(*ES*) Ethereal Serenity (EU) - Trial of the Ancestors! (Softcore League Guild)

Ethereal Serenity founder - https://discord.gg/cMfkf8
Ethereal Serenity founder - https://discord.gg/cMfkf8
Ethereal Serenity founder - https://discord.gg/cMfkf8
Ethereal Serenity founder - https://discord.gg/cMfkf8
Ethereal Serenity founder - https://discord.gg/cMfkf8
Disregard the leader's "up" comments: Be an adult, be flexible in terms of politically-unfavorable exchanges. I routinely call my guild leader a red coat and my co-officer a nazi because they're respectfully a Brit and a German.

There's no BS here, just good ol' internet gaming fun. However - if your meme jokes go too far and someone says "stop", you better fucking stop. I'll be the first to snap your ass in half like Moses did the red sea.

Respect and fun are the core tenants of this guild and as an officer - if I catch you causing problems in either category I will figuratively destroy you.

Otherwise: If you're not inclined towards being a prick, you're most definitely welcome. If you see someone else going against the grain in terms of what I posted above, refer to me(Wolf on Discord) and I'll either forward it to the leaders that be or otherwise look into it and provide a solid kick in the ass to whoever deserves it.
Last edited by Urienthane on Sep 19, 2019, 12:38:36 AM
Ethereal Serenity founder - https://discord.gg/cMfkf8
Ethereal Serenity founder - https://discord.gg/cMfkf8
Ethereal Serenity founder - https://discord.gg/cMfkf8
Ethereal Serenity founder - https://discord.gg/cMfkf8

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