Dominating Blow

Uh. It's an Attack, Valmar.
Can someone tell me how long is "shortly after being attacked by Dominating Blow"?
Half a second, unmodifiable.

Why is it not possible to use this skill in pvp vs totems?
Also Blink arrow should be able to be dominated too.

Forum pvp
The duration nerf really killed this skill, even with added duration support gem and all added duration nodes taken. Athough the duration nerf was a global one and wasn't meant to target this skill specifically, it made an already unpopular (yet unique and interesting) skill even less popular.

I hope you'll consider readjusting the duration in the next patch, so this skill is more viable and more fun to play.
Wash your hands, Exile!
This skill isn't interacting with poison correctly as far as I can tell.
Mobs poisoned then dominated should still be poisoned, but aren't.
They lose the poison stacks upon conversion, unlike any other debuff.
I was hoping to make a build around this, but it doesn't work.
Could you perhaps put this on the list of things to fix? Somewhere low down, I imagine.
Last edited by theshadedone on Dec 25, 2015, 4:26:17 AM
Technically i don't think that's a bug. The skill description actually states enemies killed are revived into minions, so logically you lose the conditions you have on death. And im guessing you wanted to use minion instability chain? kill an enemy, dominate, then degen it into an explosion or something similar?
State of Beyond Mechanic:

State of Blight Mechanic:

State of Harbinger Mechanic:
The thing that makes me think it's a bug is due to a GGG post stating that debuffs are supposed to survive through mob conversion.
After all, curses and status ailments already do.
And yeah, something somewhat similar to that. I could use ignite, but ew.
Last edited by theshadedone on Dec 26, 2015, 7:21:20 PM
55% Less damage

RIP Old Friend
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
RIP DOM blow

image straight from Alpha... still at 2.1 nerfed state... :(
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it

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