[2.0] Flameblast Solo Map MF'er (20 IIQ, 230-330 IIR)
" No, there was a technical issue surrounding why they struggled to implement this until they were able to get it fixed for 1.0.6. They wouldn't reverse this. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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Naturally, we won't know anything for certain until we look at all the new skills and the balance changes, but if it should so happen that flameblast isn't viable come TA, what are some of the other skills you're thinking might serve as suitable replacements?
Leveling update: 36 and feeling a tad squishy, but that's a gear issue. Using a 6S4L Searing Touch atm and my dps has gone up considerably. |
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" Early impression from watching Pohx is that the fire nova mine in a multitrap setup might be good. Crit pierce fireball in 1.3 is solid, would have to test that in 2.0 with the change to projectiles. Would require a more extensive rework of the tree but it'd function fine. The issue really is that flameblast is the most efficient spell in terms of non-crit clear speed. But speccing crit + virtually any spell would be fine. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Apr 20, 2015, 8:05:06 PM
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Fire nova? New spell or is that related to the nova-based unique staff? Sorry, haven't had a chance to catch any TA coverage yet.
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There's a new mine gem, Fire Nova Mine
Also, there's +damage over time% jewels available. So any nerf to burn can be offset via sockets on the tree, it seems. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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" The majority of the way you'll make currency in standard through farming is just the raw income of doing it, with the vending and the drops and the recipes. Most of what you'll sell is going to come from decent to GG uniques or levelled gems because of the nature of standard being a dumpster league. There are the odd exceptions that you'll find, such as this chest which dropped from Olmec's: The advantage of running this build, even in standard, is the consistency of the raw currency + the amount of rares that drop will eventually lead to something sellable. In a way in fact, because of the nature of the standard item economy, you need to offset the difficulty of selling items by simply dropping a boatload of things and hard-grinding the money up. Where the potency of it really shines though is in new leagues. The plethora of rares that you'll drop when people are looking to buy even minor upgrades, things that would never sell in standard, will sell in challenge leagues. Compared to the 1-2 items I *might* sell in standard, I end up selling 10-20 items per day in challenge leagues. As for the changes to EB, all I'm going to say right now is that I have a plan. But with 6 weeks minimum to go of CB, there's no telling what changes may or may not happen to EB, so I'm not going to be worried about it until any changes that may occur with it are more definitive. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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That chestpiece. <3
Still only 36 - yay classes! - but regarding leveling, I'm finding Flameblast somewhat hard to clear spread-out packs with and hitting fast-moving mobs while kiting. A lot of that has to do with the lack of ele prolif gem levels, but am I just a bad, is there a trick, or is that just how flameblast plays early on? |
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the 1 month was just a filler-league.
there have been 4-month leagues with one 3-month recently. Just wait out the guys at GGG, perhaps we get lucky and the nurfs won't hit us too hard (looking at you, prolif gem ...) IGN: WildTortillaFart
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I have IIQ gems lying around!
Time to get some lootz! thanks for this build |
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" Yeah that's mostly to do with prolif gem levels, and sometimes it's just hard to hit fast packs. Stuttercasting is your friend for that. Also one thing I forgot to mention in the guide that I'll put in there, thanks in part to your post and reminder from a friend, is that Searing Bond is actually pretty synergetic to use while levelling. Takes advantage of the elemental, fire, and burning damage nodes and helps out for when the prolif radius is still small. Also get your FB to 20% ASAP if it isn't already. That's huge. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Apr 23, 2015, 4:54:37 AM
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