Forum users are now TEN TIMES more likely to get into Beta for now

Thanks for the heads up Chris! :D
I need keyzzz!
That1WhiteGuy wrote:
Thanks for the heads up Chris! :D

Agreed, good to know now. I didn't think it was true before until I saw this post.
aka MinionDispenser
Thanks! : )
I would love a beta key. I played at the last open beta weekend, and I LOVE this game.
sweet cant wait to get in
why are people still commenting here? this thread have been here for a whole year.

i doubt the ten times thing is still in effekt.
The long united must divide and The long divided must unite.

The 7 kingdoms were finally united but Eddard Stark and his peers were unable to witness it.

"How many things before and after" "all melt into gossip and laughter"
good thing to know. I'd love to be in the beta! I liked the game so much last free weekend!
Excellent game, would love to have beta key invite! Well, patience is a virtue.
I am waiting and visiting the site nearly everyday. Wonder if i will be invitet soon.

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