How the Closed Beta is going so far

the torture is real...
Bye bye desync!

We all want to try a game but I think not all need to do beta. Beta is for people who will help team and do some serious impression about it daily.

So I strongly suggest you to remove timer and invite people who will really test it and make some serious progress (i presume you have a nice database of that kind of players).

Continue with great job GGG and thank you for BEST GAME EVER.
You can't actually know that 99.5% of the people with fake accounts are being filtered out.

Regardless, looking at the dates accounts were made I agree that the very large majority of players getting the beta are experienced players, judging from their account creation dates.
i guess GGG just wants people to create alot of Accounts so they are more succesful on paper! The only logic explenation for me atleast why they didnt took out the alt accounts! GGG i didnt expected this rlly!
ign : ruffa_dualstorm
Kayuga wrote:
the main issue here for most people is not their dedication, rather their complete ignorance on how beta testing really works.

you have to understand that a developer does not only need a veteran player that knows every crack and corner of the game, who plays Hardcore and avoids certain boxes because they have an Exile or freeze them or is able to speedrun from 1 to 80 in the first 10 hours of playing.

a developer requires a healthy ratio between 'good' players that will be able to go through the content faster and encounter/find bugs and 'bad' players that will give a fresh perspective to the developers based on how they see the difficulty/skills/enemies/maps and so on.

what you people fail to understand, past the obvious lack of patience and extreme entitlement issues, is that games are programmes that HAVE TO be tested by noobs as well as vets.

you assume that video games are a product like any other that will be tested and refined by enlightened individuals (and you happen to be one of them, right?) and it has to be perfect.

well games do not work that way and if you have had any kind of contact with the industry, from a PR job to beta testing, you would know this.

it is not an elitist issue. it cannot be covered by thinking "Let's pull all the 1000+/supporter pack/100 level/streamers in and it will be perfect!"

CBTs exist to check bugs, are almost never complete, they crash, they frustrate.
OBTs exist to stress-test the servers, to provide the last feedback before a 'launch'.

the sad part is that most of you in here are just PoE veterans. you admit it yourself, you've been playing PoE since 2012 and you have over 2000+ hours and and and. are you really that blind that you can't realise how narrow minded this is? playing only 1 game? what perspective exactly will you offer with this insane dedication?

you will test and compare and contrast based on what? you haven't been playing much else based on your own quotes in this forum. what will you compare PoE with?

please, if you really believe you want to be part of a development process and help out, go play something else and be patient. become informed, clear your mind off PoE and come back later, play something else and become more able to judge issue and situations.

large post, i apologise, but those who want to read it, will.

one last rhetorical analogy in the off chance you realise what is going on.
let's assume we all have a car producing factory. we design and manufacture a new car. now here is the tricky part; who is going to test it and who do we want to sell it to?
do we only bring in Michael Schumacher or Lewis Hamilton to test drive the car? or do we also invite a 60 year-old grandmother, the local priest, an 19 year-old university student and a single mom?

the logic behind this is universal, not just Chris'.

tl;dr version; every planner requires input from a myriad different sources. fresh eyes bringing fresh perspectives. be patient and you might get in, to really feel what a CBT is all about, with all its problems/crashes/bugs.

Our systems for duplicate account detection are very advanced because we use them for large-scale bot/RMT detection. We block 99.5% of the shill accounts that people make, and that number is only growing as we refine the detection mechanisms.

I have a question.
Me and my 2 bros have signed-up 1 after another from same IP, will your system for account duplication block that?
I want to know if we have a chance or are we just waiting pointlessly?
ZestyScanner wrote:
Chook_Duck wrote:
Calm down people and realize if u've played 1000+ hours they don't need to treat u special ur already addicted and will play when it's released anyway. u've paid/ supported the game good, u did that cause u enjoyed the game not for special treatment.

the only thing u have to complain about is the fact that the 1m race ends in a few days and we usually get hype about what next but we have nothing. hype for beta is hype for something upto 2 months away.
when i drops it'l be great as all ggg stuff is. but what now? will Tm/Bl be rolled into standard? what parts? when? events are fun but not for everyone. will there be no new content since december when Tm/Bl started until start of june?

your profile is cute

April 21, 2015

Thanx my bf didn't notice i was still logged in he convinced me to join.

Bet he'l be shitty if i get beta key and he still doesn't thought lol
i Want2 play ^^.
Ahem invite #409 Test1993, #401 FoolOfApril, #400 BingePlayer....
Last edited by smiljn#2624 on Apr 22, 2015, 3:45:59 AM
-hey rng!

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