1.3.x Loath Banana throw aka 1 mirror wonder 40k lmp dps unbuffed with blood magic gem
Hello guys, ever since the crit nerf with abyssus people have been hating on life based crit spectral throw talking how it can't compare with Lowlife and how it falls off in 78 maps
And it's a true to an extent but on the higher end of gear aka with it's actually very comparable to Lowlife spectral throw with it's own strenghts
Who is this build for? You're using a mirrored weapon so it's not budget.
This build is for what i call upper middle class, or the people that can afford 1 mirrored piece of gear but getting 6l Shavs and Acuities on top of it would be pretty hard or they would have to spend everything they have and that idea isn't appealing to them, basicly people with a liquid budget of around 200 exalts but not much more
What if i can afford multiple mirrored items, is this build still good and can it compare to lowlife?
Can it compare with lowlife in damage with legacy shavs and 5 mirrored items? Not really, but can it come really close while offering greater survivability? Hell yes
What is the advantage of this build compared to lowlife on a tight budget?
If you're on a budget with lowlife ST you have to sacrifice one of the following things: survivability, accuracy or crit chance and crit multi, and lowlife without just one of those can feel pretty shitty, what my build offers as a counterpoint is having 60% Evasion with a surgeon's flask aka permanently, 4.4k life, 92% accuracy and crit capped with 620% crit multiplier
So after that initial explanation why you should give this build a chance let's jump into the tree and gear
My idea of a lvl 90 passive tree with belly of the beast
total of 170%+ max life which i feel is enough without belly of the beast you'd have to go to scion's tree for more life and you'd have to sacrifice some damage and accuracy, only do this if you have gg accuracy rolls on your jewelry and can drop some damage and accuracy or crit and accuracy nodes, having less than 90% accuracy on a crit build feels pretty shitty
cost of gear Loath Bane - 180-190 ex(needs 2 green) 6l Belly - linked this myself but market price is 25 ex Jewelry - rings are 3ex and 4 ex, ammy is self found but i'd say market price is somwhere between 5-8 ex, shield boots and helm are 10-15c at most, doryani's is self found but price is around 1 ex for a good roll Why don't i use Rat's nest? Because with 2 diamond rings i am crit capped on 5 power charges, and i value 80+ life and 300 accuracy over 15% Attack speed and some mf Movement speed isn't needed at all since we can just whirl around with our 2 aps dagger at supersonic speed Phys doryani's isn't the ultimate belt for the build, that would be a rare rustic sash with 30+ wed roll and 80 life but it's a cheap item that offers good resistances and damage, high res rustic sashes can be incredibly overpriced while doryani's costs 1 ex at most "Dude but you have no vaal pact or acuities and you have a 550 dps dagger with 620% multi, aren't you oneshottting yourself to reflect?"
+ ondar's guile + acrobatics is enough to handle reflect
i have enough life not to get oneshot and with surgeon's jade flask i have enough evasion to gett evasion capped vs projectiles so i'm never in a situation where reflect is enough to kill me, but i cannot and will not do reflect maps, if you can afford mirrored weapon you can afford to roll good maps other good option to deal with reflect include Taste of hate, i don't currently have one in standard but i will get 2 of them after 1 month softcore ends and plan to use it in my build So about spectral throw links, as you can see i decided to use Blod magic instead of another multiplier, putting added fire in there would scale the damage immensely due to all elemental rolls and WED gem we have, but sustaining spectral throw on mana with such fast dagger is really sketch It is doable and i can pull it off in 78 maps if i drop herald of ice but it doesn't feel smooth and confortable, and most importantly, even with Blood magic gem you are still oneshotting everything so i went for the comfortable option instead of tooltip warrior option
Offense stats
Defense stats with jade flask
Offense stats with atziri flask and charges
![]() If you have any questions or criticism and are uncertain about something about the build feel free to post here or contact me at IGN: Justifiedd i plan to upload some videos in the near future of 78 maps and maybe some gorge speed runs IGN JustifiedF Last edited by Justifi3d#3841 on Apr 13, 2015, 4:31:33 AM
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i doubt your survivability is enough especially without vaal pact
i play low life spectral throw with discipline and grace, 5,6k es, 46% chance to evade, heart of the oak as you and 31%block from the shield + vaal pact gmp. survivability is never enough, generally player skill makes a big difference to not get into troubles, paying attention is the biggest factor to not die Last edited by InAshesTheyShallReap#0055 on Apr 14, 2015, 3:11:38 AM
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Well i got from level 85-91 with this build dying only once in the whole process playing alched 77-78 maps continously, so survivability is not an issue, although i am very careful in my maps and i will sacrifice clear speed to stay alive any day, i carry an asortment of map specific flasks and i alternate some skill gems for some bosses, i use added cold instead of LMP for bosses that need to be killed fast or they can become issue(Megaera, Piety, Dom)
I have never once felt the need to go vaal pact with this build, i will say that it has weaknesses For example biggest weakness is use of HOT-Curse on hit to generate charges which can be inconsistent in maps with lower mob density or curse immune maps Another weakness is physical spell damage like evangeliss or EK mobs and exiles, but that is something every evasion build has to face, and with proper use of whirling blades and positioning, most of it can be negated It's a higher skill cap build for sure, you can't just stand there and faceroll everything edit: also regarding reflect, i can get away without vaal pact because of bloodlines, it has taught me to pay extreme attention to mob mods and i will never blindly shoot into packs anymore, so noticing reflect mobs isn't that hard after playing with bloodlines mobs, but even if i sometimes carelessly make a mistake it hasn't killed me, inate 70% chance to evade + 20% block + acro is enough to not instakill myself even if i don't pop flasks IGN JustifiedF Last edited by Justifi3d#3841 on Apr 14, 2015, 7:33:59 AM
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