Beta Invite Email

I dont expect to win a key, so many people that deserve the key more than me , if i dont get a key, i will just end up playing open beta 24/7.
so horrible when i see that 95 percent of the keys go to totally inactive people or people who just registered and logged out 3mins later and never came back again.. lol :(
Too bad to many beta users simply wants the beta for just the playing purpose and no giving feedback to the devs.
Si vis pacem, para bellum
"If you wish for peace, prepare for war"
I just hope ill be able to try this game before i buy some other games of the same genre that will be release soon. I want to see all aspect of this beta, take a look at all class and help the dev get the job done as soon as possible so we can all enjoy this great piece or work.
Please and thank you. Would love to contribute and get my own kicks. Waiting with baited breath.
I wouldnt mind giving some feedback to dev's too :)
Hope I get a beta key soon.. This game looks so awesome! :)
Can i have a beta key :S
Mast132 wrote:
Can i have a beta key :S

I haven't been waiting for this game as long as many others as I just recently heard of this title, but I don't exactly approve of the way beta-keys are given out. Only one per every half an hour(ish) of time? That's not going to expose the beta to a very good amount of people, plus many followers may get irritated that someone who just now signed up gets a key, and they themselves have been around for months. Seems a tad unfair, if I must say.
Just another player, waiting patiently for his chance at beta.

Also, I am interested in meeting exciting people to play with.

Need a friend? Feel free to message me for convos! YES Homo!

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