[1.3] Discharging Molten CoCs (Work in Progress)
Hello, I've never written a erm guide before, so sorry if I'm missing anything.
I just wanted to share my Discharge CoC build because it's slightly different from other CoC builds. Also, because I want to see what other's input on this is. It works well enough, I can pretty much just sit there, hold down right click, and watch things die. I'm only 77, so it's still a work in progress, and I will update it if new things happen. Pros - Decent dps (I'm not sure how much, but I can one or two shot magic mobs with Discharge and a 5L) - Good AoE (It's Discharge) - Relatively cheap (Only requires a Voll's Devotion and a 5L Protector, possibly a 4L) - Discharges ~35.4% of the time! That's 7/10ths of a Mjolner! - FIREWORKS - Never gets boring - Potentially dual purity + grace + level 14 Clarity with no aura nodes - Can run Blood Magic maps - Can run Ele Weakness maps - Vaal Pact means no problems against Reflect! - 79/79/79 resists (Before purities) - Turns your computer into a space heater! Cons - Not enough life (I'm at 2.6k at 77) - Squishy. 3% phys reduction, and not exactly great evasion - Still expensive (I think Voll's Devotion is going up, I snatched mine for 27ex) - No regen because VP - Tiny mana pool. Absolutely fucking tiny. Less than 300 mana at level 77 - May melt your GPU - Turns your computer into a space heater. Me blabbing
It would've been nice if I could afford a Mjolner -- too bad that I can't. As a result, I made a pseudo-Mjolner build. At it's heart, this is just a derivation of the Fakener build. However, I don't like Cyclone. I really do not like Cyclone. I really god damn hate Cyclone. (Don't shoot me for this) So I decided to use another skill instead. Molten Strike Why Molten Strike? Well then, first off, let's look at some common CoC skills, and skills common to Mjolner. - Spectral Throw - Cyclone - Barrage - Molten Strike - Lightning Strike And then I came to the following conclusion -- all these skills generate many hits per second, triggering their... Well in the case of CoC builds, CoC, and for Mjolner, Mjolner. Now because I knew I wanted to Discharge, I would need melee, so that ruled out ST and Cyclone. I really hate Barrage. Down to Molten Strike and Lightning Strike. I've tested this thing with Lightning Strike. It's sorta awkward, and I dont' like it much. Molten Strike is so much better at melee range anyways. Also, Molten Strike doesn't need many gems to be effective in this build -- just Multistrike, and it'll work fine, versus Lightning Strike, which would most likely need a GMP/LMP in addition to the Multistrike to be effective. And so, I decided that Molten Strike would be my trigger skill for CoC. As we're Discharging, we need some way to deal with Reflect, so I added in Life Leech and took Vaal Pact. Defenses are hard -- so far, all that we have is Vaal Pact, and life nodes. So why not take Acrobatics, Ondar's Guile, Phase Acrobatics, and just life nodes? So I did. Now then, a couple odd choices in the tree -- I took the resist nodes near Scion start that I rarely ever see anybody take (I'm not sure why, they don't seem terrible), which frees us up a little bit on equips and also saves us one node. The alternative is for you to take the mana nodes near Scion Start, head to Shaper, and then head back down to Vaal Pact. Or you could take Reflexes and walk back to Vaal Pact as well. I like the resists better, because I lack resists. My gear
Gear Explanation
Saffell's Frame -- self explanatory, it's a good shield, with +4% max resist and +14% all resists. If you can afford legacy, get legacy. Rat's Nest -- Everything you need for CoC, get a better rolled one if you can afford it, but this one was just a drop from.... Piety? Dom? Don't remember, it was a drop somewhere. Alternatively, you can run an Alpha's Howl or a rare helm if you can afford to lose the crit Voll's Protector -- Mandatory..... Sort of. If you run Romira's, then you don't really need Protector and you can get a better 6L. If you don't run Romira's, then it's mandatory. (Tested with Tabula, you discharge as often with or without the protector) Voll's Devotion -- Mandatory. This build would not work nearly as well if not for this item. Rolls do not matter. Whole point of this is that if you Discharge with 1 power charge, you got 1 Endurance Charge, meaning that you will always have Endurance charges so long as you keep discharging. Romira's Banquet -- I've had a couple arguments with people about this, so here's how it goes with this item. A lot of people say that Romira's is bad -- and I have to admit, it depends on your viewpoint. With Romira's, you will discharge significantly more often -- but your discharges will not hit as hard. Reason for this is that you will build up fewer power charges. However, what will happen is that you will have a ridiculous number of Endurance charges instead. Why? Resolution order. Two possibilities occur when you hit a mob. 1) Hit mob, no crit, gain power charge from Romira's 2) Hit mob, crit. CoC triggers first, discharging whatever you have. If there were power charges, then Voll's Devotion now makes Endurance charges. Now you gain the power charge from Voll's Protector, increasing your power charges by 1. Because Romira's will now cause you to lose all power charges, Voll's Devotion procs, giving you another Endurance Charge. After many deaths and lots of screwing around, I've come to the conclusion that Romira's + Devotion > Devotion + 2 rare rings. However, that's not to say that you absolutely have to use Romira's. If you don't believe me, just use a rare ring with Diamond base. Other ring -- A rare diamond ring. Most important affixes from most important to least are Int/Life(Int if you dont' want to have to get int from tree like me), Resists, Attack Speed, and Attributes. Everything else is up to you. Maligaro's Virtuosity -- Good crit gloves. Unless you have Actuities, I see no reason not to use them. Crit multiplier does not matter, only crit chance. Boots -- Rainbowstrides or a pair of rare boots with resists and movespeed. I needed to get int because I lack int. Belt -- The Magnate or Doryani's Invitation (Fire), depending on what you want to do. With The Magnate, you have permanent flasks, with Doryani's, 1% fire leech is a lot when you're discharging with 4/5 Endurance Charges several times a second. Dagger -- You're (probably) looking for a rare dagger with high crit chance (9.5% or higher), attack speed, and spell damage. Other mods, suit yourself. If you can, craft fire leech on it through Catarina. Current Tree / Bandits
https://www.poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgAAiq-QEYLkvrwqOKlutfJuqkrI2L01knKpxPY8Lcautz7-CsAaWfOsqpBVGjjsOCcvLdI62C2o21m31oMJsZB3B4cTnKRvnktX8bMWvw-rUzWbtcM6ykph4iaVjDZVS-WOpLFd8p1jcFKJ03DVmhNwVpAbEZYOSNvUSVHw1ZUuBx46Qkt43agwcdQjBbXo1iLqUUeNv9aKfyswfI19mG_cI5J99zLlz4Kb_lQNzStQHM49D8QV6xQ= As you can see, I had to take two int notables because I don't have enough int, which is why I say that you can go and get int on your gear instead. Normal - Oak, +40HP Cruel - Kraitlyn, +8% IAS Merciless - Oak, +1 Endurance Charge (Go Alira if you don't want to use Romira's) Desired Endgame Tree
https://www.poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgAAiq-QEYLkvrwqOKlutfJuqkrI2L01knKpxPY8Lcautz7-CsAaWfOsqpBVGjjsOCcvLdI62C2o21m31oMJsZB3B4cTnKRvnktX8bMWvw-rUzWbtcM6ykph4iaVjDZVS-WOpLFd8p1jcFKJ03DVmhNwVpAbEZYOSNvUSVHw1ZUuBx46Qkt43agwcdQjBbXo1iLqUUeNv9aKfyswfI19mG_cI5J99zLlz4Kb_lQNzStQHM49D5HOu-346-oYRtdXKXGFsULaue98PAWaO5_fpldN4_6POuHyRSP2TZLAZsDj I would like this tree. It would be nice. Gems
Some of these things are hard to colour, but here goes. CwDT - Immortal Call - Increased Duration (- Curse of your choice) No Enduring Cry because we generate more than enough charges from Devotion. Clarity - Blood Magic - Reduced Mana Level Clarity up enough that you can sustain your Molten Strike (Which you should keep at level 1) Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Culling Strike - Item Quantity Purity of Fire - Reduced Mana - Grace (- Purity of your choice) Molten Strike(Level 1) - Multistrike - Cast on Crit - Discharge - Life Leech ( - Arc/Spell Of your choice) Rest are up to you. Fun fact: If I swap out my Saffell's Frame for a Rise of the Phoenix, I can sustain RF so long as I keep killing things to fill my Ruby Flask. Flasks
Surgeon's Ruby Flask for when you get double reflect or when you want to use RF Dousing flask with Bubbling prefix. Would probably work better with a Surgeon's, but eh. Staunching because corrupting blood hurts. Heat for removing freeze Surgeon's life just in case. And that's pretty much it. I'll post as I try new things or as I proceed with this build. Last edited by FullDive#1273 on Apr 7, 2015, 7:03:45 AM
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Update: Tested with Tabula
Discharges just as often as normal. If I can get my hands on a better 6L, I'm set. Preferably a Carcass Jack for the AoE, life, and resists. - Arc doesnt' do much damage, mainly there for shock - Discharge rate IS affected, somehow. Further testing is needed, but discharge is now more blue and less red. - Doesn't mean going Tabula is a good thing - If you use Rise of the Pheonix, Surgeon's Ruby Flask, and Purity of fire, you can sustain RF so long as you're hitting things (You leech back faster than RF burns) - RF is a pain to keep active, keep a dousing flask on you if you decide that way - You lose out on a bit of resists if you use RF. Last edited by FullDive#1273 on Apr 7, 2015, 7:09:14 AM
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