End of One Month Torment/Bloodlines Leagues and Announcement of Five Day Solo Leagues (Updated!)

To sum up: The event is terribly boring, and everyone who is already in the beta will play it over the beta.
Tide goes in, tide goes out. You can't explain that.
EpicFail42 wrote:
CliveHowlitzer wrote:

While I can see where you are coming from, I generally don't need rewards to encourage me to play. I play for fun, not for rewards. I've always felt this way about video games. I think too many people get obsessed with some kind of reward for their time instead of just enjoying the time.

Ahem... May I - very-very carefuly - point out that you have a "6" next to your name, and there is a "do vendor recipes" challenge completed in that 6 ;-) So, even you don't play "just for fun", you feel OK with doing even fairly boring stuff to increase that number. That's normal, even good, because it's deeply rooted in basic human psychology - I'd say, every good game in existence is built on providing interesting goals and rewards for reaching them.

As I said before, this event is a game design faux pas - something that breaks the convention of rewarding player's effort, and because of that it certainly could feel like a (small, weak, weird, accidental?) insult.

Right but here is the thing. I did the challenges for the fun of completing them, not because I wanted the rewards. The satisfaction of finishing them was enough. That is the difference. It is no different from setting my own challenges for a league and setting out to do it.

You could look at this new race as just that. See how well you can do in this kind of setting, people have been clamoring for it. Sure you might not get the top place, but at least you could give it a whirl. Make the journey of seeing how far you can get the reward.
"Danger is like jello, there's always room for more."
NsFuriouss wrote:
Didn't read all the thread but since :
The top 35 players from each will have The Awakening Closed Beta access enabled on their accounts at the end of the event

That means the big streamers who were hypped yesteraday about that 5 days event even i they already are in the beta (Grrrr !!!) have no interested of doing the event since their account is already activated.
Or the system will be the top 35 who don't already have a beta access ?

This! Its an on going spiral arround the streamers, why not make it top 10 granted a key and everyone above 65/70 gets a ticket to win one of the other 25 keys. I am no big racer so getting to the top 35 seems a long way for me.

Forgive me I like the fact that GGG adds something to close the gab and give players a chance but again only the no lifers will get top 35 which are mainly the streamers AGAIN.

Dear god the amount of salt in this thread...

Hyped about his, just wanna know if the top 35 will include people who already got Beta Access.
GGG, instead of top 35, it should be top X each class.

Because what the current rule actually says, is: top 35 flameblast prolif. templars will get beta access.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Funny to read comments about those mythical 'top racers'... You don't need ANY race experience to win this race.
What you need to win is a good build, basic hardcore endgame experience, lucky cartos, shitton of time and the most important - the ability to play this endgame for 16 hours a day.
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Can we just have Descent: Champions for keys so I can get mine and be done with it? I can't play for 5 days straight GGG ;(.

EDIT: JSTQ is preaching some real talk right now. Racers and League players are different skill sets, just some happen to be good at both.
SeoHyun (www.twitch.tv/Awkamess)
My racing guides for S11:

"Terrex is irrelevant." ~Lonestar420 2015
Last edited by Awkamess#1503 on Apr 24, 2015, 4:46:40 AM
I don't care about the beta key thing, in my opinion it's good that the best of the best get a chance to get a beta key, beta is for feedback not just early access, and top-placers will likely notice things that other people will not. I think many people are just whining because they're trying to claw their way into beta whichever way they can, a bit of a reality shock for you, these "nolifers" you're complaining about have higher value to the beta than your average player. Enough average players are getting in via the raffle. Wait your turn.

That all said, it would be nice if there was another incentive, an alt-art race reward challenge or MTX challenge like the one-month or something, because honestly i'll probably just be playing Standard at this point. I don't really see a point to playing a short league with no trade, no ability to play with my friends, and no real chance at an exterior prize.

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