Once again I am getting a kick out of these threads.
How many of the people on here that are complaining about not getting the beta key are the same people that, if they got one, would either play the beta and not report a single bug, not take any detailed notes, not create anything helpful for the community, not assist with the development of act IV even in the slightest, but instead head to Reddit and complain how act IV is going to nurf your favourite character or skill. Either that or they would just use it as bragging rights once act IV comes out. "Oh yeah this cool new thing in act IV is good but you should have seen it in the beta. Oh you didn't have beta access? Poor you.".
I for one don't want beta access and will be removing myself from the list. Beta access is designed because GGG wants people on there that can put the game through its paces and know the game well enough to provide valuable information back to them based on the play experience. I don't have the time or knowledge of the game required to provide anything helpful. Am I going to play the crap out of act IV when it is fully launched? You can bet your Shavronne's I will. But until then I will just spend my time happily waiting and grinding out my other characters.
Also the complaints about how POE isn't free to play? What exactly do you see as free to play? You want unlimited, free stash tabs? Do you realize what that would have done to GGG if that was their business model? If there was nothing gameplay related that they could make money on? We wouldn't be talking act IV hype, we would be talking about act II hype. This game would still be in its infancy and Chris Wilson would be the only guy working on it. You think you have complaints about desync now? Imagine what it would be like if the servers were just running in Chris' basement in Auckland on some old recycled PCs that he borrowed from friends and family?
I don't know if some people understand this but GGG is a business and not a charity. The video game industry is made up of businesses. I don't know the whole history of GGG but it was probably something like this. One day Chris Wilson woke up and thought to himself, "Self, I need money to pay for food to survive. What would be the best way on earth to do that? I know, I like video games, I will figure out a way to
make money selling video games.". They could have created POE as a regular game where we would have all had to pay $50 to buy the game and they just crossed their fingers and hoped that millions would buy it. They could have created POE as a pay to win game where the initial game was free but you could buy a perfectly rolled anything for a fee and that was the only way of getting them. Currency items could have only been available for a fee and not freely dropped in the game. If would be impossible for a guy like me without an unlimited video game budget to ever think about playing anything even remotely end game and in all honesty I would have moved on to another game already if that was the case. But they didn't. Instead the only thing they ask you to pay for that has anything even remotely to do with game play is stash tabs. That's it. Can you beat Atziri without paying for additional stash tabs? Of course you can, what's stopping you? Will you be able to create a character once act IV comes out and storm through the entire game killing off each and every single boss and destroying all of the newest high level maps? Of course you can. You just won't be able to horde each and every drop you find. That's it. Please explain to me how that one simple thing completely breaks the game for you to the point that you think that the company (not the charity) that created the game that you have obviously spent years playing doesn't deserve your $20 for 6 premium stash tabs? I have paid for stash tabs. Did I have to or the game was worthless? No, I could have continued playing for free just like I had before but I now have room to store some pretty cool stuff that drops. Will I ever have hundreds of stash tabs like some of the people or streamers on here? Will I ever run my own store and spend half of my gameplay time in trade and organizing my items? Heck no. Will I buy more stash tabs when act IV comes out? I am going to have to after that one month race, well played Chris, well played :-)
In short...if you want a beta key ask yourself would you really be doing it to help out GGG? And if you want a truely free to play game, by all means spend your free time outside of work and family and create one. Make sure to not charge for anything even remotely gameplay related and see how long you stay in business for. Maybe in 9 years I will be posting a similar rant on your companies forums.