Evening SlugPranker. Love the app, I'm starting to send feedback now. Hopefully, that'll be regularly as I check against the marketplace for actual values vs the ML Predicted value.
I'm a Data Scientist myself and work with Data Science in the oil & gas industry. If you're ever looking for more folk for the Machine Learning side of your application, I'd love to chat :)
On another note, it seems like prices are being set rather high, in the prediction, when looking at item Influence. So far only noticed it with the Hunter (I assume that's because of the Toxic Rain builds running rampant). Seems to really throw off the prediction? Not sure if this is something you want to look at?
Contribution is quite high but the item is, realistically, only worth 1-3 chaos at best. Naturally, confidence is low and the league only just started so there will be a lack of data. Just wanted to check if the items Influence is being weighted too highly?