Flame Dash
I still find flame dash useful for early-game "kill-while-moving" play as a caster, since the burn it inflicts will kill a lot of mobs if you dash over them. Sometimes not being able to dash over bridge gaps in a2 is frustrating.
That said, since the changes to flame dash's range, I tend to feel like switching to lightning warp by a3/4 cruel. http://www.twitch.tv/exhortatory
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Flame dash sometimes dashes backward. Very clunky. Have switched to other skills such as lightning warp. For builds using inc duration passive nodes, even a caster, whirling blade or just plain quicksilver is more reliable compared to the new flame dash.
Flame dash needs a "fix" from the current form. IGN: Wackadin
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Yeah, I've noted some occasional behavior where Flame Dash goes BACKWARDS. Overall, the skill's a mess, as cool as it is:
But yeah, as-is... For real endgame use, Lightning Warp and Whirling Blades do everything Flame Dash does, but better. This needs to be fixed. Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
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i don't like this skill much. i have been using it a fair bit both in warbands league and standard league (edit:2015-12-05 and now also in darkshrine league and all the leagues following that) but the three second cooldown and three charges i have to wait for all the time ruin this skill completely. that and the short range. i still have it equipped on most charachters just to be able to move over ledges, water and obstacles.
+ can traverse water, ledges and obstacles. + good for quickly moving to a location in close proximity. - only three charges while whirling blades doesn't have any. - three second cooldown when charges are depleted while whirling blades doesn't have any. - is a spell but does not repeat a second time for some reason and hence don't work with spell echo. tooltip does not display the x% more cast speed either. - shift key needs to be pressed otherwise the charachter just starts walking if i click too far away. - should summon a clone at previous location like blink arrow. - much too short teleport range - long cast speed - (edit 2016-12-27) if trying to reach a place to far away the skill activates, uses up a charge but leaves you standing where you are. this is really stupid and just leads to aggreviation. rating: 2 out of 5. an annoying skill to use. Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Dec 27, 2016, 4:53:25 PM
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No offense, but you guys at GGG might want to learn the difference between "compliment" and "complement."
Most of these gem feedback threads have the same error in the very first post. ;) Wash your hands, Exile! Last edited by gibbousmoon#4656 on Dec 13, 2015, 8:28:31 PM
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I have this gem equipped on my chr but I rarely ever use it except to traverse the map when I run out of quicksilver flasks. I really wish it was auto-shift clicked like whirling blades. I really think there should be an option to have that enabled for all movement skills. Holding shift just makes it too annoying to use most of the time for me.
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As everyone is saying flamedash is fourth rate at best compared to other move skills. Removing 3 dash & cooldown would be a step in the right direction. But really, still, if you removed cooldown, the others would still be better. Maybe give phase run while dashing would give it some cool.
Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Dec 28, 2015, 5:41:03 AM
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its good for going over terrain, but otherwise not the most useful as a full out movement spell, because of the charges
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I like that skill but I think it would be much more useful if it had a longer range
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After using Flame Dash as a movement skill for a few weeks, my feedback:
The range is a bit too short, if it went about 20% further it'd be a lot more useful. For a movement skill, the mana cost increase is counter-intuitive. As of now, the best thing to do is level it to 20, make it into a 20Q Lvl 1 Flame Dash and keep it at level 1, because you get the cast speed from quality and a negligible mana cost. My suggestion is to have the cast speed improve with levels, and maybe the cooldown improves too, while make Quality increase the duration of the burning ground. It's not that Flame Dash is really bad, just that Whirling Blades is too good, because of no cooldown and Fortify. |
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