The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

Mauraderjakal - is my user name. i am level 71 and have returned back from a couple of months break but have studied the game well and want to participate in end game pve and pvp. I play standard only. Hope to talk to you soon, thanks.
MonyThePony Witch 83 (myMain) Incinerate xD
OldPilatus Templar 70 DualFlameTotems xD
and some +40 charcters just for training some special builds xD
lvl 93 duellist
IGN: Lootslut
Am an old man for a gamer that is.. looking for a laid back guild.
Live in FLA, so play eastern time zone evenings.

In game name is KABilbo, about level 50 working my way up.. this is my 2nd character, now my main. Also have one on HC right now, lower level.

Thanks, looking forward to some community in this game!

Hi, casual standard league player here, I'd like to join your ranks ,IGN is vaashie.
IGN: KratastheExile
Hey how's it going standard and challenge league player looking for a guild to do stuff with and talk to while grinding.

IGN: hybridzero
BacktothePasture ! Look forward to finding a group of people to casually play with. Ranger focused sometimes venture out but not too often.
Name: SheRahShe

Mostly looking for a decent group of people to talk to and hang out while i play,
IGN: DubScrub

Want to apply to this guild please
Level 88 Ranger

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