[1.3] Oro's Sacrifice Flicker Fun
Hi, this is description of my build around unique item Oro's Sacrifice
I have checked many builds that people posted, many people told me that this idea sucks, weapon is bad etc. I didnt believe, made research on this, and have found beautifull and virgin idea. Had to check this. i didnt make mistake. it was WORTH and is MOST FUN build i had ever played in this game:D I have started it as Marauder - El_Volcan but i think Templar tree is way better and thats why i posted it here.
WTF is this
1. Idea is really simple - to have unlimited flicker fun we need frenzy charges, those we get generated by Oro when inflict ignite on enemy -> goal is to get high ignition chance. First problem solved. 2. Oro dont have physical damage - it dont scale with Physical damage modifiers. Passive tree and items need to focus on Elemental and fire damage as it will be our main source of damage. 3. Oro have a drawback of 10% increased physical and fire damage taken. We need capped fire resist and mitigate physical damage. Physical damage isnt really big issue, imo. I have focused on getting armour and evasion. Yeah, i know, that builds like this are not popular, but it works really well. Got around 55% of physical reduction and 55% of evade chance during flasks effects. Also CWDT-EC-IC-Inc.duration combo solves most of problems with big hits. 4. Culling strike on burning enemies - nice bonus letting finish bosses/rares/exiles faster. How this works? 1. Jump on enemies counting that you will get frenzy charge due to ignite 2. Flicker till you finish all mobs
main skill
WUT? it will take forever till we kill all mobs
Here comes with help my idea - a little friend, one gem that solves our AoE needs wow no melee splash? Yes - we have high ignite chance, why dont use it? melee splash has lower AoE than Proliferation. also makes our initial hit smaller thus all following burns would be small. So what gems we will use? Another core - Multistrike - Its just a Must - one frenzy - 3 hits, 3 chances to get ignites and more frenzy charges. 4th gem of my choice is Blood magic - this solves my mana issues beacause as u will see auras reserves all of it. As 5th gem im suggesting Weapon Ele Dmg - it adds a lot, strongest and obvious choice 6th gem is still in testing realm as i just 6-linked my item day before creating this guide (around 300 jeweller and 320 fusings. no 5L during this) gems to test:
Build and Passive Tree explanation
Finished Build KeyStone - Resolute Technique - no need to care about accuracy, dont see place for crit in my version - reasoning: - crits generate risk on killing at reflect packs, i can hit them only using Fire Res flask and sometimes popping Evasion and Life flasks -100% hit chance gives a way better result in inflicting ignites than counting for base 5% of crit and having to consider about 85% accuracy Vaal Pact - NO! - i like life regen - dont think its really needed, as mentioned above - do reflect maps/mobs with caution Unwavering Stance - NO! Wut?? - we have 10% increased phys dmg taken from oro, much better is to evade attacks, - even if we get stunned by physical damage Immortal Call comes with help to prevent chain stuns Celestial Punishment - 25% increased dmg against enemy with inflicted burn/freeze/shock - self explanatory Whispers of Doom - for dual cursing if you cant get Doedre Damning/Windscream/Corrupted item 30 dex nodes - needed for running auras. Duelist starting area nodes - maybe not most optimal, but i like this 12%IAS,18%HP,1%HPreg,24%ARandEV and additional Ignore Movement Penalty from armor and on top of that needed 20 dex. Finally - most important - chance to ignite - 25% from tree, 20% from Oro, another 10% from doryains invitation belt - 55% chance to ignite on hit, (currently playing with only 40%, sometimes stuck within mobs, waiting for flicker to go off cooldown, soe of those are also due to desyncs - couldnt perform flicker beacuase i click nowhere near the mobs are) Bandits: OAK - HP (optional passive point) Kraityn - IAS Kraityn - Frenzy charge (optional - passive or endurance charge) Current build - im playing Marauder, planning to reroll
suggested build progression
start with whatever you want till flameblast available then its really best skill to level with, support it with faster casting, concentrated effect, some added dmg or whatever you like suggested tree at level 40 (+ around 8 passives from rewards) level 55 (+ 12 passives from rewards) around level 67 - Oro's Sacrifice (+18 passive points, and after respeccing spell damage for melee damage at templar start and removing cast speed/aoe
gem choices
Flicker + BM + Ele prolif + MS + WED + 6th optional After testing added here Increased burning damage - boost tremendeously aoe damage and clear speed, also quality adds Chance to ignite! CWDT combo - high level CWDT + IC + Molten Shell + IncDuration gives us huge armour for a good period of time, prevents chains stuns, life saver Enduring cry generator + curses CWDT lvl1 - EndCry lvl5 - 2 curses lvl 5(with req lvl 31 or below) im using here flammability - for obvious ignite chance and extra damage and Warlords Mark for LifeLeech and extra Endurance Charges other strong choices - Temporal chains/Enfeeble/EleWeakness Auras - as basic auras i run Anger and Grace swapping for Haste for fast clearing easy maps In addition herald of ice - damage and extra chance to freeze/chill enemies, better surviving (some enemies shatter but we ignite so many targets that it isnt an issue) Alphas Howl enabled running another herald - of Thunder, can be used for extra cursing if above is not enough - extra shocks wchich also proliferates boost our damage both from flicker on single targets and AoE burn Movement/life saver when we are out of charges and it happens FS is on cd: Leap Slam + BM (optional Faster attacks) EDIT: now added chance to ignite, this way leap slam has huge chance to generate one or few charges, depending where we jump, awesome to initate or run away Still working on chest, have to upgrade this item, and find best gems to fit in, i think it will be high level curse with BM and another combo for defensive pruposes (CWDT-EC or Vengeance with blind/stun/added cold for freeze) another strong choice is vaal skill, i plan to test vaal flameblast/moltenshell/haste/grace
quality and leveling
Flicker Strike - level 1 is enough - higher levels increase dramatically our life cost wih profit of increased AS per frenzy charge, physical damage dont benefit us, im leveling it to get 20q gem then willkeep it lvl1. Quality gives more attack speed per frenzy charge Elemental proliferation - highest quality you can get - increase burn duration Multistrike - benefit from IAS/level, quality not needed Blood Magic - quality increases attack speed at low life, i believe it saved my life not a one time WED - quality for more EleDmg, very good Heralds - quality boosts their damage, Ice and Thunder are not our primary source of DMG so its not mandatory (strong if you can afford those) Herald of Ash for only 15% increased fire damage(20q) is not worth, 1 passive point invested in fire damage gives us similiar effect and dont reserves mana and place for another herald. CWDT combo - for cursing - level 1 Cwdt and level 5 curses, even small portion of damage will trigger it, quality suggested on curses For surviving - higher map mobs make huge hits - thats why i prefer leveling cwdt-ic-id to max level, gives much longer time for our IC Quality on IC and Inc.Duration
My items and explanation
Just BestInSlot - good resists, armour, fire dmg, fire leech and most epic 10% chance to ignite during flasks effect - basically before we start flickering just pop a flask - my prefered is fire resist to mitigate any unexpected reflect monsters/movement speed as it last pretty long/jade as gives huge mitigation by evading attacks any hp belt with weapon ele dmg will work nice here
old chest
(OLD:found white 5l, used for flicker gems till i linked oro. now have to change for something better goal: at least 5 link it then think about proper sockets for all gems EDIT: will keep it 4+2 links, those are slots i currently need good choices: - high stat rare - belly of the beast - kaoms heart if you think you dont need more gems - lightning coil for those who like/have this item, you need to run purity though My choice for dual cursing, saves few passives. not best stats though u can go doedre damning and good resist/hp boots as they are easier to find than good ring other good unique boots i would recommend - Gangs momentum - 5-7% chance to ignite and another 15% dmg against ignited enemies
had some luck and found it, allows to run another herald, very solid choice beacuse of Cant Be Frozen, + boosts auras, not mandatory Other choices worth considering: - hrimnors hymn - good chill/freeze avoidance, nice fire dmg boost - devoto's devotion, huge IAS without drawback of phys reduction, huge dex for our gems, bonus MS - good rare my choice for ItemRarity and resistances (love to have around 100% IR total) any rare gloves with high HP and resists will work good, another bonus that rare gloves wont give you is attacks speed and flat fire damage, also you could attain better AR/EV this way high dex amu to sustain needs, stats to search on jewelry - high hp, resists, base fire damage, weapon ele dmg, rarity as bonus To boost our AoE burning damage use Pyre unique ring, also converts cold dmg coming from Herald of ice, giving it fire dmg multipliers - bit higher overall dps (as bonus - also solves problems with pesky necromancers)
for extra rich standard guys - The Taming, self explanaory Pros: -very fun -not extra expensive, main item is few chaos at most, 4 link is enough to make it running -can do most of mods (i dont recommend doing blood magic maps - takes out a lot of dps and mitigation by turning off auras) Cons: -dont think its HC viable -very prone to desyncs -cant level with it as main item is level 67
my pc isnt super - turned graphic settings to mminimum during recording, still have some lags also many desyncs, still terrible quality i prefer straight maps, with no huge backtracking, easy to flicker multiple packs promenade http://youtu.be/_hjcCLRvL88 Underground river http://youtu.be/Eweh0vYqA9I note the moment of flickering at tora's quest in monsters pit - best view how it works;) (around 8:40) recorded with OBS, if anyone has simplier to use program please tell me so i can add better videos Hope you will like it and if it happens you will try your own - Enjoy as i did:) Better dont quote me - often editing right after posting:) Last edited by Evil_Kon#4115 on Feb 16, 2015, 8:57:48 AM
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Hey man I've been running an Oro's sword flickerstrike build for the last few weeks too. I actually posted a build about it on here just a few days ago. Whats your passive tree like? I'm curious how it might differ from mine which you can see here
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1182463 |
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yeah, i have checked yours, when did you respond i was in time of writing, now i think its closer to final form
have to add some vids Better dont quote me - often editing right after posting:)
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Interesting I had some evasion at first but really liked going Koam's gear for the life and general badassery.
Ah yes focusing on the burn proliff. I played around with this earlier in my build but since the build does 3 smaller hits instead of 1 big one with mutistike each burn would just refresh the duration of the old one and never tick for that long as opposed to the instant hit of melee splash applying each time. However with all the burning damage increases you've gotton I could see that being good and its certainly just neat having things wander into recent kills and die from the burn. I'm envious of your 6 link Oro's sacrifice. Poured about 500 fusings into mine waiting for that day Interesting addition of the Pyre ring as an option. I Also tend to prefer the life on jewlery for for survivability but I put it on for a bit of a DPS boost and its super fun having things explode on hit Last edited by WaffleT#6054 on Jan 25, 2015, 3:41:08 AM
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Multistrike is just only option to get this build "frenzy efficient"
i know it lowers a bit burning damage but taking splash in addition to multistrike lower aoe damage even more and has lower radius than burn taking burning passives and some items like pyre multiplies your hit damage by total amount of increased burning dmg so lets say i have minimum hit of 2000 fire damage on monster, lets say monster after curse has 0 fire resist it will take 20% of initial hit (400) damage per second for 4 seconds and after applying those increases (tree 75 and 35 pyre) its 840 dps for 4 seconds, ele proliferation makes it aoe dps and quality improves its duration still my jewellry, gems and passive tree is far from finalization, i think its pretty good and i play effectively other Con of this playstyle is reflect - i just hit one flicker during fire resist flask and w8 till some mobs burn then repeat, sometimes i go yolo - turn fire and jade flask and flicker till monsters dead yes - this means i can make reflect maps with beeing cautious taking mele splash makes you take higher reflect damage as you take it from all monsters you hit not only main target Better dont quote me - often editing right after posting:) Last edited by Evil_Kon#4115 on Jan 25, 2015, 4:53:49 AM
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Mutistrike is feel is just required for flickerstrike builds. I tried once swapping it for Chance to ignite gem to increase that chance to near 100% and changed both melee splash and multistrike into chance to ignite and ele proliff for big burns but the drop in attack speed felt very sluggish and dangerous as you get hit more.
I hadn't really considered that ele proliff is safer against reflect as my character has so much health I don't notice reflect that much but yeah thats totally a reason why proliff is good. I kinda feel like both have their pros and cons. I didn't run Pyre ring when I used proliff though as part of the reason why I like it is that even when its slower in upfront damage then splash it will kill things as I zoom through and leave corpses that will proliff |
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im pretty sure that if you would calculate splash is faster at killing packs that have mobs close to each other
but damn i have tested it few so many times that i like proliferation too much - it burn thrash mobs so fast and then you can focus on rares/exiles, and if you flicker too far you have to walk back a bit to pick up loot not finish unkilled monsters. sometimes when beyond mobs spaw i did not even recognize them unless they are daed and i see that they joined fight by those bloody tentacles Better dont quote me - often editing right after posting:) Last edited by Evil_Kon#4115 on Jan 26, 2015, 2:23:06 PM
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Why take templar start? Those 3 melee physical nodes don't seem that efficient. Start with Marauder seems better - take the life and armour nodes is more useful.
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reasoning is simple
- those 3 mele nodes buff all the damage, also from heralds and anger, they give better result than +12% fire nodes, + 2 even better ele dmg node right at templar start - i went hybrid armour and evasion and have, i feel, enough of physical reduction, anyway my tree connects to it and its really personal choice to take them or not, EDIT: actually you can remove 5 nodes - 10 strength and 4xlife/reduced cost of skills and take those marauder starting nodes, seems it gives better benefits - 3%less hp but additional flat 16 and armour instead of reduced cost of skills Iam also thinking if it wouldnt be good to consider buff nodes - Inner Force - have to calculate if its good to invest into this update gear section - have obtained belly of the beast and now im templar level 70 Better dont quote me - often editing right after posting:) Last edited by Evil_Kon#4115 on Jan 27, 2015, 9:54:25 AM
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updated gear and sockets
Better dont quote me - often editing right after posting:)
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