unique items *no longer updated*

Hilbert wrote:
This is how the S2 ranking demigods look like. I like it because they are untradable on RMT :)

why post it here when it's not new?
Because the thread creator decided to add alternative Art items.

It has a new flavour Text compared to season 1.

The season 1 Item had only a different art and there are 20 of them-->Tradeable on the botterboard.
The season 2 Item also states the rank and season and makes it untradeable on sites like the Botterboard because you know who does RMT.

You can predict that future alt Art demigods will also identify the user.

The only question is how do Signature event demis look like:
"#1-3 Class in Season Two" ?
thanks, Hilbert, for the latest items!
Arcis wrote:
Xendran wrote:
What the fuck?
Yeah lets just give power siphon wanders and crit dischargers free endurance charges that they don't have to use time to gain.

you only get endurance charges when your power charges expire, so for non-discharge builds that's frequently going to be after the fight is over anyway. for discharge, you can use discharge again with the endurance charges. either way, it does have 30% reduced duration which is pretty significant. it's not like they're going to have full endurance charges all the time.

Idk man, I have a LS crit dagger build and I use Voll's armor for charges, I think if i used this ammy and started using discharge I could have full end charges up all the time. It takes me about 2 seconds to get full powercharges with volls. This is op, I want one.
IGN: NickCageAsGhostRider
FaceLicker its a shame you remove items so fast from "recent unique items" i cant keep up!! :(
I dislike rarity so much im almost quitting poe2. GGG.
webas wrote:
FaceLicker its a shame you remove items so fast from "recent unique items" i cant keep up!! :(

This is why we have a wiki.

Man, Voll's protector + Voll's devotion + blood rage is just massive insanity for discharge. Hook one or more of the people up with conduit/Lochtonial_Caress and you've got even crazierness. This is starting to get out of control... Discharge won't be some thing abused by private parties, but rather something many people will just pub-up with and absolutely faceroll with.

Also, I think I said this before, but Voll must have been a pretty mentally challenged guy to be using that Voll's Baptism hammer along with this other gear. Apparently they renamed the thing finally, thank goodness (not that it's a big deal).

webas wrote:
FaceLicker its a shame you remove items so fast from "recent unique items" i cant keep up!! :(
Edit: oh, it's probably because no one has actually linked any more of the items in the thread so far yet. It makes sense to only post the new 0.11.0 uniques as new.
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Last edited by Xapti#6455 on Jun 8, 2013, 3:04:45 AM
what league drops Voll's amulet?
hurrdurriamweak wrote:
what league drops Voll's amulet?

Apparently any, as it was dropped in Standard league somehow.
i too fas fo youuuuuuu
So the 6 new uniques are named:
- Daresso's Salute
- Voll's Devotion
- Victario's Acuity
- Gifts from Above
- Death Rush
- Shavronne's Revelation

(They are the only new names in the "obtain these 90 uniques challenge".)

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