Remove xp penalty's from death

Playing this game for a long time and i'm still waiting for desync death.Maybe i'm just lucky.
From July 2014 i had 14 deaths total,none of them from desync.
Last edited by And1111#6139 on Feb 21, 2015, 7:00:13 PM
goetzjam wrote:
Xaxarius wrote:
Just read this whole thread. I'm with the op and Vlad and those guys.
I would say 99% of all my deaths have been due to desync and latency.
I got a new gaming laptop in October and it made a huge difference in me.not dying. Fps much better now.
I could live with the xp loss if it was my sucks so bad to lose hours and currency due to shit that's outta my control. Don't tell me to play around it, I can't tell that its happening a lot of times until it's too late.
I like the idea of just losing the xp from the current zone.
This game lets u play for days on end with no issues, you think your build is solid then you get bad ping or desync and you die. You get teased into thinking your build is OK.
I've got a level 94,91, several mid high 80s. I've given GGG hundreds of dollars and yeah this desync thing pisses me off. I still love the game just add my voice to those asking for a revamp to the xp loss thing in light of the desync issue

Yeah ima call bullshit on reading the whole thread.

Also going to call bullshit on 99% of your deaths being unavoidable desync deaths.

Thanks, but try again. Stop being a baby.

did read the whole thread
sure maybe 99% isn't correct. I don't keep a log. Certainly <<feels>> like 99%, it's definitely up there.

no, you need to stop being a baby

Did I do that right? Is this how internet arguments work?

edit: just wanted to add that I agree that many of my deaths were maybe not true definition of desync, prolly a lot of them were ping/DC related. Either way, it's something that is out of my control (moving to a part of the world with a better connection isn't an option for many people).
Last edited by Xaxarius#5810 on Feb 21, 2015, 7:07:07 PM
Xaxarius wrote:
(moving to a part of the world with a better connection isn't an option for many people).

Reducing the penalty because you have a shitty connection isn't an option for the game either.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
goetzjam wrote:
Xaxarius wrote:
Just read this whole thread. I'm with the op and Vlad and those guys.
I would say 99% of all my deaths have been due to desync and latency.
I got a new gaming laptop in October and it made a huge difference in me.not dying. Fps much better now.
I could live with the xp loss if it was my sucks so bad to lose hours and currency due to shit that's outta my control. Don't tell me to play around it, I can't tell that its happening a lot of times until it's too late.
I like the idea of just losing the xp from the current zone.
This game lets u play for days on end with no issues, you think your build is solid then you get bad ping or desync and you die. You get teased into thinking your build is OK.
I've got a level 94,91, several mid high 80s. I've given GGG hundreds of dollars and yeah this desync thing pisses me off. I still love the game just add my voice to those asking for a revamp to the xp loss thing in light of the desync issue

Yeah ima call bullshit on reading the whole thread.

Also going to call bullshit on 99% of your deaths being unavoidable desync deaths.

Thanks, but try again. Stop being a baby.

Always glad to see you keeping the level of discourse classy around here.
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
And1111 wrote:
Playing this game for a long time and i'm still waiting for desync death.Maybe i'm just lucky.
From July 2014 i had 14 deaths total,none of them from desync.
I've had quite a few which had both of these elements simultaneously:
1. I was attempting something stupidly risky. Something where I know I have a decent chance of dying even with flawless client performance.
2. There are desync or FPS issues which occur just before death.

Classic example: running a Dungeon map (pre 1.2) in HC, I know I don't really have enough defences for boss plus low dps, go into boss room, try kiting his harpoon in the narrow desync-causing hallway, after several minutes of this boss desync-teleports on top of me with most my health gone, decide to run into wider room instead of the way I came, boss jabs me as I run past him to go to 1% max life, desync back to jab location after 0.5 second (stun), 1 second later I've finished getting away from boss, take arrow to the knee from random Skelton archer and die.

Using flasks did not cross my mind at all. Too focused on running away (poorly). Had just under 2 seconds, I reckon.

Several like this (although a white monster coup de grace made this one very memorable).

So when you complain about desync deaths, I understand desync teleports and I've seen them play a role in deaths but... come on. You were probably doing something reckless and/or stupid in the first place. I could blame desync for that death, but it'd be the bitch move on my part.

"Unavoidable" desync deaths my ass.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Feb 21, 2015, 8:16:31 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
My faith in GGG still has been shaken. Deeply.

But when we started talking about level 100 players, and I started connecting actual players to that level of achievement... Well, I still have faith in those folks, and what they've accomplished.

Just because I think GGG has turned its back on designing for skill, doesn't mean I should. That was clearly my struggle as I entered this thread, and I'm glad I've sorted it out with myself.

Thanks Goetz.

Btw I still feel there should be some kind of item portion to the death penalty. :3 Enough XP to ensure skillwall for 100, enough item to prevent zerg MFing.

10% might still be more XP than skillwall needs. Idk. But definitely at least 5% XP, any less just wouldn't serve the purpose. Removing XP penalty completely is utterly out of the question.

Hey, I'm catching up on what I missed, and the thread seemed to derail again. Vlad and my opinion is NOT to take away a death penalty. it is ONLY TO LOWER THE XP PENALTY AT HIGHER LEVELS. Going to continue reading the next 2 pages now.
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goetzjam wrote:
Your facts are simply incorrect when it comes down to going from 99>100.

I've posted this video already in this thread and it goes to prove that people just respond without reading the whole thread.

He explains you only get ~1 million more XP an hour running 78s vs low level maps. Put it in perspective if you play for 9 hours a day chaining low level maps you could instead play for 1 less hour a day if you roll packsize, beyond, ect 78s. So from a cost perspective and a risk perspective there is no reason to do high level\dangerous maps from 99>100.

So lets talk about the rest of the levels, now the discussion is no longer about reaching level 100, but rather level 99.

I think we can probably agree that the penalty doesn't hurt that much until 90+, yes at 85 you lose more then an hours worth of XP typically, but you were probably doing a map your build\character\ect weren't ready for.

Second lets talk about mods, this discussion should be about map mods\difficult of maps. If a player chooses to do super hard maps, they are the ones taking the high risk for the relatively low XP gain. People can sustain map pools without rolling super high quantity maps. So the reason to roll difficult mods are A) challenge and B) loot. You could however, if your goal is to progress to level 99 simply roll option c) packsize\ez mods.

People want everything from maps, loot, return, xp, ect. Problem is you need to take a risk if you want it all. Basically current system rewards those (if you don't die) with all of it. As soon as you die you lose a percentage of XP, which is why the current system is balanced.

Also want to mentioned, if I hadn't before that reaching level 99 in PoE is no way required for any content in the game, that has a huge implication on the fact that the player chooses to either a) accept they won't level a character or b) invest serious time, currency, planning, ect into doing it. Even reducing the XP loss by 1% isn't necessary, level 99 (or 100) is completely and utterly optional to play the game. This isn't WoW or any other game where you need a max level character.

You obviously are from a different part of this game. If the only information about leveling you know is from what you see on someones youtube videos thats just sad.
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Lokailith - Level 100 Max Block Static Strike Marauder. Ranked #87 In World
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ITT: People who apparently don't experience desync trying to tell people who do that it's not a problem.

Fail / 10.
gilrad wrote:
WRT "not dying to get to 100":

Sure it is about builds and play style. But like Atziri the "100-viable" build list is very narrow (narrower even), and the playstyle is boring as fuck. Stray away from this narrow band of builds by just a little, and you have "90-viable" builds, builds that seem really solid and strong and don't die, except from random completely unavoidable crap (and believe me, there are plenty of unavoidable, random deaths where the only way to avoid them is to play a different build). The problem is these 90-viable builds really are tough and tanky and give the impression of being able to handle just about any kind of content, so when players die to random crap, it's a really big feel-bad moment and completely disingenuous for others to say "play a better build" when there really isn't a whole lot of room to make the build better.

+1 ewelcome aboard
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Lokailith - Level 100 Max Block Static Strike Marauder. Ranked #87 In World
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AlbinosaurusRex wrote:
ITT: People who apparently don't experience desync trying to tell people who do that it's not a problem.

Fail / 10.

Doesn't matter if you die because of desync or not. Deaths, regardless of cases can be avoided with proper character building and planning. Saying he has 99% of his deaths from desync is bullshit, perhaps he should invest in another internet connection instead of giving GGG money if he has so many issues.

Honestly this thread is beyond the scope of its original creation, first it was remove XP because of desync, then it was about getting level 100, not its seem like its remove it all together because desync again. People can't make up their minds on why they want the penalty removed.

+1 Doesn't really add anything to a conversation, the penalty is fine, don't like it don't die.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.

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