Flame Dash
Please don't make Flame Dash and Leap Slam target the point at maximum range when targeted out of range, as asked in this reddit thread. Keep it as-is, so the player walks forward and then jumps to the targeted point.
I mostly use Flame Dash and Leap Slam to jump to specific points. If I cast out of range, I don't want to jump to the next-best point; I want to jump to that exact point, even if I have to walk a bit to do it. The functionality asked for in that reddit thread already exists; the player can do it by holding shift, currently giving Flame Dash and Leap Slam two functions (warp to exact point, and warp to furthest point in range). Making them work that way all the time will reduce them to having one function, removing the one that I mainly use them for. Posting this in the feedback for both skills because it applies to both of them. [img]http://image.prntscr.com/image/2e57fcaba2ea48cc9832fecc55c6d0d6.png[/img]
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" Man, idk what reddit is asking for, but whats the problem for you to perform 2 or 3 Flame dashes instead of walking and making just one? FD have 3 charges (and will have more, if we get reasonable changes to its charge mechanics), LS have no cd at all. At last think about that: 10% of players (including you), using FD, need old mechanics. Other 90% need normal targeting instead. Why the game must consist of Blade flurry, Barrage, Leap slam and some unusable shit? I cant understand that. Flame dash has bad design. It was ok when it was just introdused, but now it needs reworking. The time has come. To argue with a fool means to sink to his level.
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" What's the problem for you to use an existing, in-game function. |
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May be because it needs to press two buttons in different keyboard zones simultaneously?
Anyway, there is a way to make it good for all: just give us an option to toggle good targeting/old targeting. I ll take it. To argue with a fool means to sink to his level.
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" i think most players using this skill for the first time expect it to work differently. i know i was. many of us come from other arpgs like diablo, torchlight and titan quest where using a teleport or leap moves you from the spot you are standing as far as it can if targeting too far away. |
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If we could toggle on Attack in Place, targeting wouldn't be such an issue with this skill or most others. Instead, we have to use the NumLock trick, which is a shame.
How about a little improvement to Flame Dash's charge system: Flame Dash Spell, Movement, Duration, Fire Level: 1 Mana Cost: 10 Cooldown Time: 3.00 sec (3 uses) Cast Time: 0.75 sec ---------------- Requires Level 10, 28 INT ---------------- Teleport to a location, damaging enemies and leaving a trail of burning ground in your wake. Gains all charges on cooldown if you have not been hit recently. ---------------- Per 1% Quality: 0.5% increased Cast Speed ---------------- Deals 6-9 Fire Damage Base duration is 4.00 seconds Deals 10.9 Fire Damage per second ---------------- Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket. "Gains all charges on cooldown if you have not been hit recently" This would improve its map navigation, reward skillful dodging in combat, and maintain its bursty theme. |
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Flame Dash is too slow, I think removing charges would be better. Targeting is also horrible, still not fixed :(
I would change Flame Dash into burning damage after 3 uses without cooling down. Stack up like poison, so you basically burn your feet with over-usage. You can think that RF-build could easily override this, but RF guy has already burning dmg from rf, so even high fire res won't help with so much ignite sources. Range rising with level, because at this point leveling up this gem gives nothing. Last edited by Gosen#5296 on Dec 22, 2017, 1:13:03 PM
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This skill is unreliable, tending to spoil hot situations and thus useless.
Why dont you just fix it as people asked for years now. |
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Movement skills need to be looked at. There needs to be tradeoffs but each movement skill should be viable.
Flame dash is not viable. The charges need to be removed. The sad thing is, even with no charges required it would still be undoubtedly worse than shield charge and at the very least on par with whirling blades (cast speed instead of attack speed). Still okay with a little investment but no where near as good as say insanity shield chargers. Tradeoffs. Please GGG remove the charges to flame dash. Have a look at the movement skills. Most players are looking to either use movement skills or play pathfinder/raider. Either nerf the existing movement skills that are too powerful or buff the bad ones to make them usable. Bring them in line with each other. |
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Flame Dash suck less now.
Cooldown recovery lab enchant is worthless it wasn't good nor interesting to build around before, it feels like a useless enchant now. Same tier shit as Blade Flurry 12% AoE. At 0.26sec cast time, 44ms latency, 50-70fps (ty for performance degradation btw) Flame dash can't perform correctly. slow one-by-one cast (please notice the total distance traveled) : ![]() Same action but now just by holding FD hotkey down: ![]() That server tickrate stole my travel distance! How can I rely on the movement skill in dangerous situation if I can't predict how it will perform? Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything Result: depressing mess |
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