[1.3] The Frozen Shotgun - Ice Shot, HoI, shatter the world
This build was never intended to be the best clear speed. Depending on the circumstances, and with good gear, it can actually clear packs delightfully quickly, but do not expect it to clear like a crit, Herald of Ash prolif, or Tornado Shot/Puncture build. That’s not the point and I’m okay with that! General Idea: Lots of physical to cold conversion thanks to ice shot and Asphyxia’s Wrath, huge area of effect increase from the tree and a 50-70% chance to freeze. With 40% increased radius of area skills from the tree and another 10% from Carcass Jack, our Ice Shot cone can hit many enemies in a line, but it’s Herald of Ice that really clears out big packs. The Herald of Ice explosion does great area damage, has a significant chance to freeze or re-freeze nearby monsters (50-70%), and can cause a rippling shockwave of shattering ice. Since we use freeze proliferation plus Herald of Ice to clear out trash packs, we don’t need to cut the damage on our Ice Shot with multiple projectile support gems or chain. We also care less about attack speed--as long as we’re hitting hard enough to keep everything frozen for a long duration. --- Pros:
Gems and Links
AoE attack links: Ice Shot + Weapon Elemental Damage + Pierce + Added Cold Damage + Elemental Proliferation (+ Cold Penetration) I previously used Physical Projectile Attack Damage instead of Pierce here for even higher top-end cold damage for freeze chance/duration. Pierce seems to give overall faster clearing speeds since freezing white/blue packs shouldn't be a problem anyway. Only danger of Pierce is that you're more likely to off-screen an ele reflect pack before you can see it. Single target attack links: Ice Shot + Weapon Elemental Damage + Faster Attacks + Added Cold Damage + Cold Penetration (+ Physical Projectile Attack Damage) Auras: Reduced Mana + Clarity + Purity of Ice (+ Blink Arrow) (currently in my helm) Reduced Mana + Herald of Ice + Added Cold Damage + Increased Area of Effect (currently in my gloves)
Aura discussion
It’s worth noting that Increased Area of Effect isn’t necessary with the Herald of Ice--it just smooths out damage distribution by making the overlap effect from herald explosions quite large. You can also run with Concentrated Effect for significantly higher damage against more tightly packed enemies, or simply leave it at a 3-link setup if you want to free up some more mana. I would absolutely love to find a way to effectively work Hatred into this build, however, the dangers of elemental reflect with a boosted Herald of Ice pretty much require Purity of Ice along with a Sapphire Flask, I think. If you don’t care about dying to reflect, you can probably swap in Hatred for Purity of Ice by picking up the reduced mana reservation node by Influence and using the 3-link Herald of Ice option, but I haven’t worked out the math for it. The good news is that in a party there’s a very good chance you’ll get Hatred from someone else. Standard Cast when Damage Taken setup: Cast when Damage Taken + Enduring Cry + Immortal Call + Increased Duration (currently in my boots) This is mostly protection against those insta-death occurrences like charging mobs, a horde of dropbears, etc, although most of the time they’ll be frozen before they get to you and you can happily walk a few steps to the side and continue blasting away.
Passive Skill Tree
Skill Tree: here.
Notable stats from passive tree:
Skill tree discussion
Scaling elemental damage vs cold damage vs weapon elemental damage: The nice thing with grabbing pure elemental or cold damage on the passive tree and on gear is that it will significantly buff both your single target as well as your aoe (via Herald of Ice). Weapon elemental damage (e.g. Catalyse or flat added elemental damage on gear) is still very effective, especially since your clear speed is certainly limited by how quickly you can start the Herald of Ice chain reaction with that first kill. This isn't a crit build, so we grab Resolute Technique. I think it would be worth exploring using Lioneye’s Glare to save the 5 passive points needed to get to Resolute Technique. I would need additional mana and/or regen to support the faster attack speed, but I haven’t experimented with one yet to see how significant the overall damage vs freeze time would be. One difficulty of this build is the lack of Dexterity (mostly an issue for bow stat requirements). We get some on our amulet, but you’ll need to look for +dex on rare gear, and likely take one or both of the +30 dex nodes in the passive tree as needed--you can always drop them later if you make up the dex elsewhere.
Alternate passive tree (less freeze/damage, greatly increased survivability)
Alternate Skill Tree: here. Thanks to Ohjeah for proposing this tree, which piles on a hefty amount of extra defenses by picking up Acrobatics, Survivalist (for a huge +1 max cold res), and a substantial amount of extra life nodes, including some leech from Blood Drinker and increased flask effectiveness from Herbalism. I haven't tried it out myself to see how significant the loss of Celestial Judgement/Punishment and Resolute Technique are--try it out and let me know!
Damage and Defenses
Damage: It’s important to keep in mind that the tooltip damage in this build is misleading. For packs, Herald of Ice does a massive chunk of (overlapping) area damage and the tooltips don’t take into account the 25% increased damage to frozen targets from Celestial Punishment, 5% cold damage penetration from the skill tree, or the 30%+ additional cold penetration support on the single target Ice Shot. The Ice shot cone damage is also boosted by the 20% from the tree and 12% from Carcass, which isn't shown on the tooltip (initial projectile) damage. At level 77, with some gems sitting at only level 12 (e.g. faster attacks on the single target attack and added cold on the aoe attack), and without having picked up Catalyse yet, this was my tooltip damage:
Single target:
And Herald of Ice:
![]() Defenses: Your only real defense is keeping everything frozen, chilled, and slowed--that said, it's surprisingly difficult to die, even with my relatively low life pool. That said, this build was played on Torment and I have died at least once while mapping.
Stats and Defenses:
Uniques: Asphyxia’s Wrath - Important for the 20% physical to cold conversion and up to 10% chance to freeze. The chill duration is nice, but generally things will just be frozen anyway. While I originally planned on using a corrupted one with an extra 10-20% physical to cold damage conversion, it’s worth noting that in packs, you’re already getting 100% cold damage conversion in the cone part of your Ice Shot, so this would give you a bit better freezes on your primary target (or in single target situations when there are not smaller monsters around). I am currently using one with +1 arrow for just a little better coverage and often overlap on the resulting cones (and that double-barrel shotgun feel!), but 1% cold damage leech could be another possible alternative that I haven’t played around with. Rashkaldor’s Patience - Some much needed Dexterity, solid life and mana, 5% extra chance to freeze, and a sweet 20% increased duration of elemental status ailments on enemies. In addition, the 10% reduced attribute requirements for items helps us with the bow Dexterity requirements. The downside to the amulet is moot since we’re Resolute Technique anyway! This build will function without Rashkaldor's, but it fits in really well. Carcass Jack - Some solid Energy Shield to boost our mana via Eldritch Battery, life, resists, and the delicious area damage/radius. Carcass Jack isn’t necessary, but it synergizes quite nicely. Doryani’s Invitation (cold variant) - Some resists, increased cold damage, 10% extra freeze chance during flasks, and a tiny bit of cold leech to keep us topped off most of the time. Doryani's belt is also not mandatory, but the tiny bit of leech will top off small damage and here again it synergizes really well with the build. Asenath’s Gentle Touch - These are mostly just for the auto-cursing. See below.
Non-uniques I'm currently using:
Being a Resolute Technique and non-attack-speed-scaled (e.g. ele buzzsaw) build makes getting a great bow relatively cheap, compared to other popular bow builds. We can look for high phys but without attack speed and without regard for crit chance or multi. A slower hard-hitting bow also supports the heavy shotgun burst feel of the playstyle.
Freeze Chance and Duration Calculations:
We get 35% chance to freeze from the passive tree, along with up to 10% from Asphyxia’s Wrath, 5% from Rashkaldor’s Patience, 10% from Doryani’s Invitation (while a flask is active), and up to 10% from quality on Added Cold. This gives us a total of up to 70% chance to freeze. On top of this we get 60% freeze duration from the passive tree plus 20% from Rashkaldor’s Patience, for 80% total increased freeze duration. Add Temporal Chains as well (see Curses below) and freezes can last quite a long time. Similarly, for chill, we have 60% increased duration from the passive tree, plus 30-40% from Asphyxia’s Wrath, 20% from Rashkaldor’s Patience, and 40%+ for a level 16+ Added Cold Damage for up to 160%+ chill duration--oh, and things are automatically chilled when (if) they become unfrozen. You can get an additional 10% freeze and chill duration for your Ice Shot if you feel like getting quality on your Elemental Proliferation.
Asphyxia’s Wrath has the interesting property of decreasing curse radius while transferring curses from slain enemies to a nearby enemy. I considered using a standard curse on hit setup, something like Split Arrow, Chain, Curse on Hit, X, but part of the play style and safety of this build is leading with our Ice Shot to immediately freeze the whole screen. While you could lead with Ice Shot followed by a curse on hit volley and then back to more Ice Shot, I found that the auto curse mechanic given from Asenath’s Gentle Touch actually worked really smoothly. As if things aren’t already slowed down enough from 80%+ freeze duration and 160%+ chill duration, let’s slow them down even more with Temporal Chains--which also gives us an additional huge boost to our freeze duration! We don’t really get any benefit from the curse transferring mechanic since Herald of Ice generally means if something dies, the explosion will hit (and thus curse) everything around it anyway. Honestly, I think my dream goal here would be to get a corrupted pair of Asenath’s that also curse Elemental Weakness on hit, and then dip up to Whispers of Doom on the passive tree, corrupt our Rashkaldor’s for +1 curses if we can spare the Dexterity, or work in some Windscream boots. Initially I wanted to try to work Frostbite into the build for even more freeze chance, however I think the benefits of auto-cursing and the fact that the extra freeze chance is arguably less valuable than just the increased freeze duration that Temporal Chains gives us, makes Asenath’s still quite attractive. If anything, the extra damage from Elemental Weakness on top of Temporal Chains would possibly be as nice as Frostbite’s cold resistance reduction and freeze chance. Videos: An easy Pier (L70) run A quick demonstration of an elemental reflect pack in docks A Plateau (L75) clear A Shipyard (L77) clear
I leveled with Ice Shot pretty much from the beginning, as soon as I could use the gem at level 4. You can run your full AoE attack setup in just a 4L Thousand Ribbons, along with Asphyxia’s Wrath (corrupted for +1 arrow if you can) and Death’s Harp for yet another free additional arrow. Since we won’t grab Resolute Technique for a while, the crit from Death’s Harp actually works out pretty well for leveling and compensating a little for the lack of all the freeze chance that you won’t have yet. I used Elreon jewelry and Clarity to delay needing Eldritch Battery or caring about getting ES or mana on gear until higher level, but you can easily grab Deep Thoughts, Soul Siphon, and/or Righteous Decree temporarily if you find yourself struggling with mana at any point. As far as the skill tree, I started out grabbing Coordination, popping up to Written in Blood, around and down to Heart and Soul, then over to Elementalist and Celestial Punishment. From there you can decide what’s the most important: Resolute Technique as your accuracy starts falling off drastically, Purity of Flesh and Discipline and Training if you feel like you need more life, or start grabbing the cold wheel at the top of the tree for extra damage.
Rough estimate of gear costs:
Obviously gear costs will vary widely by league, time within the league, and the current meta. Rashkaldor’s: ~15c Asphyxia’s Wrath: 10-15 @ 1 alch + 1 vaal a piece: ~15c 5l Carcass Jack: 2ex 5l slow phys bow: hard to price since they’re not really popular/sold. 10-20c for the bow + linking yourself Asenath’s Gentle Touch: 1 alch Doryani’s Invitation: 5c (will drop rapidly in price as more people are farming Atziri--can probably get them for 1-2c by the end of a league) Rares (helm, rings, boots): Primarily you just need to cover your resists here plus get some life. In all probably only ~5-10c for covering the basics. As with most builds, you can obviously invest a lot more currency into the slots for perks like high +dexterity, %WED, % cold damage, etc. While quality is nice on your Added Cold gems, it’s not necessary. If you’re short on currency, you can always buy 10-15% gems for cheaper and then work them up over time. Or level some extra in your weapon swap and use the GCP recipe once they hit 20. Total: 4-6ex, depending on the bow and time in the league. Last edited by seasage#3104 on May 13, 2015, 12:55:21 PM
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If anyone has any advice or thoughts on single target damage, I'd be eager to hear them or try them out :)
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" You could try vaal lightning trap/vaal haste to speed it up a bit. You could probably upgrade your bow really easily, and working in a damage aura would certainly also help. Old april 2012 account got stolen Last edited by Freeslana#1251 on Mar 19, 2015, 4:06:10 PM
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" Ohh, I like the idea of Vaal Lightning Trap and/or Vaal Haste using the 6th sockets in my 5-link bow and chest. I did experiment with a dedicated 5L Vaal Burning Arrow setup instead of my single target Ice Shot but it just didn't seem to scale well at all with my passive tree. |
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As someone who played with you, this build is extremely useful in parties. It is EXTREMELY comforting to see an entire group, spread out or together frozen before you even arrive. Fantastic. I want to build one.
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" Thanks for giving me the nudge to finally make the guide for it! And for inspiring the name with your comment, "ice shotgun extraordinaire" :D |
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Have you considered Pierce instead of either ppad or added cold? The overlapping cones that result from the piercing is pretty amazing; you can 1-shot entire hallways and rooms if the mobs are lined up nicely.
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" Level 81 now and I just gave Pierce a quick try (swapping in a L19 pierce instead of ppad). Tooltip dps actually only drops a little (5.7k down to 5.3k with pierce), although it is a fair bit less top-end cold damage when it comes to freeze duration/chance. Overall, I think you're right that it's faster for clearing, and freezing white/blue packs isn't really a problem at all anyway. The only downside is that it can make ele reflect scarier and easier to hit off-screen before you can even see it. Haven't played around with it enough yet to know just how dangerous that'll end up being. Thanks for the advice! :) |
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I can't level up Ice Shot after a certain point if I don't have enough dexterity. Excuse my ignorance, I'm just a noob, but is there an item that deals with this problem? I'm very poor and only have items I've found so far.
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