If you want the taunt as well, the skill is just a bit annoying.

My suggestion (which has probably been raised a thousand times before): Let the skill be affected by all duration bonuses(Skill Duration gem, Buff/Debuff Duration passives), and increase the duration bonuses from specific endurance charge duration nodes.

This will greatly decrease the annoyance aspect. In order to compensate, you'd likely have to decrease the power of endurance charges (either by diminishing returns or other creative measures).
Last edited by Novalisk#3583 on Apr 1, 2013, 8:30:14 AM

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