End of One Month Torment/Bloodlines Leagues and Announcement of Five Day Solo Leagues (Updated!)
I am supremely disappointed in the fanbase of this game. I thought we were better than this but it seems people are resorting to child-like behaviour. Get a grip guys. It is a beta with many character wipes that you will then probably also complain about. Just wait a month or two and you'll either get into the beta or the game will release and you can play it for the first time without the experience being wiped from the game.
Thank you GGG for throwing the players a bone while you work so hard :) looing forward to hearing more about the divination cards! |
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Mfw after 3 days of almost non-stop playing my name pops up in the timer.
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" Facedesk at every you say, mootthemad. Show us where you can buy in to the beta? Make Things For Smile!
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" While I can see where you are coming from, I generally don't need rewards to encourage me to play. I play for fun, not for rewards. I've always felt this way about video games. I think too many people get obsessed with some kind of reward for their time instead of just enjoying the time. "Danger is like jello, there's always room for more."
http://www.twitch.tv/vejita00 |
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" GGG said themselves they want all kind of people to beta test, meaning both nolifers and gasp, normal people with lives and jobs. The timing (and the timing of the announciation) of this event solely caters to the former, which quite frankly pisses me off. Ask yourself one thing: Who has more money to spend on the game? The nolifers, with no job, no income, no nothing OR! the people with actual jobs and money to spend. This whole beta testing debacle and the shit changes I see makes me realize that perhaps its time to play a new game - the sad thing is the amount of money I already threw at GGG because I was of the belief they were making an awesome game and were awesome people. The last couple of weeks or so I am seriously beginning to doubt that (add on that 1 month pointless leagues where everyone and their mother could get 4/4 because one could simply buy the "hard" parts of it by farming Sarn or 66 maps for hours). |
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5 days solo ?
AYFBKM ? why not 3 hrs ? what is this for ? speed-bots ? get the... 120$ ARCTIC SUPPORTER
Black cat, Arctic portal, Arctic skull hatred, Arctic footprints, 2x Arctic Weapon, 20 skins, +3 tab |
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Only thing that worries me a bit is that it starts so late in the weekend. If it started ~10 hours earlier, around noon gmt+2, that would enable more players to compete and overall would probably be a more enjoyable experience during the whole weekend, not just one day of it.
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By the way, at least for me, personally, it's not the beta that's important here. I do want to get in, check a couple of my builds, write a couple of reports related to them, but I'm not in a hurry, and even if I'll never get in it won't be a problem. There are enough streams around to have all the information needed for the next leagues, there would be full resets, so it's not _that_ great to be in a beta.
The problem with this 5-day event is the lack of rewards of any kind, known beforehand, for most of its potential participants. I do want a new league while the beta takes place, I was so happy that the event would be solo self-found, but lack of rewards feels like a fun killer. Rewards could be anything, of course - such as random drawings for beta keys, low-value unique items (with alt art, probably), ultra-cheap MTXs, some challenges mentioned in the player profile - anything, in fact. Oh, do you want some nice conspiracy theory? We all know what GGG feels about self-found, right? :-) After this event there could be a perfectly truthful response in a forum someday: "we tried some solo self-found leagues for five days, but only about a hundred people participated in each, so..." |
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This is awesome! Really looking forward to a self found league. Shame it isn't a bit longer, I don't have that much time to play the next week. Nice reward for the best / fastest players.
Exciting on what those cards are. Perhaps a new currency/crafting material? Perhaps it adds a random gem effect to an item. |
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The amount of negativity and anger in this thread is disappointing however I think GGG did go about this a little bit poorly. I understand that at this time people should be patient and not obsess over beta access as it isn't ready for a large scale player base. That being the case, I think it was a mistake to make this contest solely about beta access. Many of these people, like myself, would likely enjoy something fun and rewarding to do elsewhere in the game, while following the news and streamers for beta info.
This contest would really have benefited for some rewards for more casual players and for those who are not interested in beta access (as they do exist and would still enjoy playing the game a bit over the next 6-8 weeks). The mistake here imo was that this contest seems to imply that the only thing worth working toward in PoE right now is beta access, which is what makes everyone so salty when they feel its unattainable. If they don't want us to be beating down their door for beta access then they should stop dangling it in front of us like a carrot while giving us nothing to distract ourselves with in the core game. Don't get me wrong. I love this game and am excited for Act4 whether I get beta access or not. And I will happily be buying a beta supporter pack when and if they are released. |
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