Sayya's Item Filter (version 2.81) - updated for Ritual!
Thank you very much for the filter. I am using it with some slight modifications, such as highlighting items I want to chance. I like the subtle changes your filter uses.
Thank you very much, this looks amazing!
Making all kinds of gains. |
My version of this filter.
What changed: Removed Wisdoms - u can vendor trans for 4 wisdom Portals - just buy urself portal gem, 10c. "Gambler" "Carrion Crow" "Lover" - useless cards Blue jewels RGB items - i do not colletct them .... All white bases for chance - omg just sell 120 chance for ex, don't spend them on crafting. useless. ADDED a lot of currency. omg, Jew, Alch, Fuse they just good. Their "importance" increased (size) Chisels - their importance dectreased. 4chis = 1c. Chaose goes with sound, But 1/4c? Ofc no sound. What is planned: i plan to completely remove all items ilvl < 76, or even higher. That's for high lvl content. And i plan to remove more other things.
# Script edited with Filtration -
# Sayya's item filter, v. 1.33 (8/1/2015) # # Changelog: # # Added handling for chaos Warbands weapons (show magic weapons of ilvl 70+) (8/1/2015) # Adjusted PlayAlertSound volumes (8/1/2015) # Fixed 4L handling (7/27/2015) # Adjusted Warbands filter, added block for 4Ls, adjusted aura handling, added alert sounds to midtier currency, adjusted some font sizes (7/25/2015) # Added Portal, now shows all magic items (shrunk) by default for Warbands (7/13/2015) # Font size changes, small refinement to recipe highlighting, added support for Filtration themes (7/2/2015) # Minor color changes (6/26/2015) # Added Filtration support, tweaked hybrid flask handling (6/15/2015) # Minor fixes, slightly altered life vs mana flask border color, added Divination Card support (6/15/2015) # Updated Maraketh weapon bases (6/12/2015) # Updated Maraketh weapon bases; dim/shrink hidden items for less clutter when highlight is pressed (5/22/2015) # Added block for chance base highlighting (5/5/2015) # Adjusted chaos/regal recipe handling to exclude 1H weapons, shields, and quivers; shrunk normal/magic accessories (5/3/2015) # Added alpha values to the dimmed items, increased font size on some items, tweaked level ranges for hiding items (5/2/2015) # Maximized volume on alert sounds, tweaked high-end currency alert (5/1/2015) # Refined flask and quiver handling (4/30/2015) # Section: Currency ################## Hide # Trash BaseType "Wisdom" "Portal Scroll" "Gambler" "Carrion Crow" "Lover" SetTextColor 95 95 179 180 # Dim blue SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background SetFontSize 25 PlayAlertSound Hide # Valuables - Blue Jewels Rarity = Magic Class "Jewel" SetBorderColor 150 0 0 # Special drops SetFontSize 42 ################### # Add a currency-colored border to midtier currency Show # Currency - Mid BaseType "Alteration" "Chance" "Chromatic" "Jeweller" "Alchemy" "Chisel" SetBorderColor 170 158 130 # Uncommon currency SetFontSize 38 Show # Currency - Mid BaseType "Fusing" "Regret" "Gemcutter's Prism" "Blessed" "Regal Orb" "Vaal Orb" "Chaos Orb" "Scouring" SetBorderColor 170 158 130 # Uncommon currency SetFontSize 38 PlayAlertSound 3 300 # Add a unique border and sound to high-end currency (AlertSound5) Show # Currency - High BaseType "Exalted" "Divine Orb" "Eternal Orb" "Mirror of" "Feather" SetBorderColor 175 96 37 # Rare currency SetFontSize 42 PlayAlertSound 5 300 # Default handling of other currency Show # Currency - Low Class "Currency" # Section: Maps, Uniques, Quest Items # Adjust font size of: uniques, maps (includes sacrifice fragments), quest items Show # Maps/Fragments Class "Map" SetFontSize 38 Show # Quest Items Class "Quest" SetFontSize 38 Show # Valuables - Uniques Rarity = Unique SetFontSize 42 # Section: Flasks # Add a border to flasks that are near the current level or have 15%+ quality Show # Flasks - Utility Class "Utility Flask" SetBorderColor 88 0 179 # Utility/Hybrid/Quality flask Show # Flasks - Quality Quality >= 10 Class "Flask" SetBorderColor 88 0 179 # Utility/Hybrid/Quality flask Show # Flasks - Hybrid - Hallowed BaseType "Hallowed Hybrid Flask" ItemLevel < 68 SetBorderColor 88 0 179 # Utility/Hybrid/Quality flask Hide # Flasks - Hybrid - Other Class "Hybrid Flask" SetTextColor 150 150 150 180 # Dim white SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background Show # Flasks - Mana - ilvl < 15 ItemLevel < 15 Class "Mana Flask" SetBorderColor 88 0 222 # Mana flask Show # Flasks - Life - ilvl < 15 ItemLevel < 15 Class "Life Flask" SetBorderColor 83 0 110 # Life flask Show # Flasks - Mana - ilvl < 26 ItemLevel < 26 DropLevel > 10 Class "Mana Flask" SetBorderColor 88 0 222 # Mana flask Show # Flasks - Life - ilvl < 26 ItemLevel < 26 DropLevel > 10 Class "Life Flask" SetBorderColor 83 0 110 # Life flask Show # Flasks - Mana - ilvl < 34 ItemLevel < 34 DropLevel > 22 Class "Mana Flask" SetBorderColor 88 0 222 # Mana flask Show # Flasks - Life - ilvl < 34 ItemLevel < 34 DropLevel > 22 Class "Life Flask" SetBorderColor 83 0 110 # Life flask Show # Flasks - Mana - ilvl < 43 ItemLevel < 43 DropLevel > 34 Class "Mana Flask" SetBorderColor 88 0 222 # Mana flask Show # Flasks - Life - ilvl < 43 ItemLevel < 43 DropLevel > 34 Class "Life Flask" SetBorderColor 83 0 110 # Life flask Show # Flasks - Mana - ilvl < 55 ItemLevel < 55 DropLevel > 40 Class "Mana Flask" SetBorderColor 88 0 222 # Mana flask Show # Flasks - Life - ilvl < 55 ItemLevel < 55 DropLevel > 40 Class "Life Flask" SetBorderColor 83 0 110 # Life flask Show # Flasks - Mana - Divine+ - (under 70) DropLevel > 58 ItemLevel < 70 Class "Mana Flask" SetBorderColor 88 0 222 # Mana flask Show # Flasks - Life - Divine+ - (under 70) DropLevel > 58 ItemLevel < 70 Class "Life Flask" SetBorderColor 83 0 110 # Life flask Show # Flasks - Mana - Divine+ - (over 70) DropLevel > 58 Class "Mana Flask" SetFontSize 25 Show # Flasks - Life - Divine+ - (over 70) DropLevel > 58 Class "Life Flask" SetFontSize 25 # Section: Special Items # Add a red border and sound to special items: fishing rods, jewels (AlertSound7) Show # Valuables - Fishing Rods, Jewels, Div Cards Class "Fishing Rod" "Jewel" "Divination Card" SetBorderColor 150 0 0 # Special drops SetFontSize 42 PlayAlertSound 7 300 # Section: Links and Sockets # Add a grey border and sound to 6s/5l/6l items (AlertSound2) Show # Valuables - 5/6L LinkedSockets >= 5 SetBorderColor 127 127 127 # 6S/5L/6L border SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # Contrast background SetFontSize 42 PlayAlertSound 2 300 Show # Valuables - 6S Sockets = 6 SetBorderColor 127 127 127 # 6S/5L/6L border SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # Contrast background SetFontSize 42 PlayAlertSound 2 300 # Slightly lighten white/magic RGB items a la Antnee #Show # Valuables - RGB Items # Rarity = Normal # SocketGroup "RGB" # SetTextColor 255 255 255 # RGB whites # SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # Contrast background # SetFontSize 38 #Show # Valuables - RGB Items # Rarity = Magic # SocketGroup "RGB" # SetTextColor 125 175 255 # RGB blues # SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # Contrast background # SetFontSize 38 # Section: Regal Recipe # Add a light blue border to regal recipe rares Show # Rares - 75+ - Nonrecipe ItemLevel >= 75 Rarity = Rare Class "Shields" "One Hand" "Quivers" "Claws" "Daggers" "Wands" Show # Rares - 75+ - Regal recipe - Quality & Jewelry ItemLevel >= 75 Rarity = Rare Class "Rings" "Amulets" "Belts" SetBorderColor 136 136 255 # Regal recipe bright Show # Rares - 75+ - Regal recipe - Quality & Jewelry ItemLevel >= 75 Rarity = Rare Quality > 15 SetBorderColor 136 136 255 # Regal recipe bright Show # Rares - 75+ - Regal recipe ItemLevel >= 75 Rarity = Rare SetBorderColor 136 136 255 200 # Regal recipe faint # Section: Chaos Recipe # Add a yellow border to chaos recipe rares Show # Rares - 60+ - Nonrecipe ItemLevel >= 60 Rarity = Rare Class "Shields" "One Hand" "Quivers" "Claws" "Daggers" "Wands" "Sceptres" Show # Rares - 60+ - Chaos recipe - Quality & Jewelry ItemLevel >= 60 Rarity = Rare Class "Rings" "Amulets" "Belts" SetBorderColor 254 170 0 # Chaos recipe bright Show # Rares - 60+ - Chaos recipe - Quality & Jewelry ItemLevel >= 60 Rarity = Rare Quality > 15 SetBorderColor 254 170 0 # Chaos recipe bright Show # Rares - 60+ - Chaos recipe ItemLevel >= 60 Rarity = Rare SetBorderColor 254 170 0 127 # Chaos recipe faint # Section: Gems # Slightly enlarge and add a teal border to quality gems as well as Empower etc.; shrink all other gems slightly; slightly dim active gems. Show # Gems - Quality Quality > 0 Class "Gem" SetBorderColor 54 100 146 # Valuable/quality gems SetFontSize 38 Show # Gems - Valuable Class "Gem" BaseType "Empower" "Enhance" "Enlighten" "Portal" SetBorderColor 54 100 146 # Valuable/quality gems SetFontSize 38 Show # Gems - Vaal Class "Gem" BaseType "Vaal" SetBorderColor 150 0 0 # Vaal gems SetFontSize 38 Show # Gems - Support Class "Support" SetFontSize 35 Show # Gems - Active - Aura/Buff Class "Active" BaseType "Wrath" "Anger" "Hatred" "Clarity" "Determination" "Grace" "Discipline" "Vitality" "Haste" "Purity of" "Herald of" "Arctic Armour" SetFontSize 35 Show # Gems - Active - Other Class "Active" SetFontSize 25 # Section: Base Items # Add a dark green border to normal items of desired chance bases #Show # Bases - Chance # Rarity = Normal # BaseType "Occultist's" "Judgement Staff" "Agate Amulet" "Imperial Bow" # SetBorderColor 0 73 0 # Chance bases # Add a teal border to ilvl 77+ items of desired bases Show # Bases - 77+ crafting ItemLevel >= 77 Rarity = Normal BaseType "Gold" Class "Amulets" "Rings" SetBorderColor 54 100 146 # Crafting white bases # Section: Rares # Show all rares not covered above (safeguard) Show # Rares - Other Rarity = Rare # Section: Other Items (accessories, chisel hammers, Maraketh weapons, Sacrificial Garb) # Always show potential Warbands blues, Maraketh weapons (capped by level), accessories (reduced size), hammers (white or magic 12%), and sacrificial garbs Show # Warbands - All Magic Boots/Gloves/Helms Rarity = Magic Class Boots Gloves Helmets SetFontSize 25 Show # Warbands - Magic Weapons Rarity = Magic ItemLevel >= 70 Class Claws Daggers Wands Swords Axes Maces Bows Staves Sceptres SetFontSize 25 Show # Jewelry Rarity <= Magic Class "Amulet" "Ring" "Belt" SetFontSize 25 Show # Chisel Hammers Rarity = Normal BaseType "Stone Hammer" "Rock Breaker" "Gavel" Show # Chisel Hammers Quality >= 12 Rarity = Magic BaseType "Stone Hammer" "Rock Breaker" "Gavel" Show # Valuables - Sacrificial Garb BaseType "Sacrificial Garb" Show # Maraketh Weapons - Normal ItemLevel < 50 BaseType "Reflex Bow" "Crescent Staff" "Curved Blade" "Morning Star" "Dagger Axe" "Smallsword" "Horned Sceptre" "Etched Hatchet" "Hook Sword" "Wyrm Mace" "Prong Dagger" "Pagan Wand" "Double Claw" SetFontSize 25 Show # Maraketh Weapons - Cruel ItemLevel < 70 BaseType "Steelwood Bow" "Moon Staff" "Lithe Blade" "Solar Maul" "Talon Axe" "Courtesan Sword" "Stag Sceptre" "Engraved Hatchet" "Grappler" "Dragon Mace" "Trisula" "Heathen Wand" "Twin Claw" SetFontSize 25 Show # Maraketh Weapons - Merciless BaseType "Maraketh Bow" "Eclipse Staff" "Exquisite Blade" "Coronal Maul" "Fleshripper" "Dragoon Sword" "Sambar Sceptre" "Runic Hatchet" "Tiger Hook" "Behemoth Mace" "Profane Wand" "Gemini Claw" SetFontSize 25 Show # Maraketh Weapons - Merciless Class "Daggers" BaseType "Sai" SetFontSize 25 #Highlight 4L items below level 50 Show # Valuables - 4L LinkedSockets = 4 ItemLevel < 50 SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # Contrast background # Section: Cleanup (hiding) # Hide white and magic items with a substantial gap between drop and item level (REMOVE FROM HERE UNTIL NEXT COMMENT if you want nothing hidden) Hide # Trash - Low Base ItemLevel >= 20 DropLevel <= 10 Rarity = Normal SetTextColor 150 150 150 180 # Dim white SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background SetFontSize 25 Hide # Trash - Low Base ItemLevel >= 30 DropLevel <= 20 Rarity = Normal SetTextColor 150 150 150 180 # Dim white SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background SetFontSize 25 Hide # Trash - Low Base ItemLevel >= 38 DropLevel <= 30 Rarity = Normal SetTextColor 150 150 150 180 # Dim white SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background SetFontSize 25 Hide # Trash - Low Base ItemLevel >= 46 DropLevel <= 40 Rarity = Normal SetTextColor 150 150 150 180 # Dim white SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background SetFontSize 25 Hide # Trash - Low Base ItemLevel >= 51 DropLevel <= 45 Rarity = Normal SetTextColor 150 150 150 180 # Dim white SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background SetFontSize 25 Hide # Trash - Low Base ItemLevel >= 55 DropLevel <= 50 Rarity = Normal SetTextColor 150 150 150 180 # Dim white SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background SetFontSize 25 Hide # Trash - Low Base ItemLevel >= 68 DropLevel <= 61 Rarity = Normal SetTextColor 150 150 150 180 # Dim white SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background SetFontSize 25 Hide # Trash - Low Base ItemLevel >= 75 DropLevel <= 69 Rarity = Normal SetTextColor 150 150 150 180 # Dim white SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background SetFontSize 25 Hide # Trash - Low Base ItemLevel >= 20 DropLevel <= 10 Rarity = Magic SetTextColor 95 95 179 180 # Dim blue SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background SetFontSize 25 Hide # Trash - Low Base ItemLevel >= 30 DropLevel <= 20 Rarity = Magic SetTextColor 95 95 179 180 # Dim blue SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background SetFontSize 25 Hide # Trash - Low Base ItemLevel >= 38 DropLevel <= 30 Rarity = Magic SetTextColor 95 95 179 180 # Dim blue SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background SetFontSize 25 Hide # Trash - Low Base ItemLevel >= 46 DropLevel <= 40 Rarity = Magic SetTextColor 95 95 179 180 # Dim blue SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background SetFontSize 25 Hide # Trash - Low Base ItemLevel >= 51 DropLevel <= 45 Rarity = Magic SetTextColor 95 95 179 180 # Dim blue SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background SetFontSize 25 Hide # Trash - Low Base ItemLevel >= 55 DropLevel <= 50 Rarity = Magic SetTextColor 95 95 179 180 # Dim blue SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background SetFontSize 25 Hide # Trash - Low Base ItemLevel >= 68 DropLevel <= 61 Rarity = Magic SetTextColor 95 95 179 180 # Dim blue SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background SetFontSize 25 Hide # Trash - Low Base ItemLevel >= 75 DropLevel <= 69 Rarity = Magic SetTextColor 95 95 179 180 # Dim blue SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background SetFontSize 25 # Section: Cleanup (dimming and shrinking) after A1N # Dim normal and magic items above level 15 that aren't hidden but aren't special Show # Trash - Dimmed ItemLevel > 14 Rarity = Normal SetTextColor 150 150 150 180 # Dim white SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background SetFontSize 25 Show # Trash - Dimmed ItemLevel > 14 Rarity = Magic SetTextColor 95 95 179 180 # Dim blue SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 127 # Dim background SetFontSize 25 # Section: Cleanup (shrinking only) in A1N Show # A1N drops - Normal Rarity = Normal SetFontSize 25 Show # A1N drops - Magic Rarity = Magic SetFontSize 25 How not to miss Skill Books /view-thread/1940679
Find Bameth /view-thread/1828226 Exas for new players /view-thread/1956615 Checking resources /view-thread/2453818 Don't use Shaper/Elder orbs /view-thread/2474890 |
DId anything get changed on this filter? it was fine before the 1month league, now it doesn't show the ilvl 60+ items with a yellow border for the chaos recipe..
i've changed it with the filtration program and it still doesnt show the border. whats up? |
" Sorry, didn't see this until just now. Chances are there's another block interfering with the chaos recipe. The filter as on the github still shows those just fine. Did you add anything else to handle rares earlier in the filter? "Nothing happened." - CharanJaydemyr, TheWretch
Sayya's Item Filter (updated for Ritual!) - |
Version 1.4 is available on github
- Added alert sound to map drops - Switched potential Warbands blues to be hidden by default, but highlighted on alt press "Nothing happened." - CharanJaydemyr, TheWretch
Sayya's Item Filter (updated for Ritual!) - |
Thanks for the update Sayya, great work as usual!
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
I love this filter so much I want to make babies with it.
Hello good human,
I have a problem with the last version, somehow I can not open it with Filtration (v0.11). I can open the modified previos version I'm currently using without a problem so I guess it's not a problem with Filtration. Do you happen to know why I have this problem? Is there something different with the last update? Thanks a lot, and thank you for doing this awesome filter. |
t-thanks senpai