Beta Invite Email

IvolveR wrote:
raphadont wrote:
Would be nice to see them not use the ticker to give invites to inactive people from like December 2010 - July 2011. As well be nice to not have to see an already beta member get on the invite ticker just my opinion

Seriously? The system doesn't have any kind of exclusion for those who already have the beta key?

What for?Chances to get a betakey is like 1 in a million,chances to get it twice will be 1 in a zillion,why bother..

Because every member, that is in beta and get another key, takes that key from another member.. And it only get worse as time goes..

I think this has to be fixed.. If it is done because of a limit, then just set the countdown to something higher..
PoE beta key statistic at
registered since early sept., and still no luck... oh boy this is gonna take a while
Hoping to get in so I can play with my bros who already have it.
если обладатель запасного ключа заглянет на этот форум, просьба проявить инициативу и выслать ключ, думаю что среди нас еще остались те кто не думаю о том как бы наживаться на людях
O how i wish to get a beta key, diablo is so boring...
Ya I have to agree, D3 is lacking in a lot of areas unfortunately. I have a feeling that PoE is going to surpass it in a lot of areas. Hoping I can test it out and review it on my site and get more people interested in switching over.
Froznic wrote:
Ya I have to agree, D3 is lacking in a lot of areas unfortunately. I have a feeling that PoE is going to surpass it in a lot of areas. Hoping I can test it out and review it on my site and get more people interested in switching over.

I agree with you about all the d3 lack of polishment, but each one has such a different atmosphere/game experience(even both being hack'n slash/action rpg) that I dont see how one could possibly overcome the other.
Has anyone played with any ranged characters? I love the amazon/bow/sniper characters. Also anything like a necromancer or something that can have one or more hirelings/summons would be awesome. Any links to such gameplay on youtube?

OMG I got a beta invite. Didn't see that one coming. *Happy dance*
omg still no beta key -.- i need it so hard Q.Q

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