Beta Invite Email

Hope to be taken :) good luck all !
Evil Is Back !
Oh god I can't take it anymore. That timer goes by so slow :`(
Dear god, if i get a beta key, i'll stop saying bad words and be a better person. =x
Praying hard to see my name in the timer!
Make a good action by giving me a beta key =)
i would love a beta key!!!
Hum, friend invited me to peek at this game. I'm personally interested in the overall economy...see how your research has borne out. *nods to himself* Whenever I do get in, it oughta be interesting...
Can't wait for open xD Ready for some Hardcore, Cut throat gameplay! Woot! :P
"Your face looks FUNNY! >w<" ~ Rango
beta key please...
been waiting for 2 weeks now...
hm still inviting? plz send key to:
Freedom80 wrote:
beta key please...
been waiting for 2 weeks now...

btw. when beta end?!
I don't get it, how does this work? You post a message here and hopefully you get a key to the beta? or some user has an invite button and sees you and clicks you?
Either way i'd like to be able to play path of exile beta but i'd also like to know that the developers actually take the feedback in consideration cuz i've been part of a beta once and the developers weren't listening at all to what the testers were saying then i quit :) .

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