Aim's 2.0 Fleet Foot - FlameShock totem /Arc /cant be hit / cheap farmer / 4L Atziri Viable

Hi Everyone

2.0 update tree. DPS doubled. GG

*videos below

This was my build from 1msc who did atziri @ only lvl 79 but really he's good in all map and good fun farmer.

He's ready for end game pretty early like lvl 70 can do 75 maps pretty easy. Once gems are 18 or so 78 maps ez.


~16,000 evasion ~ 55% chance to evade
~invulnerable to projectiles
~40% chance to dodge
~45% chance to spell dodge
~11% chance to block
~37% Movement speed
~4000+ life

He just runs around arcing and cursing on hit while flame totem takes everything out. He picks up loot while totem takes everything out too. Its almost impossible to die in maps. You just dont get hit with movement and evasion and you're still DPSing while on the move. Or flame totem is.

Helm Curse on hit/ele weakness/arc. But main reason I use it flame totem does 50% more Deeps more often
3 chaos

Chest for flame totem set but nice chest with very good evasion, life and ok resits. Only need 4L..cast speed = luxury...
40 chaos

Two wands for DPS and projectile speed so flame totem cover whole screen
varies these I stole for like 10-20 chaos

nice boots for spell dodge, huge EV and life
2 chaos

A little MF - But main reason I use is decent resits and easy to 4R for CWDT set
2 chaos

Or you can get hybrid gloves like this since every 80 life gives 200 more life. I have not tired yet. I like a little MF.
10 chaos

Rest of gear cover life and max resists
cost varies

*between rings ammy and wands best to have ~180 mana regen. Im a little low. But no biggie as I level and grab 40% next node.

Current lvl 82 Tree

Final 90 Tree (maybe take equilibrium..has its pros and cons...) If you spam your ARC with totem more DPS.. if you want to run around and pick up goodies up while totem kills less dps

Bandits - KILL ALL x3. Or Maybe Oak A2N. I just like all passives except on crit builds.

Videos Gorge w/MM+ lvl 77 shrine <got an exalt in this map:) Atziri takes awhile but what do you expect for cheap build

Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jul 11, 2015, 12:57:32 AM
Certainly sounds interesting. Always like queen of the forest!

Video is set to private though... ;)
"Fixing the endgame was hard - No matter how hard we buffed red maps, people would keep spamming Gorges.
So we turned Gorge into a red map"
TY fixed. I will upload more when I get home too this evening.:)

about 2 min are a trade just skip past that sorry.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on May 4, 2015, 7:52:43 AM
Atziri vid and quick gorge up
Git R Dun!
seems cool, congrats!
Git R Dun!
Thanks for the cool build! Am having a lot of fun on my freshly rolled char.

I have two small improvements:
1. Replace Spell Echo by Culling Strike. The herald is not triggered if the totem gets the kill, so you should get it as often as possible.
2. The totems live a lot longer if you protect them with well-placed multiple bear traps. I sacrificed the CWDT setup for a nice bear trap, in 2.0 the enduring cry will anyway not be triggerable.
May your maps be bountiful, exile
Heya, this looks like a fun build. Was just wondering what spells you would recommend for leveling up until Arc and Flame Totem are available?

Also, which nodes would you recommend getting first? Unless you could break down your skill point progression?

Cheers mate.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jul 11, 2015, 1:01:56 AM
Hey bud, looks great for a starting character in new leagues. How are you handling some of the changes, particularly to no shotgunning and CWDT setup? Self casting it these days? Would you still run GMP on the totem?

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