unique items *no longer updated*

The more I look over this helmet, the more I want to respec my facebreaker cyclone build to make this work wonders. The blind + block chance + end charge gaining will make this one of the safer melee builds I think. Now I'm regretting my decision to take the skill point over the end charge for the merc bandits.
gonna let this piece go at 6 ex in awhile.. any other takes ? :(
Also amusing if you use this helmet with a facebreaker is giving up 9 gem slots. (Though you get 3 freebies, I guess.) Still, that's quite a trade off.
what caused the crash? the no chest piece?
you're still a butt but it's a nice and clever unique that successfully fulfills the give-and-take nature of what uniques should be

it also gave me a great idea for a build that completely can't work but is still sort of cool
jonts26 wrote:
Mouchi wrote:
jonts26 wrote:
I have a facebreaker cyclone build. This helm ... is very interesting. I am pretty sure this is the exact build that this unique has in mind. Super fast attack speed with increased physical damage and flat physical damage? It has to be. The real question is ... is it worth it? Yeah, probably. Just need to figure out the mana cost.

I've been sitting here with the same thought in mind since the screen shot was posted. Only problem is that the damage gain from Abyssus (while offset slightly by this helm) is absolutely huge to the build, not to mention the radius that carcass jack gives. A very interesting choice.

The big problem with abyssus, while the damage is insane, is the increased physical taken. This basically makes it very risky for HC, though I have been using it on my HC toon. But I've had a number of close calls (and reflect is even more dangerous). This seems like a decent middle ground between the pure dps of abyssus _ carcass jack and having no additional flat physical other than belt/rings/ammy.

EDIT: also WTB this helmet and about 50 regrets

Hardcore might be difficult to swing. But otherwise, my variation of facebreaker + aegis aurora usually off sets the danger I open myself up to with abyssus. This new unique seems like it would go very well with my variant, but the ES I would lose from chest piece.... some testing needs to be done. Time to find one of these bad boys.
Hang on a second... what exactly does that 15% block chance mean?
IGN: Iolar
jonts26 wrote:
Sammael wrote:
cathartist wrote:

it's a great budget helm that allows a person to bipass getting a 6L or kaom's themselves.

budget lvl 67
lvl 67
exactly when the games becomes nightmare impossible
you wot m8?

Have you ever made a blind build? It's actually a much safer way to do melee. It's really hard to proc it though. Cyclone wiht faster attacks is a good way and this helm gives a quick way to do that all. Plus 0.11 is supposed to give melee a nice boost so I'll be ahead of the curve when it arrives.

Frenzy. I just played around with a blind gem I happen to have in my stash (gem at level 17) and frenzy on my duelist (can have 6 charges). On mobs that live long enough for him to build up his charges, they tend to get blinded.
isand wrote:
Some1 is a big "spartacus" fan. Awesome helm tho.
Almost makes me want to roll back to dagger shadow.

Indeed, it was designed by Fan of Spartacus :)

I love this drama as well, sadly it was ended.

IGN: Nelufier
Personal Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/197439
In GMT +10:00 AU time zone
sacremon49 wrote:

Frenzy. I just played around with a blind gem I happen to have in my stash (gem at level 17) and frenzy on my duelist (can have 6 charges). On mobs that live long enough for him to build up his charges, they tend to get blinded.

I think blind is one of the most underutilized supports in the game. It's absurdly powerful defense wise if you can reliably proc it. Frenzy is a good way. Flame totem or skelly totem + blind is great. Cyclone of course works quite well.

I have a question. I've never made a summoner build, but zombies (and skellies to a lesser extent) do pretty good physical damage right? Could this make a good summoner helmet, or is the loss of +2 minion gems too much?

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