why race events have fixed start time?
" We are just going in circles, someone else can take over. Without competition racing is extremely boring. I switched my class for all non vanilla races because of this. I think you just need to put in some more time to learn but apparently the schedule is too unfair for you to attend events lol. |
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Why? :) Im happy. Why wont you address any of my points? BTW you know condescention is not attractive terrex[/quote]
We are just going in circles, someone else can take over. Without competition racing is extremely boring. I switched my class for all non vanilla races because of this. I think you just need to put in some more time to learn but apparently the schedule is too unfair for you to attend events lol.[/quote] I attend plenty of events if you bothered to look at how im doing in the ladder terrex. Im voicing my own opinion on the matter which affects myself and many others that i know. Its really telling to me how you can be such a jerk because you disagree with someone's opinion. apparently anyone elses opinion which differs from yours is junk and has no relevance. I understand that you are worried about cheating though if implimented properly something could be done about the dead times between races without creating an influx of cheaters. If you think of it this way that means more fun for you too. More competition should make things not so boring right? You seem to think im fully agreeing with dixxi but im not, the times should be fixed though there should be so many events that nearly everyone can catch a good amount of events (capped at 120 events of 180/240 or so that you are able to enter )instead of the "maybe one per day or even week" that it is now to some people whom the schedule is too sparce for. Yes people could create multiple accounts once they had maxxed out the amount of events they had done on one and yes they theoretically could get more prizes and have another chance at their rng (in a completely seperate event) BUT if they do their max 120 events and want to do more on another account that's also more the effort. perhaps that's the persons reward for being so imba, right? Seriously though have you ever seen a single person using multiple accounts to try for top spots on the ladder? Seems like it would be more of a hinderance than a viable method of winning to get all those points on 2 accounts and compete on the ladder twice, that person probably isn't going to win overall in my opinion but i guess i don't know that.I think it would be impossible to do that many events twice without sleep, to get a top spot for alt art demis twice. i dont really see what is the issue with what im suggesting. There are no muligans coming from it like you said since you cant just play the same race twice if its still at a fixed time. Players would get more practise in a real racing enviroment and the ability to actually catch plenty of races i dont see how this impacts the game negatively, sorry. Make Things For Smile! Last edited by AdzPoE#5624 on Feb 25, 2015, 8:49:02 PM
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Riiiight... I'm with terrex on this one.
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"so you like there to be less events available to the community? how curious. With you being a top racer id have thought you'd like more events. Can anyone give me an honest and cogent answer to what's wrong with the idea of having more available races? FYI there are 4 races a working person is able to attend THIS WEEK (one a day on 4 days) in my time zone. Not very many is it? Make Things For Smile! Last edited by AdzPoE#5624 on Feb 25, 2015, 10:03:01 PM
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" All hail lord throzz |
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I aint gonna read this wall of crap without any paragraphs. And why your profile is private? Hiding your scrubcore adventures?
"I got 583 points at season nine able to play 4 hours a day so get gud bro. alt art shop view-thread/1195695 t.me/jstqw for contact Last edited by jstq#1440 on Feb 26, 2015, 1:42:41 AM
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" haha elitest and abrasive much? You sound like ever other guy with too much ego in this game. I didnt ask you to read my wall. As far as i know most of the PoE player base is on "scrubcore" so what exactly are you saying? I guess I should feel flattered that you wanted to see my profile however this isnt facebook and i dont treat it as such. My achievements are for my own sense of accomplishment, not to show off my epeen like yours apparently. Also, come on... lack of an indentation makes you incapable of reading words? Be honest you scan read the thread and have not read any of the points i've made (which would benefit you too btw). Weird that you are all against more events since It means more demis for you guys if you win more events per season. Stubborn, selfish and stupid are the words i associate with you guys. I bid you all a good day. Make Things For Smile! Last edited by AdzPoE#5624 on Feb 26, 2015, 2:45:31 AM
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I also work full-time on a fixed schedule so i can only attend a few races a week.
Having a 'free' or 'timeframed' schedule for racing might seem like a good idea on paper but, in practice, its worse. In order for you to understand why, you need to know why exactly do you want that type of schedule. 1) Do you just want to attend more races in general? 2) Do you think with only a few races, you have less chances at a demi/record because you can only do some of them and there's always a goddamn top racer stealing your demis from your hands... 3) Do you want more race rewards? If 1), people have suggested GGG to "open up" EL/Descent/DescentChamps so people can just create characters there and run it anytime they want. This has the drawback of people at the start would do a ton of these, get fed up with them and never do them again. It would stop being "special" in some way. This is the reason GGG rotates "special" races in seasons. If you like to race vanilla races, nothing stops you from creating a character on Hardcore and race to your heart's content. I personally support GGG stance on this one. For vanilla races with mods like the signature race this season, people have also suggested a way to practice sigs, having a way to create characters on a "practice sig" league without that league actually counting for anything (no pts, no rewards). I'm torn on this one, not sure if it would be good or bad. If 2), your suggestion would make things even worse. You arrive home from work at 7pm, you have 1h30m to do a 1h race before you have to breastfeed your kid. You do your magic, hit lvl 26 and call it a day feeling pretty good about yourself. Meanwhile, 20% of the racing community spends the first 1h rushing brutus and rerolling if they don't have ms, +1 and 2nd qs. Then, they just pick their best Brutus kill and go from there. Or they can mule their best gear from one char to the next... Or just do the race 3 times and pick the best, while you only had one shot at it... Hopefully, you get the point by now. A lot of people have more free time than you. Increasing the number of races possible per day, will proportionally decrease your chances at doing well compared to them because they will always have x% ammount of tries more than you do. I'm ignoring skill level here. This is why people are saying it would essentially kill sig races and its true. For example: someone could just kill hillock over and over until they got wonderlust and go from there. If you work full time and can only attend half the sigs, you have 50% less chances than someone who does all of them (ignoring other factors like skill level). Increasing the number of sigs, or increasing the proportion of them per week, makes it even worse. Decreasing the number of sigs, makes RNG in them matter a lot more so its a very hard number to balance. For 3), this has more to do with points/prize structure than the schedule itself. We are open to suggestions. There are other drawbacks of having free/timeframed races. For example, it might not seem important to you, but racing against someone real time is a completely different experience than you just doing your thing on your own. If you see someone entering a zone or getting a lvl before you, it pushes you to go harder. Hopefully i get my point across that free/timeframed races are a bad solution to whatever problem you are facing. You either want a different point/prize structure or you want GGG to open EL/D/DC just for fun. If you want more demis, i'm afraid you will have to work for it and increasing races will only make it worse for you. Last edited by tagpt#6445 on Feb 26, 2015, 5:16:59 AM
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tag with the logic and paragraphs
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![]() http://www.twitch.tv/comewithus
Posted by Chris on February 4, 2014 1:51 AM "When we mass-ban people for running these tools, don't say you weren't warned :P" |