Forum users are now TEN TIMES more likely to get into Beta for now

Im using mind control to get a beta key....,.,.,*%^£**^.,.,*^"!"!...,..,,... doh... not working

i,ll keep trying......
hehe ... let me know if it works
i think it works but not for me)
oh man, i better post a reply then :P

So I guess its either post in the forums or keep the webpage up in hopes of getting a Key? Joy!
Good luck everyone. :3 Here's hoping I make some awesome friends in this game.
Psyched for open weekend~
Trying to decide if I should wait for the open weekend or go ahead and buy a beta key =P
Game looks great and I hope everyone gets the chance to enjoy it!
"I watch. I wonder. I create. I tear down."
-Sotha Sil
raising my chances :D
Figured I would throw a post in here. Here's to the success of PoE.

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