Forum users are now TEN TIMES more likely to get into Beta for now
wanna join beeeeeeeeeta!
So excited for this, it looks more like Diablo 3 than Diablo 3 does.
I personally hate that thrice damn timer. >:(
Gives my hope up everytime. Insanity is overrated unless you join me in mine.
every few minutes my neighbors hear another dirty word..
I'm not the biggest forum poster unless I have reason to post. I will most certainly be more active on the forums if/when I can play, but for now hopefully this single post helps my chances. Thanks to all the developers etc. for making a game that looks this good!
" last four in had zero posts, make more accs proud member of clanDA
I'm dreaming of an exile christmas
Interesting. I can see where this is coming from, though. It stands to reason that forum-goers would be more likely to use the beta properly, submitting bugs and such, than treating it as a get-in-early card.
Great news! Gives me slightly more hope I may be chosen... not much, but hell I'll take anything I can get! :)