[2.X] Pledge of Spectres, Summoner - 7L spectres, 6L zombies -Update for 2.2 Ascendency?

Hi KenXtreme,

I'm respeccing my witch, cause I blew it with my current build, and this build is the perfect alternative, cause I used pledge, vis mortis and bones of ullr on that other build.

However, I have a noob question: Does the spell damage on pledge make the spectres do more damage? Or is it just the spell echo that makes them do more damage?
"Opinions are like a$$holes: Everyone's got one!" - Clint Eastwood in "Heartbreak Ridge"
Is there a way to get evangelist spectres without going to the dom area?
Mjølner wrote:
Hi KenXtreme,

I'm respeccing my witch, cause I blew it with my current build, and this build is the perfect alternative, cause I used pledge, vis mortis and bones of ullr on that other build.

However, I have a noob question: Does the spell damage on pledge make the spectres do more damage? Or is it just the spell echo that makes them do more damage?

The spell damage doesn't affect the spectres, only the lvl 30 spell echo. But it makes the staff a 6l/7l.
Carmondai89 wrote:
My current setup is with Mana nodes taken, but since I hardly need this much regen, I would now rather take ES :)
(I also took "Leadership" to ensure my Zombies still get my aura boni when I am running around dodging devourers :D )

Well, the Zombies rarely die, and even if they do the fight is over relatively fast. I turn off an aura and resummon them, then turn it on again. Not great, but I like the extra survivability and given how seldom it is necessary and just takes a few secs, I will probably stick to it :)

Thats good! As long as it caters to your needs, changing a few things here and there shouldn't be an issue.

Rmpz wrote:

Which item would you suggest me to improve to help my survival, I seem to struggle quite abit on health on every piece. However I really just want to take one slot at a time and get a really nice item.

Keep in mind I need to have some dex from gear to get the 153 dex for vaal haste

Atm I'm thinking of buying a nice 80 resist + 80 life gloves and get minion life - so I can keep resistance capped even with elemental weakness on me. The rest seem decent enough, obviously the ring and amulet can get better. Sadly they can often explode in prices when we get too demanding of the rolls.

Hey Rmpz, I'd say you should prioritize changing your jewelry. I had similar issues at the start with not enough HP so I crafted myself some unset rings.

Just pick out your main 3 stats you would like to craft then try and aim for it, if you get a combination of good stats which is not optimal, you can keep it since it can be used for some other type of build! For my current hybrid setup i prioritize HP and 2 resists + 1 master crafted resist

Also, don't worry about the dex for haste or vaal haste, if you really cannot afford to craft/buy gear with high dex, downgrade the haste/vaal haste to a lower level, maybe 16ish, because if you look at the stats for Vaal haste, the stat difference between level 16 and 20 is small.

If reducing the gem level is an easier alternative, I'd say buy a new vaal haste and level it to your desired level. From level 1 to 20 the difference is about 5-7%, maybe more if you have generosity and aura nodes to boost it further. So it all depends on how you want to min-max, if you have trouble obtaining dex HP gear, you can use this as an alternative. I think this opens your gear slots to better rings and amulets I believe? Hope this helps!

Rmpz wrote:
I'm hybrid atm since it feels like the best option, especially with the upcoming es changes in the expansion.


4186 Life
3089 ES
159% fire
122% cold
104% lightning
-44% chaos

EDIT: replying to other comments in a awhile sorry about the delay!

With these stats it should be good enough actually. Maybe you have to be mindful about using granites or a taste of hate when you are rushing in to a potentially dangerous place.

With the granite alone it should bring you to about 7k armour or more depending on your gear and passives. This should help reduce most hits from white/blue mobs if they are starting to swarm you. You must also take note of the map mods you are playing, if you ever have added X% as element and % monster damage with vulnerability and there are rhoas around, even with the granite you're going to get instagibed if you're not careful. I'd say with my build positioning is more important since I do not cater to helping my character being able to facetank anything.

Mjølner wrote:
Hi KenXtreme,

I'm respeccing my witch, cause I blew it with my current build, and this build is the perfect alternative, cause I used pledge, vis mortis and bones of ullr on that other build.

However, I have a noob question: Does the spell damage on pledge make the spectres do more damage? Or is it just the spell echo that makes them do more damage?

Hey there, the spell damage on pledge does not affect the spectres. Only the level 30 echo helps them. Bear in mind that if you're using arc your damage is still pretty significant so be careful when you're in a ele reflect map coupled with -max resistances. It won't be deadly but more of an irritant since your ES will keep dropping if you don't have zealot's oath.(Currently I'm testing ES recharge delay and it seems to be working better than ZO)

isucksomuch wrote:
Is there a way to get evangelist spectres without going to the dom area?

Do you mean if you can get evangelists from places other than sceptre of god? If that's the case yes it is possible to get them from maps. But from my knowledge the only map that has a 100% spawn rate of evangelists is the lvl 78 palace map. Its also the maximum level area too so if you're planning to use them you can start off with a 78 map.

Also you can use
to summon corpses

Usually what I do when i start off a day would be:
1) Get sceptre of god evangelists
2) Open a 78 palace map without inhabitation affixes(no seawitch/humanoids/etc)
3) Get those 78 evangelists then start doing 76s and 77s
Last edited by KenXtreme#2481 on May 26, 2015, 6:07:54 AM
is this build uber viable?
@KenXtreme: Why would you go to a lvl 78 palace when a nice desecrate summons much higher lvl corpses for evangelists? Does that matter at all, and if it does, wouldn't desecrate be better at higher levels?
“Losing a limb is no excuse for cowardice.” - Master Sollis, "Blood Song"
Last edited by Carmondai89#6042 on May 28, 2015, 5:31:56 AM
Carmondai89 wrote:
@KenXtreme: Why would you go to a lvl 78 palace when a nice desecrate summons much higher lvl corpses for evangelists? Does that matter at all, and if it does, wouldn't desecrate be better at higher levels?

On the desecrate page you can find "The real level of the spawned corpses is still capped by the zone level." - meaning that if you just used anything below 78 they will not scale all the up to the map lvl :)
"Had they not taken my home with fire, I would not have taken their children." Witch -
Oh! That's irritating...but makes me happy I can have even better spectres! :)
Going to 78 palace then^^
Ty rmpz :)
“Losing a limb is no excuse for cowardice.” - Master Sollis, "Blood Song"

Just killed Palace Dominus, 2nd phase took 2seconds with lv 67 spectres and without vaal haste , HOLY SHHH.
Zombies and Spectres took 0 damage in first phase.
So far the only bosses that gave me trouble with this build were the Death and Taxes boss, and Shock and Horror (Torture Chamber), the SRS makes nuking the boss kinda difficult , and the other boss with the laser... just not.
Last edited by tkbowned#4130 on Jun 2, 2015, 5:28:03 AM
I've recently upgraded my amulet ->

The energy roll is rather low, but I paid 2,5 ex for - did I make a good purchase :P?

Hoping to make it easier to get resist capped without much hassle while maintaining the life ofc.
"Had they not taken my home with fire, I would not have taken their children." Witch -
Last edited by Rmpz#0239 on Jun 4, 2015, 6:54:07 AM

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