unique items *no longer updated*

Duskbane wrote:
Wiki for Last Resort has "92% increased Physicaly damage"
my bad :p
Claws..why did it have to be claws...
its not meant to be an end game unique yet it gives low life bonuses yeah low life build so common at normal and cruel...
lilbuddha wrote:
Claws..why did it have to be claws...
Makes you wonder if we will EVER see a 1h axe.
Probably only useful for low level pvp. It's probably not worth it to gear for an early game low life build just for leveling.
Ceykey wrote:
its not meant to be an end game unique yet it gives low life bonuses yeah low life build so common at normal and cruel...
It's a level 3 weapon. It's not meant for a build, it's meant to actually help you when you do get to low life, because guess what, it happens all the time in races. It's a pretty sick weapon for anyone who can get some int early.

Drop the entitlement issues and try to have a positive thought every once in a while.
Last edited by Pwere#1874 on May 15, 2013, 6:44:54 PM
Actually Low life is for when you are about to die people have adapted builds to make use of always being lowlife however the buff to damage is suppose to help you not die when overwhelmed by increasing your kill speed
new uniques findings had been quite slow for the last patchs...
taking like 1000x more time..
wondering whats happening...
less ppl playin...
"They say, 'Evil prevails when good men fail to act.' What they oughta say is, 'Evil prevails.'" , Lord of War
Or there's just a lot more uniques to dilute the unique pool. The drop system works by first determining that a unique will drop and then picking which one. With more uniques getting one particular one is less likely.

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