[1.3] SuperPals -- 2 Player Discharge Team. 20K+ Discharge, 100K+/s Vaal Righteous Fire Burn

This is a build I created with a friend. The Theory was that we would be unable to play the characters solo, but combined we would be able to clear very quickly. I will be posting both builds in this thread, but a primary focus will go on the support character as that is the roll I play. Note: this is a constant build in progress. Ideas are always welcome.

This is easily the most fun I have ever had with a build. We first tried to make these characters in BloodLines, but we both died so we decided to continue this in standard. Is this possible in Hardcore? Yes but it is dangerous. We have had way more fun with Standard since then.

Support Character: SirActor
Discharger:Zebra The TRex


Discharger Stats

5 Power Charges, 4 Frenzy Charges, 4 Endurance Charges

Support Stats

-Incredibly fun
-One shots most packs. Burns anything else that may live
-Igna Phoenix kills herself after being hit by the support
-Reasonably cheap to start. Can get expensive later on
-Vaal Righteous Fire
-Perfect to get people into the game. Discharger feels like a god.

-Dangerous. We play very carelessly in standard and have many "Oh Shit" moments. These can mostly be avoided with more careful play.
-Support character does not have many defensive capabilities
-Cannot Run No Regen, Blood Magic or Ele Reflect maps
-Minus Max, Half Regen, Curse Immune, +Cold/Fire Resistances are possible but it can be dangerous or slower

Uniques Used in the Build

Leer Cast:

15% increased damage aura for your discharging partner.

Quill Rain:

Used to quickly generate powercharges and frenzy charges. 6L is an Endgame goal for Dual Cursing on Hit and Tri Cursing by manually cursing Flammability. You do NOT need a 6 Link to make this build work. All you need is a 5 Link. Mine was a white chest that I alched myself.

Romira's Banquet:

Used with Resolute technique to gain powercharges


Used on Discharger to turn all cold damage into fire damage as well as increasing burn damage.

Searing Touch:

Used to increase the damage of the discharge. Not necessary but extremely useful.

Optional: Ashpyxia's Wrath

Attack speed, Cold res, Phys to Cold. Ideally corrupted with Adds additional Arrow. Currently I use a Rare Quiver for more versitile resistances and life. I leveled with Asphyxia's Wrath though.

Optional: Geofri's Crest

Used on the discharger for resistances and +1 gems to Herald of Thunder and Clarity

Optional: Doryani's Invitation

Not necessary, but the fire version is extremely useful on the discharger.

Optional: Windscream

Allows Tri-Cursing. 2 on 6L and one Manual Cast




My Discharging partner uses Spell Echo to self generate endurance charges. This leaves the Frenzy and Power charges to me. Romira's Banquet and Resolute Technique guarantees every arrow will hit and generate a power charge. We use Frenzy as our main attack to generate Frenzy charges along side the Power Charges. No additional charges are needed from the tree on the support character.


Frenzy is linked to Chain, GMP, Curse on Hit, and Elemental Weakness. When enough currency was obtained we bought a 6L Quill Rain. This allows me to use Frenzy to curse mobs with Elemental Weakness and Warlords Mark. After picking up warlords mark, the discharger gained tons of survive-ability from the additional life leech and from the endurance charges he now naturally generated from killing mobs. This allowed more damage or for CoDT + Immortal Call to buffer incoming damage when running into dangerous packs. The life leech also allowed him to drop his low level clarity and run Purity of Lightning and rely completely on the support character's clarity/warlord's mana leech.

We also bought a pair of windscream boots so the support character could manually curse with Flammability on mobs that were harder to one shot. Ideally the amulet would be corrupted with +1 curses, but the support is not brave enough to corrupt his current amulet.

It is amazing how much survive-ability shoots up with all three curses, but we easily cleared 78 maps long before we used even two curses, so it is more icing on the cake than necessary.

Elemental Equilibrium:

Gear is set up to deal only Physical and Cold damage. This lowers the Lighting and Fire Resistance of monsters by 50%. My Discharging partner uses the Pyre ring to convert all of his cold damage to fire to take advantage of this.

Currently I do roughly 23 dps with charges. My attack does 2-4 cold damage. This will be increased with gear as soon as possible. With the current gear listed below, the support character can almost always proc EE, even on curse immune maps. Increasing the added cold on the supports ring by a little (minimum roll of 10 with the 26% increased elemental on the quiver) should allow EE to always proc regardless of mods.


Almost the entirety of the DPS from this build comes from having discharge on this character. Ideally, there is no downtime on discharge for us, we simply wait through the 1 second cast time of the base spell. Charges are always up (assuming your buddy is shooting), so every 1 second we can discharge 4 frenzy charges and 4-5 power charges. On top of that, this character runs a self-cast enduring cry/spell echo link to instantly generate endurance charges. As of writing this post I generate 5 endurance charges when casting near a pack. Normally, a 14 charge discharge is enough to one shot any pack, but many rare monsters and unique bosses require more damage to finish. For this we need burn damage…

To maximize burn damage we’ve opted to run our discharge in a 5 link searing touch with chance to ignite, fire penetration, elemental proliferation, and life leech. This set up gives us quite a bit of ignite chance when combined with our skill tree, and will basically ignite the whole screen with proliferation. We still need more damage though for those bosses. The pyre ring helps us convert 100% of the cold damage from discharging frenzy charges into fire damage and further increases our burn damage multiplier. Pyre does have the drawback of destroying ignited enemies that are killed, but we have to remember, a proliferated burn is only necessary to kill mobs that haven’t died to discharge already, and there is no down time before we can cast discharge again and attempt to re-ignite more mobs.

Further damage multipliers…
Our discharge set up runs 5 power charges, resulting in 28% critical strike chance for discharge at max power charges. Coupled with 10% chance to shock from our tree and our elemental proliferation gem, we find ourselves very often proliferating shock to the entire screen, further increasing the burn damage taken by all affected mobs, along with increased damage from subsequent discharges. Our support partner also curses elemental weakness on hit and applies elemental equilibrium to cold damage on hit. These both increase our fire and lightning damage multiplicatively as they are flat resistance reduction modifiers on mobs.

Sometimes however, all of this is still not enough to one-shot certain monsters (extra life ele res golems, ele res bosses etc…) so we need one last source of extra power. This comes in the form of vaal righteous fire. Vaal righteous fire removes all of your energy shield and all but 1 life and deals that amount as fire damage in an aoe around you. We currently run this in a 5 link with life leech, fire penetration, concentrated effect, and increased area of effect (For Bosses we use Chance to Ignite instead of Increased AOE). This spell seems horribly dangerous to use at first glance, but in conjunction with the vaal pact keystone from our tree, it is very rare that the amount of life instantly leeched back is less than even our maximum life, resulting in no visible loss of life. The damage of this spell is increased against monsters with our support’s elemental equilibrium and elemental weakness and flammability with dual cursing, along with a vaal discipline gem granting us thousands of additional energy shield to remove as base fire damage. Many map bosses are clean one-shot by this spell. The rest burn to death seconds later.

Gameplay and Survivability
An extremely high DPS character that has to run directly into the middle of packs has to be dangerous, right? Well, yes. The build is dangerous and we need ways to survive the style of LEEROOOY JEEEEEENKINSSSS gameplay that requires us to surround ourselves with as many monster as possible for maximum damage. Our aura set up is a low level clarity for ourselves, purity of fire, and herald of thunder linked to life leech. Herald is mainly used as passive life regeneration since we cannot acquire real regeneration due to vaal pact, it also cleans up any monsters that aren’t ignited after discharge. Our partner uses determination to increase our armor, leer cast to increase our damage output, and a high level clarity to supply us with mana. The reason I still run a clarity for myself is just in case I run out of range of his auras, I can cast discharge and leech life at least 2-3 times before returning to the support aura range.
UPDATE: Since obtaining a 6L Quill Rain and the support switching to Tri-Cursing, I have dropped Clarity to run Purity of Lightning. The mana from Warlords mark easily sustains the build. Why not Herald of Ice? Two reasons, first is I am low on dex and the build currently does enough to one shot most mobs which actually lowers dps at occasions by not proliferating burns.

This character also heavily relies on 100% flask uptime of

Yes, I use a quartz flask. These flasks together provide us enough mobility and tankiness to get into the mix of any pack and start instantly clearing. With the amount of aoe damage the build provides, it is extremely difficult to run out of these flask charges and also extremely difficult for anything to prevent you from dealing maximum damage. For reflect packs, vaal righteous fire one shots everything and can’t be reflected. For reflect maps, swapping out the granite flask for a

is necessary, once again approaching 100% flask uptime for the duration of the area. I choose to keep quartz over the granite here because being able to leech off of more monsters at once is a stronger tank stat for you than the additional armor from the granite flask. It is important to note that in most cases it is safer to run further into a dangerous pack to hit as many mobs as possible, than to try and slowly clear from the edge. Instant life leech is the strongest tank stat available to you, so make full use of it when possible.

With that all covered I must say, this is absolutely the most fun I have ever had playing this game. After grinding characters in hardcore leagues to 90+, this build has felt more powerful than any of them since around level 70.


WARNING THESE MAY NOT BE CORRECT. Let me know if I messed up somewhere

Frenzy with GMP and Chain costs 34.65 mana per attack. Currently I have an attack speed of 3.63 Attacks Per Second with Three frenzy charges and 6% attack speed on my gloves. Ths gives me a mana cost of 128 mana per second.Running two 60% auras, clarity and a 40% gives the following scenario: I can run this with no Mana Degen assuming at least 1120 mana, 100% increased mana regen from the tree and a lvl 20 clarity. This means you can drop 55% mana regen off the tree. You need the 55% mana regen if you want more attack speed.

In order to run clarity, discipline, determination and one 40% aura off mana you need at least 1120 mana.

According to my calculations, if you wanted max attack speed you would need max attack speed rolls on gloves, one ring, and quiver. In addition you would have to corrupt both your necklace and boots for +1 Frenzy charge. This would give 4.83 Attacks Per Second. At this speed you would need 1400 mana just to regenerate mana fast enough to not degen (this is the mana regeneration rate I am talking about not the mana regeration amount).

I will add more math if applicable later


Current gear. Just obtained a 6L Quill Rain for Tri Cursing Ability. Not necessary at all for the built to complete 78 maps.

Old Gear- Moderately Cheap ~3 Ex Max


The number next to gems shows gem level

Quill Rain
4 Link = Frenzy(1) > GMP > Curse on hit > Elemental Weakness or Warlords Mark.
5 Link = Frenzy(1) > GMP > Chain > Curse on Hit > Elemental Weakness or Warlords Mark.
6 Link = Frenzy(1) > GMP > Chain > Curse on Hit > Elemental Weakness > Warlords Mark.

Discipline, Clarity, Determination, Purity of Elements, Reduced Mana

Blink Arrow(1) > Faster Attacks > Faster Projectiles > Flammability

Vaal Discipline > Vaal Discipline > Increased Duration > Empower (Mostly for leveling)

Cast on Damage Taken (8) > Enduring Cry (10) > Immortal Call (8), Decoy Totem (11)

Discharging Partner


4 link: Discharge > Prolif > Life Leech > Fire Penetration
5 link: Discharge > Prolif > Life Leech > Fire Penetration > Chance to Ignite
6 link: Discharge > Prolif > Life Leech > Fire Penetration > Chance to Ignite > Increased AOE

4 Link: Vaal Righteous Fire > Life Leech > Fire Penetration > Conc Effect
5 Link: Vaal Righteous Fire > Life Leech > Fire Penetration > Conc Effect > Increased AOE
6 Link: Vaal Righteous Fire > Life Leech > Fire Penetration > Conc Effect > Increased AOE (Swap out for Chance to Ignite for Bosses) > Vaal Righteous Fire #2

4 Link: (Geofri's Crest): Reduced Mana > Herald of Thunder > Life Leech > Clarity
4 Link: Reduced Mana > Enduring Cry > Spell Echo > Increased AOE

4 Link: Reduced Mana > Purity of Fire > Immortal Call > Cast on Damage Taken


Last edited by siractor on Mar 4, 2015, 1:13:04 AM
Updated with Stats and general information. Videos coming next
Skill trees for the support char ain't working.
Thanks for the heads up. I updated both skill trees.
The discharger could use Daresso's Defiance :)
After all your partner provide frenzy and power charges.
minion stats: http://goo.gl/gQxs0w
Modifiers: http://goo.gl/jGIr8b
Zombie dps calculator: http://goo.gl/XIStJV
Really nice idea, I might try it later if my friends want to play with me :D
Congrats for the build, this kind of stuff deserves some spotlight
This is awesome and very creative. Spotlight is needed here!
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, it is that we are powerful beyond measure.
Added more detailed Discharger theory and flasks

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