FoxTactic's BlitzArcer 63-75k+ dps arc build. LVL94

Why no Faster Casting Gem?

It's usually Arc-Spell Echo-Lightning Pen- Faster Casting - x - x
You replaced Faster Casting with Added Lightning Damage.
Does it add more DPS?
14qr23we wrote:
Why no Faster Casting Gem?

It's usually Arc-Spell Echo-Lightning Pen- Faster Casting - x - x
You replaced Faster Casting with Added Lightning Damage.
Does it add more DPS?

yes it adds more dps, but its mainly to get shock to last longer on heavy targets such as bosses.
so without enlighten lvl 3 you could pick up charisma instead of influence and be able to run wrath, HoT, PoL, right?
Hi FoxTactic's. I have an Arc build similar to yours, which is already beastly at 76. I have a question about lightning penetration. Considering your true DPS isn't really factored into the DPS tooltip with lightning penetration, do you know of any formulas or ways to calculate what your true DPS is? I'm trying to find out my own and can't find a good answer. Thanks bro!
Noob's 2 cents: just want to say thanks to FoxT for this build. i used this build as a first build for the 1m flashback sc. Goal was to reach 85 and all challenges. i played around 3-4hrs a day and acheived this goal during the 12th day of the event.

was attracted to this build because of the lack of need for any particular uniques and havent played a crit arc build before. while i was around lv50ish i started to look for gear which closely resembles FoxT's, i realise that basially they are super expensive and items like weapons are non existant in the new league. Also being a casual player there was no way i was going to be able to afford 6l coil.

hence some changes i made:
auras: Wrath, HoT, arctic armor (which freed up the need for influence cluster); 100% reserved
whirling blades, faster attacks, fortify, BM

with arctic armor and fortify, it gives me a decent amount of physical mitagation.
i bought a 2c white 5l saint haubrek for arc, echo, light pen, life leech, BM

at around lv80 i had enough currency to buy a coil for 30c. 6s for 200jews but unable to fuse it to test the difference.

summoning ice golem is quite annoying as it dies so quickly. i had hence made:
cwdt 10, IC 12, summon ice golem 12, inc duration

i lvled with flame totem and it stayed with me throughout the event. at lv19 the totem does over 10k dps. but it makes it alot safer to pull mobs and bosses alike.
enduring cry, blood rage, flame totem, BM

and lastly i added vaal grace in weapon slot with wrath, arctic armor, vaal grace

other than the belt bought for 4c and a jewel for 15c, all gear was either found/crafted or bought for 2c or less.
arc at lv19: dps with auras up was 19168. with all charges and bloodrage was 29479. with atziris promise 33900
(honestly no where close to the 63k mark by FoxT but it was enough to do lv75 maps)

all my jewels had focused on cast speed. with vaal pact, cast speed is super important and allows u to tank some bosses. i originally had underestimated this and my jewels had gone from crit and damage to later cast speed and damage. at lv 85, my life was around 4100. not great, but as long as you play carefully, it was very doable.

bloodrage is not useable without vaal pact/life leech, hence during that time blood dance is the way to go.
i also had changed to non movement speed boots due to the high armor and life it gives compare to blood dance.

finally during orchard map the boss had dropped me a mjolner. and i had prior promised to the rng gods that if i ever find this i will start a new char. so sadly i will be ditching this char. but def had fun playing her.

TL:DR had a blast playing this char, very doable with modest budget with a few changes. thanks FoxT
Will this work just as well as witch? or do you think it must go Scion to have the optimal result?

is this uber viable? i was reading your replies from previous time and I dont know if you switched from non crit to crit or not. I kinda want to go for crit and ur items setup seems like crit based. just want to clarify it
Last edited by OnizukaTeacher#0301 on Dec 7, 2015, 3:12:01 AM
Arc with MOM\EB\ZO vs DODGE\VAAL PACT for softcore.

Note: Please don't mention the high amount of points in each build, I'll tune them down during leveling (jewel sockets are an easy skip early on since you won't have any good jewels).

**Arc with MOM\EB\ZO**

Shadow (5 jewel), very low life (aka energy shield with ZO) regen, dual curse, crit staves nodes:

Scion (6 jewels) with more life regen (3.8%): Not so reliant on staves. However it looses some crit:


Scion (8 jewels) DODGE, might need blood magic with the low mana (after auras). Seems easiest to build if it can manage the low amount of mana:

**Gems Staves**

* 7L (pledge): Arc + LP + Add Light + PCOC + Life leech + ? (blood magic \ FC \ crit)
* 6L HoT + CoH + CWDT + IMM CALL + Ass mark + Enf (or INCR DUR without dual curse)
* 4L Wrath + Enl + PoL - End Cry
* 4L LW + RD DUR + FC - Summon Golem
* 4L INCR DUR + Vaal Grace + Vaal Disc + Vaal Haste

**Gems Dual Wield**

* 6L: Arc + Echo + LP + Add Light + PCOC + Life leech
* 3L HoT + CoH + Ass mark
* 4L Wrath + Enl + PoL - End Cry
* 4L LW + RD DUR + FC - Summon Golem (OR whirling + FA + Fort)
* 4L INCR DUR + Vaal Grace + Vaal Disc + Vaal Haste


* Pledge (depending on build)
* Lightning Coil


* Which is the best build?
* Pledge or dual wield?
* Would the first build enough regen for MOM\skills? It's only 1.8%.
* Is it worth going duo curse in the first build? (4 points, no incr duration on IMM CALL)
Last edited by foojin#2576 on Dec 7, 2015, 12:16:10 PM

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