[2.0] Flameblast Solo Map MF'er (20 IIQ, 230-330 IIR)
" Yeah, I did a quick check using Mikelat's aura calculator, and without Enlighten we're left with about 100 mana (depending on your gear). Adjusting to pick up some regen that I've been able to drop from the tree may still make it doable without running Enlighten but, it's only three auras so we'll end up working to run it anyway just to give us flexibility. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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Sounds easy enough :)
I've seen you run Bloodrage, interesting! I guess with a 5L +2 bow and no empower this is something we can start working a new league, especially if we just go for cheap rarity items (Aursize, Goldwyrm, Perandus (replaced later) and IIR on rings, ammy and helm) to make the first cash. Excited to try this in 2.0 if we can't get a bigger radius on Prolif.. IGN: WildTortillaFart
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Yeah, I've got it up to about 17/130 or so, and I've already dropped: Pledge of Hands, Apep's Rage, two Alphas, Rat's Nest, Taryn's Shiver, and a couple others. Started out exactly like you said: I bought a cheap 5L for like 3c, rolled it +1 all gems by accident (so, immediate Empower 2), but +2 bow gem would be fine, then go to town til you can afford the +3 bow.
Traded the Pledge for the +3 bow, then Apep's + some currency for Drillneck, 5L'd it the bow, and continued making enough currency to Afford the 5L Mantle, Consuming Dark, and enough fusings to 6L the bow. Pretty smooth progression. Blood Rage is mostly a clear speed thing, manually maintaining frenzy charges got annoying. It's definitely more risky since you will suffer a slight degen at all times, but that's just how I play. =) Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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Alright that is quite cheap to take off :D.
Do you consider a second 4L or 5L for frenzy and curse on hit is needed, like: Frenzy - GMP - CoH - Vuln - Chain OR is manual cursing faster & less interrupting? When it develops like you made the vid on 'that other site', cursing every pack is not needed imo, especially after we equip carcass. Fire Golem's a no brainer too. Would you aim for a distillate somewhere on the road? IGN: WildTortillaFart Last edited by Chronodroid#6060 on Jun 11, 2015, 2:40:38 AM
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Hey, tyvm for updating!
I found 2 bows, which one would i take? (\ /) ( . .)♥ c(”)(”) |
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@Redix: Death mark. Already 6S and mana on kill is actually nice for this build.
@Chronodroid: I keep forgetting Curse on Hit's even in the game lol, that's a good idea. 5L wouldn't be needed, frenzy, coh, vuln, chain, good enough. But that's if you would rather automate your cursing along with your frenzy charge generation rather than running blood rage. Otherwise, cursing goes quite quickly, but I took the effort to make sure that my vulnerability and portal gems were both linked to faster casting, so it doesn't feel like it's really interrupting anything. Imho once you really start to get the damage going, cursing's really only required for certain magic mobs and bosses, otherwise you can just blood rage the frenzy charges and quicksilver through maps. It really comes down to playstyle preference on that front though, so I leave the choice up to you. If you'd prefer to keep your regen around for survivability, nothing stopping you from doing frenzy / coh / vuln. I never run distillate on any mf build I use. Mostly, I just can't be arsed to take up a flask slot with a sapping flask of some kind, or doedre's exliir, AND then get distillate in the mix too. It's your call if you want to, but I personally prefer having two seething's, a misc third life flask, granite/jade, and quicksilver as my setup. I find in order to run distillate properly you either need to have subpar mana regen, or be willing to sacrifice TWO flask slots to do it between having a sapping/elixir and then distillate. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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hehe, it was just something popping up in my head since I played lots of dualcurse with CoH.
No, I don't need the regen for defense, since if we get hit hard our mitigation is still non-existant that regen will not serve us alot. This is totally different on my tanky characters who have insane regen on top of high mitigation. are you still rocking maps or are the new areas with bosses in a4 also beneficial for fast farming? I've seen a 2Link for heavy distillate users, mainly a spell with high mana cost paired with bloodmagic gem. Can be increased to a 4L with very high manacost but yeah, we don't cull so it would be a bit tedious to ensure and breaks the flow. IGN: WildTortillaFart
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I'm not really that satisfied with the Kaom and Daresso fights or areas for farming compared to Dominus yet. We'll see what the rest of the A4 content brings. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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Looks great, I am going to try this when 2.0 goes live and I re-spec. I have a legacy CoD I want to run this build with, what do you think of using that armor with this build?
Last edited by jlbxcx#4639 on Jun 11, 2015, 9:12:07 AM
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How do you level your PA build on beta? You can leveling with PA as main?