4 Hour Endless Ledge (1)

Standard rules for league events apply. Please click this link if this is your first race event.

Dead characters will still be able to receive reward points in Endless Ledge events.

The top 10 players by experience will receive Closed Beta Access at the end of the event.

All players who reach level 25 will go into a pool. 10 accounts from this pool will receive Closed Beta Access at the end of the event. You may only enter this event with one account.
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wtf 1
Neat, so do we use characters specifically made for it? also assuming no trading?

endless ledge is endless love
There seems to be a lot of new people entering races. So for those new to Endless ledge here is some info.

1) Endless Ledge starts in a regular Ledge zone. There is a starting chest full of gear and gems. There will be a variety of weapons: 1H, 2H, and wand (and I think a bow). There will be a selection of common starting gems like you would normally get as the Hillock reward. There are also a couple of shields and a hat. (unless something changes from past races)

2) There are no towns to trade or fill flasks. There is no stash. Everything must come from the starting chest or drops.

3) At the end of the first Ledge, you enter a new zone. It may or may not be a Ledge zone. Common tile sets are Ledge, something similar to Sarn, and a Jungle area. Regardless of the tile set, it will be a narrow linear zone like the Ledge. So all zones will be a run from one end to the other. Except for the starting zone they are random. So you might get 10 Ledges in a row, or none at all.

4) If you bail out, you go back to the start of the current zone. Flasks DO NOT refill when you escape. You DO NOT regain your health except by normal regen. (hope for a coral amulet drop)

5) Once you enter a new zone you can't go back. It's a one-way exit.

6) Mob density is much higher than normal zones. So you level fast. As such, there is a larger jump in mob level with each zone.

7) This is a hard core race. But unlike most HC races you can die and still get credit for the level/experience you reach.

8) Since you still get credit if you die, it pays to go all out near the end of the race. No need to play it safe at the end.

9) If you die, you can start a new character. Unless something changed from previous events, your highest level character will count.

10) No parties and no trading.

11) It should be VERY easy to reach level 25 in 4 hours. So if you start late, go for it anyway.

12) Unlike other races, you DO NOT keep anything after the race. Neither your character nor gear migrate to perm leagues. USE YOUR ORBS, because you can't keep them. If you get an uber unique, it's gone after the race.

13) After the race your character(s) will migrate to the 'void' league. They will show in your character list, but you can't play them. Delete them after you make sure you have credit for the race. In normal races you can check your profile page events tab to see when you've gotten credit for the race. However, this race is a special event and I don't know how you'll know.
Last edited by harddaysnight#7837 on May 1, 2015, 12:06:52 AM
beta key or roit !
Please RNG give me a fishing rod !
Last edited by the_lost_emberbright#7476 on May 1, 2015, 12:25:55 AM
Welp, it starts at 10:00 p.m. my time. Looks like i'll be staying up late! :D What are good builds for this?
harddaysnight wrote:
There seems to be a lot of new people entering races. So for those new to Endless ledge here is some info.

Thank you very much, kind sir. Some nice tips there.
Start counting down the timer
harddaysnight,thank you very much, i am new to this race and you helped a lot.

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