Guild Recruitment Channel: Global Chat #100


Looking for a chill guild to finish this league and go into the next.Played POE on and off for years. IGN Dumah_Iscariot
hey im looking for guild

Looking for guild,preferably czech or slovak.

just doin my second league and try to progress into the blight. Lookin for a chilled, helpful, friendly, european, english speaking, softcore guild
i am a newer player looking for a helpful and friendly guild have been trying in global chat but no luck so figured id try on here i do have discord

Last edited by kevins87 on Sep 3, 2019, 10:13:27 AM
There's literally no guild recruitment happening on this channel
Hallo, looking for Guild - US or German
Looking for a guild, love the game but its a bit more fun when there is a group to chat with at times.
i'd get in ^^
Last edited by katsu_subaru on Sep 17, 2019, 12:30:19 PM
LF> Asian guild since I'm using SG gateway and living in the Philippines.
Current Character in Blight: BLcai
Account name: sparda24
Im active every weekdays from 7PM - 11PM (+8 GMT) and morning to night during weekends. Thank you.

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