[1.3] SuperPals -- 2 Player Discharge Team. 20K+ Discharge, 100K+/s Vaal Righteous Fire Burn

Bumped for new video!
That's really interesting combination. And a rare example of the build(s) that encourage party-play. I like it.

Btw, what happens to discharger in longer Gorge video at 1:10, 2:30, 2:40, 2:55? She kinda becomes "ethereal". Is it some Vaal skill?
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
silumit wrote:
That's really interesting combination. And a rare example of the build(s) that encourage party-play. I like it.

Btw, what happens to discharger in longer Gorge video at 1:10, 2:30, 2:40, 2:55? She kinda becomes "ethereal". Is it some Vaal skill?

Actually its just the visual from the Quartz Flask effect. Most people never even bother using it, but it is amazing for the playstyle in the build. We go into it a bit in the guide, but it helps get to the center of packs quickly. Combined with Armor and Charge recovery on the flask, we can maintain close to 100% up time when moving quickly.
Obtained a 6L Quill Rain and switched to Tri Cursing. Updated some gear, skill trees, and theory.

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