Kripparrian's Frost Pulse Maurader.
" The most important part of Static Blows is the shock duration part. By increasing the duration of the shock you in effect also reduce the damage threshold to get a shock stack in the first place. Normally 1% life dmg gives 276ms duration -> 1.087% life dmg needed to hit the 300ms threshold Static Blows 1% life dmg gives 276*1.45=400.2ms -> 0.75% life dmg needed to hit the 300ms threshold See also this post from a dev: Ofcourse this is only really important if you cannot get a shock stack going in the first place or if the duration is not long enough for your second (crit) hit to land on the mob. On the other hand if your base non crit damage is already high enough to get a long enough shock stack going it may also be a very interesting node to get for the 10% shock chance since then you don't have to stack crit chance that high. But 45% for 1 skill point is not bad if it could help you break the threshold and/or keep stacks going throughout your hits. To get the same effect you would need to increase your damage by 45% and you will not get that for only 1 skill point. I've been trying/doing some calculations myself to see how stuff works and if i should include Static blows and how high i should get my crit chance/dmg to keep shock stacking for a wand witch build im doing. But my biggest problem is that i don't know the amount of life monsters and bosses have at different levels. Im trying to figure out if i can already get my shock stacks rolling and invest in more in regular damage/life nodes or if i should get more crit chance/dmg, attack speed and Static Blows. Its all about balancing these stats to get those shock stacks going, but not over invest in them. And this is ofcourse more important vs the harder mobs/bosses than the white mob trash that die in a flash anyway. So anyone know monster/boss health? |
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" Sure. The RNG on lightning damage makes that impractical. So you have to roll Shock % Chance ( max of 35% non-crit ), then you have to do at least .75% damage, on a skill with a 5-93 base. See where I am getting at yet? You are RNG'ing your RNG. While it may work a moderate percentage of the time, I would prefer not to base my characters off of RNG, especially when I can place those 2 points in this scenario, into 30% more crit chance etc etc. Chitus: Emperor of Wraeclast. Aristeaus: 40k Walking around armor. Spectrez: lol k Last edited by Aristeaus#6060 on Feb 16, 2013, 9:56:54 PM
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At what level do you switch to the Freezing Pulse skill/build?
I started leveling with Poison Arrow and the Silverbranch bow. Last edited by Quitetriggered#4970 on Feb 16, 2013, 10:12:45 PM
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yay now I can copy kripp in everything he does because I dont have a brain and I like being a sheep
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I spent over 5 hours watching the recording when he started the character. I was going similar to him but switched to a 2H mace around level 28 and plan to keep going melee till around level 40-45.
There's just not enough int and dex nodes on the way and that expensive Amulet is out of my league... I realize he's using FP+GMP+Blood Magic+Faster Projectiles+Life Leech Having a hard time following what other gem combos he's using, can someone clear that up? |
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Could you post a video of his new molder (stat items, tree) or make a forum post
Name: FraggeR
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Just read the whole thread.
Imo even if shock only EVER lasted ~276ms I wouldn't care on a freezing pulse + added lightning damage build because it means when I crit, the first wave does 100% dmg, the second wave does 140%, the third wave does 180%, and the fourth and fifth waves do 220%. If you're gonna crit something, added lightning dmg on a spell like FP which applies dmg in waves is incredible. The same probably applies to aoes or splash damage (5 fireballs with added lightning dmg all splash damaging shock procs on a crit?) Now the argument of static blows... eh like I said I'm happy with the above scenario of crits. The duration would be nice for subsequent attacks I guess, but I'm not too fussed about waves proccing shock on a noncrit, especially since all waves either crit or do not crit. If on average 1/5 waves proc shock on a noncrit cast, I get lucky and the first wave crits... that's 100/140/140/140/140 = 660 Compared to (let's say a low crit dmg mod of just 200%): 200/280/360/440/440 = 1720 As you can see, the real damage comes from a crit which applies all 3 stacks very quickly. I don't give a crap about how many stacks are applied on a non crit because the dmg increase was pitiful anyway. |
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" Yay, I have nothing better to do than post sarcastic comments about people copying builds because I'm an elitist dumbass who thinks he's cool because he's one of those hipster faggots who's all about originality. |
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