Forum users are now TEN TIMES more likely to get into Beta for now

How are we notified if we make it in beta?
Sprach Abraham zu Bebraham: "Kann ich mal dein Zebra ham"
Fragt Bebraham den Abraham: "Warum willst du denn mein Zebra ham", sagt Abraham zu Bebraham: "Weil Arafat mein Fahrrad hat"
The game looks great! Thanks for 10x the chance to try it out now.
Hoping to increase my chances LOL!
I looked and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and all of hell was following close behind him
Just increasing my chance to get a beta key... thanks!!!!!
Well it doesn't look like its working but thats ok ^^
im also increasing my chance to get invite .. now i can only hope, great game!
Sigh.. I really want to play this..
Diablo3 was horrible need a better rpg to wash my mouth out from that horrible creation
I am your Devine one Bow before me
You think my life is such a precious thing to me, that I would trade my honor for a few more years...of what?

The long united must divide and The long divided must unite.

The 7 kingdoms were finally united but Eddard Stark and his peers were unable to witness it.

"How many things before and after" "all melt into gossip and laughter"

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