The Wizard's Tower


You guys sound just like what we are looking for, a little about us so you can see if we fit your bill.

Husband and wife playing together, while we are pretty self sufficient thought it might be nice to join up with some other guys for the more social side of things :D

Hectic real lives so playtimes vary a lot, but if we did commit to meeting up for a group thing then we would move hell n high water to make it.

Not needy in any sense, not looking for handouts.

Both over 30, English, can use voip but tbh mostly don't like to when it is just us playing together as we are constantly talking to each other and well if i'm distracted then i may well die :P

Played back in beta, stopped, came back for a bit, stopped (real life sucks at times), back again and this time having more time to put into it we are learning so much more, have not got to end game yet, have a basic idea about it but in no hurry to get there, we both like the idea of making builds and seeing if they work more than anything else.

We have dabbled in a couple of races, may look into that more later, also we like to have a go in the 3 month leagues, warbands is actually what got us back into PoE again.

Anyway, not sure how this works entirely, hit me with a PM on here or message me in game?

I am mostly either on Piedru or Tzian when playing in standard :D

Many thanks for your time.
Here in The Wizard's Tower™, we take safety very seriously. The Council of Wizards™ was saddened to hear that there may be certain members of this prestigious guild using unlicensed and overleveled spells in public areas.

Please note that any violations of the Wizard's Tower™ Arcane Regulatory Compliance Commission™ bylaws will result in severe penalties, including (but not limited to):

-Revocation of guild-licensed merchandise
-Transmogrification into lesser state of being
-500 years* (Standard Compression Time) in Wizard Prison™
-Being permanently soulbound to a Giant Unblinking Floating Eye Familiar™

If you or anyone you know has committed any ARCC infractions, please contact your nearest Wizard's Tower Human Resources Representative™ to throw yourself at the mercy of the Council.

With possibility of conditional parole at 495 years

A comprehensive, easy on the eyes loot filter:

Need a chill group exiles to hang with? Join us:
Last edited by Antnee on Nov 26, 2015, 6:47:24 AM
WOOOW! just wow. I'm in the game since i think 2 years, had a rly long pause but I'm back again and am searching for a friendly Guild . I'm looking forward to join this sweety
IGN: FireBrute
Antnee wrote:

If you or anyone you know has committed any ARCC infractions, please contact your nearest Wizard's Tower Human Resources Representative™ to throw yourself at the mercy of the Council.

It was only smoke mine. Its barely even a real spell... im hoping to make parole!
I answered your PM Arch, albeit a little bit late. Would love to be part of the gang!
Hi Arch and co.

I used to be in blow but i too got kicked out somewhere at the end of Warbands, not sure why though.

I always enjoyed having people to talk to on guild chat, poe just feels lonely without it.

So, could i please join the guild?

Hey All,

Like most others in this thread been playing for while now was in a guild with few friends sadly none of which play the game much at all anymore would love an invite to a more active guild :)

IGN: Nomorehardcore


No longer interested. Thanks for ignoring me. I even sent a PM and you didn't bother to reply.
Last edited by Ricardo58 on Jan 1, 2016, 1:05:33 PM
Would like to join. Shoot me an invite.
Merry Christmas, ya jolly jokers! =^[.]^=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie

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