Beta Invite Email

i wish to have the key.
this is the game i was looking for since 2000 after d2...
Heres to hoping i get in, i'm promoting madly for you guys!!! from WORLD OF TANKS, to POE !!!! LETS RUMBLE!
I love this game!
Just saw TotalBiscuit's video of the game. Looks amazing, will definitely start playing it when I can. Not holding much hope for a beta key though. :P
I LOVE this game!

need a key :D
Will be playing this when released, also like many others hoping for a key
I hope i can play it soon. As some friends do already
all i can say is. i think u are gonna loose many players to diablo 3... gause u dont just make an open beta instead of that fucking system... if ppl have played it before diablo will come thay might stay but if not i think this is going to fail. just make a open beta all rdy. i mean hope u succed and hope to get a beta key before diablo 3 comes other wise u wont get me to play this. just an adwise...
Oh Henzy, don't be that way! There will be a lot of people who play this and a lot of people who play Diablo 3. I think it is nice that we have options! The consumer wins here!
The open beta can begin once the game is more or less fleshed out and bugfinding is more important.
Current system is slowly but steady increasing playerbase yet keeping it manageable.

About Diablo3 ...

A SP game at origins that's going to ask for monthly sub... ARE YOU KIDDIN' ME! The 1st reason why diablo 3 is of no competition to PoE is because of the price difference. From personal experience with Guild Wars(B2P), games that ask no monthly sub can sustain a, commonly, more loyal playerbase. After 3 months of EVE i quit and never looked back.

Henzy, dude (dudette) if you plan on leaving a free game just to waste time and money on monthly-sub SP game - go ahead, wont miss you.

Note. Our opinions may differ.

looking forward to playing PoE anytime in the future.

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