End of One Month Torment/Bloodlines Leagues and Announcement of Five Day Solo Leagues (Updated!)

fatuglyhermit wrote:
Dumb question?: is there any reason to play HC over SC? I always play HC in the leagues but in this contest it doesn't seem to add any benefit other than greater risk/thrill which is great normally but not in this case where you're trying to get to 70.

The prize pool is different for both, so you might think that there will be less people who are 70+ in HC so the odds of you winning the lottery prize is larger in HC.
let the top 100 play!
I love books.
I started playing. Then I ALT-F4 level 8. After wasting an entire month trying to obtain red MTX unsuccessfully, I'm thoroughly sick of leveling characters for no reward or goal.
Yum Gibbs!
Well I tried but solo self found is not for me and the odds of winning were small, so I'm out
Not even half a day in and people have already hit 70. I'm out before I'm even in.

How do you go that fast, especially in no-trade solo?
TheWoodsy wrote:
I started playing. Then I ALT-F4 level 8. After wasting an entire month trying to obtain red MTX unsuccessfully, I'm thoroughly sick of leveling characters for no reward or goal.

1 month for 4/4... ouch... took me about 5 days to get both of them 4/4.
But sure, this race isnt worth it. Nothing new and rewards are pretty much lottery with 2-3% chance to win.
Last edited by Hartsai#7614 on Apr 26, 2015, 2:56:17 AM
TimeDilation wrote:
Not even half a day in and people have already hit 70. I'm out before I'm even in.

How do you go that fast, especially in no-trade solo?

I've watched some of their streams and they somehow managed to drop Cloak of Defiance, Spell Echo and whatever gems they need, decent rares to have their res capped in Merc etc. etc. before even reaching Act 2 Merc.

Streamer RNG will be streamer RNG I guess.

Hartsai wrote:
1 month for 4/4... ouch... took me about 5 days to get both of them 4/4.

Some people have very limited play-time ofc.

Last edited by Jaille#5798 on Apr 26, 2015, 2:59:50 AM
Jaille wrote:

Hartsai wrote:
1 month for 4/4... ouch... took me about 5 days to get both of them 4/4.

Some people have very limited play-time ofc.

Sure, i do work full time too. I started on weekend tho which helps. And i wasnt trying to offend anyone and im sorry it it came out that way. I just personally think that the 1mo challenges were too easy and pretty much everyone i know got them if they tried and stopped 2-3 weeks before the league ended.
Last edited by Hartsai#7614 on Apr 26, 2015, 3:06:59 AM
No point in wasting 10-xx hours going through the same content for the 150th time just to get some 0.x% chance of winning a key. Out for some SP games session, see you at release guys :P
Iblisx wrote:
Divination Card - The beast :p
It is obvious who is riding "The beast"

Is that Lady Gagadiva?
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